Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2462: Because I see him pleasing to the eye


The sky seems to have been extinguished, and all the strong people in the mirage feel that the heart and even the soul are turbulent.

The loud noise, the sound of resounding for a long time.

In the eyes of the King Kong patriarch Jin Nu, the evil demon palace evil, Dou Rui, Sheng Tian Li Wei and others, Jin Taiji retreats and steps back, every step back, like a giant is crumbling, leaving in the ring A clear footstep, the buzzing sound is endless.

In the end, Jin Taiji stopped at the edge of the ring, and then the blood was sprayed in the mouth.


Even if Kim Taiji has a sacred cave, even if he has practiced Dapu's palm, even if he has King Kong's immortal sacred body, even if he has the sacred image of the dragon, he can't stop Huang Xiaolong's dragon Yuan Shengshi. !

Just a few disciples of the King Kong family are still indignant, yelling to let Jin Taiji not to show mercy, let Huang Xiaolong roll down the platform, but now it seems to be pinched by an invisible giant hand, the neck is red, can not speak, The disciples of the evil demon palace Dou Rui and the evil demon palace are silent.

Li Wei’s face is even more ugly. Even the golden Taiji who has the sacred cave, he has lost the big Pudu, and the sacred world has lost four or less. Who else can win Huang Xiaolong?

Unless there is a enchanting genius of the top ten sacred sacred.

However, is this possible?

Kim Tae-jung was defeated by Huang Xiaolong, and his expression was a bit stunned. He held a fist on Huang Xiaolong: "The talent of Huang Xiaolong is unparalleled, and he is defeated in the bottom, admitting defeat, killing you, and listening to you!"

Before he went to the ring, he actually thought about this result. Although he was confident in his own strength, he felt that the result was negligible. However, since he lost, he was not a loser.

He knows that if he fights again, it will be the same result, so he will directly admit defeat.

Just in Jin Taiji, the Jingang people mastered that Huang Xiaolong tried to kill Jin Taiji like the challenger before, but Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly: "Why should I kill you, let's go."

"Go?" Kim Tae-jung and everyone were surprised.

Because all the previous challengers, the final end is mortal, Huang Xiaolong actually put Jin Taiji away, which makes everyone can not think of.

Huang Xiaolong said with a smile: "According to the rules of Fujian and Taiwan, the confessor can leave the ring. You have already admitted the loss. However, although you can leave, you have to leave something." Speaking of this, one shot and one shot. Then, I took the same thing in the heart of Jin Taiji’s chest and took it to my hand.

Jin Taiji chest is a kind of care, not a good thing. If Huang Xiaolong guesses it is good, it is the Orthodox King Kong mirror of the King Kong. It can be defended, attackable, and can be removed from the heart. There are many wonderful uses.

Although Huang Xiaolong looked at the face of Master Chuba and spared Kim Tai Chi, but Kim Taiji challenged him, he naturally left something to be a victorious product.

Kim Tae-jung saw that Huang Xiaolong took away the diamond mirror and glanced at it. Then he was grateful to Huang Xiaolong for his fist: "Thank you, Huang Xiaolong, not to kill him, thank you later!" After that, the flying body fell to the ground.

Jin Gang’s patriarch Jin Nu also held a fist on Huang Xiaolong, and he was grateful: “Huang Xiaolong’s Highness is generous, I’m grateful!”

Compared to the life of Kim Taiji, what is a diamond mirror in the district.

Huang Xiaolong holds a fist and returns: "The Golden Rage is very polite."

Everyone saw this result, and the reaction was not. Broken Xuan, Shen Jiewen, Zhan Zhiyuan and other people were the most ugly face. You must know that Fang Xing, Jin Yunfeng and others were on the stage, and Huang Xiaolong’s shot was not merciless. Huang Xiaolong killed. They have more than sixty carefully selected geniuses.

Shen Jiewen couldn't help but feel the injustice and hate in his heart. He said: "Huang Xiaolong, you are unfair! With what Jin Taiji can live and leave the ring, our great holy disciples are killed!"

Huang Xiaolong heard the words and snorted: "Why? Because I see him pleasing to the eye, what? What do I do, but also explain to you?"

Shen Jiewen's face was red and red.

Everyone shook their heads and felt that Shen Jiewen was the master of the control of the beasts of the beast, and this question was somewhat unreasonable.

After all, Huang Xiaolong did not violate the rules of Fujian and Taiwan. How do people do it, do you still have to slap your feet?

In the end, Shen Jiewen did not say anything.

After Jin Taiji, it was calm for another six days. In the past six days, no other ancient tribe has challenged.

"I heard that the other eight holy places of the Holy Land Alliance have arrived yesterday!" Dou Rui said to the evil.

"All are here? Why don't you come to challenge?" asked an elder of the demon palace.

"Of course, I am afraid. If Huang Xiaolong’s enlightenment is more than 30, they still hope to defeat Huang Xiaolong, but now, everyone knows that Huang Xiaolong’s enlightenment has evolved into a two-headed dragon and a buddha. St. Ge, Jiu Mu Sheng and other eight holy places, dare to send disciples to die?" The evil said coldly.

Dou Rui looked at Huang Xiaolong, who was leisurely on the stage, and he was annoyed in his heart. He said: "When I look at the little boy in the ring, I can't help but crush him! Can he let him forget in the ring?"

The evil sighs: "I am going to report the matter to the palace owner. The intention is to let the lord send the innocence to clean up the little yellow dragon, but the palace owner is reluctant to be guilty, afraid that it will be acquitted. It seems that we only Can clean up the little yellow dragon during the blood test!"

When he mentioned that he was not guilty, Dou Rui and others secretly nodded. This innocence was recognized by the high-level evil spirits as the second evil, and the talent was amazing. It was only because the cultivation time was short, so there was no six evils.

"Then let Huang Xiaolong be more proud of some days." Dou Rui stared at Huang Xiaolong on the ring: "When the blood test is done, I entered the ghost city, I have to personally twist the head of Huang Xiaolong!"

The trial of blood stipulates that 100,000 bone-aged disciples can participate, and the six demons of the demon palace meet the conditions for participation.

The evil is nodding. "This blood test is the best time for us to kill Huang Xiaolong. If I miss this opportunity, Huang Xiaolong will continue to grow. We want to kill him again, so it is difficult to enter the ghost city. Never let him live!"

Dou Rui smiled and said: "The extraordinary brothers are relieved, Huang Xiaolong's talent is stronger, and how is it the opponent of several of us, waiting for the blood test, he will die!"

"However, in a few days, the ghosts of the Holy Land and the Holy Family will arrive. Do you know that the Holy Land and the Holy Family will challenge Huang Xiaolong?" A demon palace.

"I heard that the Holy Land and the Holy Family are determined to win this holy sacred spirit. The ghosts of the Holy Land and the Holy Family say that regardless of Huang Xiaolong's talent, they will challenge Huang Xiaolong!" Another demon palace main road.

"Oh, to put it this way, the ghosts and holy people still feel confident to defeat Huang Xiaolong?"

"It should be, but it is hard to say, who knows whether Huang Xiaolong has hidden power."

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