Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2526: Into the Cangjing Shrine

The holy land of the sky is a holy place created by the old people of the sky. The holy land is very large, not smaller than the holy land of God, but the entire holy place is empty. .

The old man of the sky has confiscated his disciple. Xue Lingyun of Qingxue Palace is his righteous woman. Although he has pointed out Xueling rhyme, Xue Lingyun can only be regarded as his famous disciple, and he did not really get his clothes.

The purpose of the opening of the sacred temple is that he is actually looking for a person. One can break into the seventh floor of the sacred temple, and he can inherit his inheritance and inherit his clothes.

After entering the vast sacred land, Chu Ba led Huang Xiaolong and others to the sacred mountain in the central area of ​​the sacred holy land.

The sacred mountain is the place where the old people of Cangwu live, and it is also the place where the sacred temples are opened.

Along the way, all the mountains and green waters, Lingshan spirit beasts.

Although there is no one in the sacred place, there is no city, no ancestral gate, but the scenery is beautiful, the beauty is like a fairyland, compared with the prosperous beauty of the Holy Land of God, it is another beauty.

Looking at the scenery of the vast sacred land, I feel the rhyme of the avenues of the mountains, the mountains, the mountains, the rivers and the seas. Chu Ba said with emotion: "We are vulgar people after all, no more than friends."

Huang Xiaolong laughed: "The space of the four masters' ancestors is no worse than the holy land."

Chu Bahehe smiled: "This is also true."

Huang Xiaolong was amazed. He just said something casually. He didn’t expect Chu Pa to take it seriously.

Although the ancestral space of the four gods is also beautiful, compared with the holy land, there is still less glamour.

"This time the old man of the sky has set up a blood test, there must be deep meaning." Chuba suddenly turned a topic.

"Four Masters means that the great man of the sky will choose one of the 300 disciples in the blood test to inherit his clothes?" Huang Xiaolong said in his heart, "Inherit his inheritance?"

Li Wei, Xie Yao, a few people also have a look.

Chu Ba nodded: "With this possibility, the old man has waited for so many years, no one has been able to get his clothes, he should not want to wait any longer, I heard that the old man wants to leave the sanctuary."

"Leaving the Holy Land?!" Huang Xiaolong, Li Wei and others were shocked.

"The meaning of the adult ancestor of Chu Ba is that the vast adult is going to go outside the border?" Wu Ge asked, this time, Wu Ge also followed.

Chu Ba shook his head and looked deep: "No."

"No?" Everyone glimpsed.

Huang Xiaolong faintly thought of some possibilities.

Is the old man of the sky going to other holy places? After seeing the gods of the gods, Huang Xiaolong knows that in the top of the mountain, it is possible to enter another space, similar to the space of the current holy world, or can be called the sacred world, the last stone step of the mountain is the sacred The entrance to the world.

At this time, Chu Ba turned to Huang Xiaolong, Li Wei nine humanity: "So, this time, after you enter the Cangwu Shenfu, you must enter the sixth floor of the Cangwu Shenfu with the fastest speed, and then find the key to the seventh floor. , enter the seventh floor!"


Huang Xiaolong, Li Wei and nine people echoed.

The inheritance of the old man!

He has to go all out to get it!

Huang Xiaolong’s heart is dark.

Now, he is a five-roof and a half-sacred. If you get the inheritance of the old man, you may even break through the seven robbers and even higher!

At that time, if you get the inheritance of the black sage, then he will be able to become a nine-robbery, and then no longer have to worry about when the Holy Life will be born.

However, Huang Xiaolong thinks so, Li Wei, Xie Yao and so on think the same way, Li Wei is even more brilliant eyes, obviously is the seventh key.

It took another few days.

The people finally came to the holy mountain.

When I came to the foot of the mountains of the Cangwu Mountain, the spirit beasts that had been raised by the old people of the Cangwu came to meet the people. All the people followed the beast to the Cangwu Daogong Palace on the halfway up the mountain.

Before the gate of the Cangwu Dao Palace, the thin old man standing in a gray robe was a great old man, and there was no change when he tried the blood test.

"Cangwudaoyou!" Chuba quickly stepped forward, calling the way, Huang Xiaolong, Li Wei and others also rushed forward.

"Chu Ba Daoyou." The old man smiled and returned, then let Huang Xiaolong and others get up.

The old man’s eyes fell on Huang Xiaolong and smiled: “Huang Xiaoyou is the first person in our sacred talents. In just ten years, it has broken through to five robbers and half holy.”

Huang Xiaolong hurriedly said: "The younger generation just had an adventure and they were lucky enough to break through."

The old man of the sky laughed and said: "You don't have to be modest, your talent is recognized by the sanctuary."

Li Wei saw the old man and Huang Xiaolong talking and laughing, and his heart was spared.

Later, the old man of the Cangwu invited Chu Ba, Huang Xiaolong and others to enter the Cangwu Dao Palace to live, waiting for a few days after the opening of the Sangyu Shenfu.

Huang Xiaolong and Chu Ba, Li Wei and others just lived in the Cangwudao Palace. After a few hours, the Qingxue Palace, the Holy Land Alliance, the Demon Palace, the Holy Family, the Ghost Relics, the Ancient Zen Clan, and the Tibetan Sword Holy Land came.

Soon, the Cangwu Dao Palace and even the sacred mountains are bustling.

However, since only the disciples who passed the blood trials came to the Holy Land and the ancients, there are not many ancient people, including the Holy Land, the Qingxue Palace, the Demon Palace, the Holy Land Alliance, and so on. * Ten holy places and ancient people, less than one hundred forces.

Some holy places and ancient people, only three or four disciples passed the blood test, and some even had only one.

Therefore, with the three hundred disciples who passed the trial of blood, there are more than two thousand people.

After the arrival of the Qingxue Palace, Qingxue Sanmei came together to "visit" Huang Xiaolong and invited Huang Xiaolong to go to the Cangshan Mountain or walk around. Sanmei invited, Huang Xiaolong naturally refused.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong with beauty, and it is Sanmei, other disciples are naturally envious, and they are very envious. Even many ancient patriarchs and holy landlords are envious.

Standing in the attic of the palace, Li Wei looked at the figure of Huang Xiaolong and Sanmei, and his eyes were gloomy.

"Tan Juan!"

This stock! Waiting for the sacred temple, I will let you regret it!

At this time, the letter was shocked, and Li Wei took a look at it. It was sent by the evil spirits. After reading the contents of the messy sentiment, he hesitated a moment, and Li Wei returned the letter to the evil.

In this way, it took four days to calm down.

The day when the sacred temple was opened is finally coming.

The blood test of the three hundred disciples and the various masters of the various saints gathered in the square in front of the Cangwudao Palace.

The old man of the sky glanced at the crowd, and the three hundred disciples of the blood test tried to say something about the attention after entering the Cangwu Shenfu. In fact, these things, Huang Xiaolong and others had already known before.

After talking about some things that need attention, the old man of the sky saw the disciples of the disciples, and they couldn’t help but smile. They waved their hands and saw the vibration of the void. A huge shrine with a big city appeared from the void. .

Cangjing Shrine!

"Well, the disciples who passed the blood test, can now go in." The old man of the sky is free to open the ban on the outside of the temple, and laughs.

Suddenly, a group of people appeared in the sky, rushing into the Cangjing Shrine.

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