Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2532: Evil is coming

When Huang Xiaolong heard it, he smiled and smiled very brightly: "It turned out that the ancestral tract that was obtained by the sage of the sage in the past was actually obtained by you. Li Wei, you are lucky, but, I Luck is better, because killing you today, this ancestor is my!"

Li Wei simply gave him a big surprise, and it was a big surprise.

The ancestral ritual of the sacred sacred land, he has searched many times, almost every time he went to the sacred place to cross the sacred robbery to find it again, but he could not find it all the time. Now, Li Wei actually sent him in front of him!

This is simply breaking through the innocent shoes, and it takes no effort.

Li Wei saw that he had called the ancestral Taoist octagonal beast ring. Huang Xiaolong was not shocked, but after threatening to kill himself, this ancestor was his, and he could not help laughing.

"Huang Xiaolong, are you sure that you are not daydreaming? You are still not dreaming." Li Wei sneered: "I know that this time, the four gods of God will definitely give you the ancestor. Self-defense, but your ancestor is not your own, you can't play a millionth of the power, you think you can kill me?"

"Yes." Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly.

"Now, I will let you know how strong the true power of an ancestor is!" Li Wei said this, loudly, and the whistle shook the sky.

The whole body of the Holy Power screams like a magma that is ejected, all infused into the octagonal wild animal ring.

The original dark octagonal beast ring suddenly gave off a strong radiance, the radiant sky, a beam of light from the octagonal wild animal pattern, and then the octagonal wild beast ray, actually survived, from the star anise Flying out of the wild beast ring, around the octagonal wild animal ring, suppressing the heavens and the earth.

The ancestral atmosphere of horror, such as the boundless sea, drowned all corners of the sixth floor of the entire Sangyu Shenfu, all space.

Just now, the ancestral atmosphere of the octagonal wild beast ring suppressed the four seas and eight sorrows. Now, the ancestor's ancestance of the sacred sacred sacred sacredness is even more instigating the heavens and the earth. It seems that the heavens and the earth can not accommodate the invincible power of this octagonal wild animal ring.

This is the horror power of the octagonal wild animal ring, the ancestral Taoist!

Li Wei, who controls the octagonal wild animal ring, is like the king of the sacred king, like the ancestor's incarnation, who dominates the heavens and the earth, over the saints, and controls the avenue.

Under the breath of Li Wei and the octagonal wild animal, Huang Xiaolong is like a driftwood above the giant sea, as if he had to be covered at any time, sinking to the bottom of the sea.

"Huang Xiaolong, die!" Li Wei stunned, his eyes cold, and the octagonal wild animal ring slammed into the past with Huang Xiaolong.

Where the octagonal wild animal ring passes, the sky collapses.

The void of the sacred temple is like a cracker, and it cannot withstand the power of the octagonal animal ring.

Just as the octagonal wild animal ring smashed to Huang Xiaolong with the supremacy of killing, Li Wei saw that Huang Xiaolong had flying a golden figure.

Seeing this golden figure, Li Xiao’s mouth sneered, and Huang Xiaolong finally summoned the Holy Spirit. Generally speaking, the power of the Holy Spirit of the Holy Land is completely released through the Eucharist of the Holy Land. There is no need to call the Holy Spirit to attack.

However, Huang Xiaolong is different. Huang Xiaolong is only a half-sacred. Huang Xiaolong’s body is too weak to carry the power of all the holy souls of his holy holy soul.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong can only summon the Holy Spirit and use the carrier of heaven and earth to completely release the power of the Holy Spirit of his Holy Spirit.

However, once Huang Xiaolong summons the Holy Spirit, the power of the Holy Spirit defense will be greatly weakened. At that time, his octagonal wild animal ring can easily kill the Huang Xiaolong Holy Spirit.

This is what Li Wei expects.

Just when Li Xiao’s heart was stunned, suddenly, his eyes stayed and he saw another golden figure flying out of Huang Xiaolong’s body.

Second Holy Spirit!

Huang Xiaolong turned out to be!

But then, he saw that the third golden figure flew out of the body of Huang Xiaolong.

Li Wei is stupid and his eyes are out of sight.

Three evolutions into a holy grate! Three holy souls!

That's it!

At this time, many things that I didn't understand before, he suddenly understood.

Then, Huang Xiaolong’s right hand shook and a long gun appeared.

This long gun, guns and hunters, there is the power of the world, the gun body portrays a dragon, the dragon dragon is powerful, sweeping across the world, and actually forced the retreat of the octagonal wild animal ring to swallow all the breath.

"Open the dragon gun!"

Li Yan’s face changed.

Open the dragon gun, the ancestor road! Moreover, it was the ancestor of his master Long Daren. I did not expect that the four gods gave Huang Xiaolong the dragon to defend himself.

As for his previous Jiuyang Emperor Dragon Sword compared with this open dragon gun, it is the garbage to the extreme.

Thinking of this, he hates! Hate him Master Dragon! Hate God four!

Before Huang Xiaolong didn't appear, he still thought that his master Long Daren was very valued to him, but after Huang Xiaolong entered the holy day, everything changed. The only four people in the eyes of the gods were Huang Xiaolong, and the treatment of his chief son and Huang Xiaolong Than, it’s just a difference.

The more hateful in his heart, the more crazy the octagonal wild animal ring, the power of the octagonal wild animal ring was pushed to the extreme.

Eight wild animals, exuding the law of the eternal avenue, immediately came to Huang Xiaolong.

At this time, the Huang Xiaolong dragon, the holy soul hand, held the Tianlong gun and suddenly attacked with a shot.

"Dragon Yuan Shengshi!"

The space suddenly violently swayed, and countless dragons flew out, and the Dragon Kingdom was born.

Under the influence of the dragons and dragons, the power of the dragons has risen dozens of times.

"The evil sea is boundless!" The sacred soul of the demon spurred the flying blood monument to greet it.

"Brazil Pure Land!" The Golden Buddha Holy Spirit will push the power of the Holy Buddha to the extreme.


Just like countless sacred powers blew themselves up, the space was blasted one after another, the space collapsed, and countless terrorist airflows swept through.

The octagonal wild beast ring has been prosperous by the dragon, and the evil sea is boundless.

Repressing the heavens, the octagonal beast ring above the heavens and the earth is like a giant mountain. It is flying away, together with the octagonal wild animal ring, and Li Wei is also flying.

Li Wei, who was smashed, was squatting on the far-reaching mountains. The mountains were broken and the earth shook.

As for the octagonal wild animal ring, it was smashed.

Li Wei stood up hard and vomited with blood.

Huang Xiaolong came over to Li Wei. After passing the seventh layer of keys, he took one shot and took the key to pick it up.

However, when Huang Xiaolong came to Li Wei, suddenly, the sound of the air broke through in the distance, and only a figure flew in the air. The coming of the people was extraordinary. The movements of Huang Xiaolong and Li Wei were too big, and the evil was extraordinary. It was sensed.

Li Wei saw that the coming person was evil. He couldn't help but smile. He shouted: "I don't want to come. I found the seventh layer of keys. I was attacked by Huang Xiaolong. The key was taken away by him! You and I joined forces to kill. Huang Xiaolong, take the key back!"

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