Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2598: Hospitality

When Huang Xiaolong came to the main hall, the interracial leaders from all the surrounding areas whispered.

"Is he? Huang Xiaolong! I don't know what talent he is. He can be seen by Zidongping adults and accepted as a son!" An alien tribe frowned.

"A despicable human race, what good talent can there be? The whole alien, the human race has the former hundred sacred, very few, almost ten can not be found." Another alien patriarch sneer sneered: "This Huang Xiaolong It would be nice if St. Ge could be ranked more than 100."

"That's right, he can practice in the early days of the Holy Land. I don't know how big the dog is!"

In the main hall, they are all famous alien patriarchs. The names of the various names in the surrounding areas are extremely high. The lowest is also the level of the Xuan Bing patriarch. These aliens have a very high vision and natural talents. They are naturally inferior to the human race. This despicable, inferior human race.

With the arrival of Huang Xiaolong, Zidongping and Zijiao masters also came one after another. When Zidongping arrived, the patriotic patriarchs stopped.

However, when Huang Xiaolong and Zidongping were going to hold a ceremony, suddenly, a voice sounded: "And slow!"

Everyone looked at it and looked at it.

I saw a group of people outside the main hall.

"It is the gold non-domain domain master gold non-adult! Jin Fei adults are the Jinzen people!" There are people of different ethnicities who recognize people, and blurted out.

Suddenly, suddenly.

The patriarchs of all ethnic groups have heard about the hatreds of the Golden Zen and the Purple Spiders.

It’s not as simple as congratulations when you come here.

"In the Jinjin tribe, the gold non-domain domain master Jin Fei, I have seen the purple Dongping adults!" After Jin Fei entered the hall, the parallel ritual to the Zidong, on the surface is still respectful.

"Is it the Zen old man who let you come over? Let's talk, what's the matter? There is a fart and let go." Zidong Ping cold channel: "I just started the ceremony, you interrupted, if you can't say the answer that makes me satisfied." I will interrupt your dogleg and throw you out of the hall!"

Although this gold is not the gold domain domain master, but also the Jinzen family, but in the eyes of Zidongping, it is no different from other aliens.

The various ethnic tribes in the main hall face each other.

Jin Fei’s face was a bit ugly, but he recovered in an instant and said: “My family’s ancestors heard that Zidongping’s adults wanted to receive the son, so I specially brought me a gift and sent it.” Speaking of this, the person behind him will prepare a gift. Submitted up.

Zidongping swept his eyes and looked at the gift boxes indifferently. He waited for the following.

Sure enough, Jin Fei said: "Zi Dongping's adult collection of the righteous son, presumably talented, is the same generation Chu Qiao, my family's disciple Jin Hao talent, I want to learn from the Huang Xiaolong brothers, I do not know Zidongping adults can be willing to allow?"

Jin Fei’s tone is full of provocation.

He deliberately said that Huang Xiaolong was a talented person. He was a peer of Chu Qiao, and deliberately said that he brought the Jinzen disciple Jin Jin’s talent. Under the eyes of the public, if Zidongping refused, he would pass it out. Zidongping and Zijiao must be joke.

Of course, if Zidongping agrees, it is what the Jinzen people hope, and will discuss it. Jinxi will destroy the holy body of this human race, Huang Xiaolong. When it is time, beat the face of Zidongping! See how Zidongping also received Huang Xiaolong as a son!

For Jin Hao's talent, Jin Fei is absolutely confident. Jin Jin talent is definitely not his mouth. In the Jin Zen people's peers, his talents can definitely rank first, and he has the top 30 sects.

Originally, according to the plan of Zen ritual, it was to let Kim come over to give a warning to Zidongping, but Jin Feixiang proposed the ritual, let the family join the gold, and then abolish Huang Xiaolong in the name of the discussion!

After Zen’s proposal to hear Jin Fei’s proposal, he applauded and agreed.

When Zidongping heard it, his eyes flashed and he was about to shoot. Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Good!"

Everyone has a look.

Jin Fei immediately smiled in his heart and smiled: "The Huang Xiaolong brothers are really bold!" I was afraid of Huang Xiaolong and Zidongping's remorse, even when I asked Jin Xiaolong, who was in the early days of the Holy Land, to ask Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong saw Kim’s eagerness to wait and sneer.

"Yellow brother, you are the Lord, you are the guest at the bottom, the guest is with the Lord, please also take the shot first." That Jin Hao was polite and laughed.

"If this is the case, then you are welcome." Huang Xiaolong smiled and said, after the body shape moved, he immediately came to the front of the golden cymbal and slammed out.


I saw that Jin Jin had not reacted yet, and Huang Xiaolong hit a forehead with a fist, and then the whole head exploded like a watermelon, and the hall was sprinkled.

When a golden light escaped from his body, Huang Xiaolong took a photo of his backhand and took the holy soul that Jin Jin wanted to escape, and then took it into the palace of the Cangwu Dao.

Everyone was staring at the golden body, which was stupid, and stupid.

Even Jin Xiao, who was just laughing, was completely flat on his face and couldn't believe his face.

A punch head!

This scene deeply shocked everyone in the temple.

In particular, it is hard to say that everyone who knows Jin Jin’s talents and Jin Jin’s family is shocked.

"You!" Jin Fei looked ugly at Huang Xiaolong, I don't know how to open it.

Huang Xiaolong is a faceless indifference: "You are a disciple of this family. The talent is indeed normal. Isn’t the gold non-domain owner look down on it, deliberately sending a talented disciple to discuss with me?"

Deliberately sent a talent so bad to learn? Kim did not vomit blood.

"Golden non-domain owners will send people to discuss with me next time, remember to send a better talent." Huang Xiaolong added another sentence.

Jin Fei did not speak, his face was still dead than the face of Heilongjiang.

At this time, Jin Fei, a fellow Jinzen strongman, looked at Huang Xiaolong with anger and anger: "You ruined the elders of the Jinzen tribe, and took away the sacred soul of the Golden Zen elders. You must give me gold. The Zen family is a confession!"

Huang Xiaolong heard the words and smiled: "The Golden Zen elders? This kind of waste is actually your golden Zen elders. I don't know what you want to say? Do you want me to pay you a waste?"

The purple spider family, the Qingxuan saints, Xu Wen, Xu Hai and others all smiled aloud, and even the interracial leaders of the various regions who came to observe the ceremony all smiled.

Jin Fei and the people who came from the Jinzen people had to look ugly and ugly.

The previous opening made Huang Xiaolong confess to the golden Zen strongman pointing to Huang Xiaolong and yelled: "You are a human race, what is it! Destroy the elders of the Golden Zen Elders, you are not enough to sin!"

However, he just said this, Hei Luo slammed his fist and also blew his head.

Jin Fei and others are not surprised.

This Jinzen strong man is a seven-fold sacred place, but is the deputy priest of a certain temple of the Jinzen.

"Zi Dongping adults, you, what does this mean?" Jin Fei was shocked and angry, and said to Zidong Ping: "This is your hospitality?"

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