Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3006: I lost


The creation of the Huanglong giant tail sweeps the waterfall in the thunder, the thunder of the ocean, suddenly, the waterfall of the thunder, the thunder of the ocean is swept away by the waist, the creation of the Huanglong giant tail swept the invincible moment to sweep the dark thunder dragon ancestor before.

The confident face of the Dark Thunder Shenglong ancestors was finally completely eclipsed.

Outside the dark world.

Because of the situation inside, the Tianhuang, Shenglong, and Guangyi pterosaurs simply could not see, so they could only guess the situation.

"I don't know what's going on inside." The patriarch of the Guangming pterosaurs wrinkled their brows.

"This dark world is the strongest and most horrific attack created by the ancestors of our family, the tyrannical tyrants, using absolute darkness. He once said that in this dark world, he is the **** of creation, in the dark world, Everyone must be absolutely suppressed. The power of darkness will slowly bring the soul of the other side to the soul. Everything is infiltrated and assimilated. No one can resist it!" The holy dragon is too old to sing a new smile: Huang Xiaolong is escaping this time!"

"Father, if Huang Xiaolong is defeated, he is shackled by the ancestors of the dark Lei Shenglong, then we?" Tianhuang phoenix Nana looked at the phoenix, could not help but convey the voice.

Naturally, she wants to report that Huang Xiaolong has destroyed her body.

"Do not worry, I have my own claim." Huang Yan blinked.

Just in the phoenix, suddenly, the world shouted a loud noise, everyone was shocked by this bang, everyone looked at it, and saw a figure flew out from the dark world.

"Is it Huang Xiaolong?" Huang Nana was a pretty face.

Because the figure was shrouded in light and the speed was too fast, everyone could not see its face.

"It must be Huang Xiaolong!" The Shenglong people laughed.

But when he laughed, suddenly, the holy dragons on the side were too old to eat: "Well, it seems that it is not Huang Xiaolong!"

Not Huang Xiaolong? !

Hehe, phoenix Nana, I saw that the light shrouded in the figure has gradually weakened, the distance is getting closer and closer, finally, they see it.

"Dark Ray Shenglong ancestors!" Huang Hao, Yu Ji two people exclaimed in unison.

Dark Ray Shenglong ancestors!

Everyone was stunned, and Gehe, Huang Nana and others smiled completely on their faces, and their eyes looked at the dark sacred ancestors who had flown over.

It turned out to be the secret sacred dragon ancestor?

How could it be the secret sacred dragon ancestor!

"Quickly avoid!" Suddenly, the holy dragons screamed at the ancestors of the ancestors, and saw that the ancestors of the Dark Thunder, like a golden meteorite, were screaming at them at an horrible speed.

The people who were shocked suddenly woke up and sneaked away, but it was still late.

The dark sacred ancestors are too fast, and they wear the crowd in an instant.

Suddenly, the Shenglong, Tianhuang, Guangyi pterosaurs, and the golden dragons were all ploughed by a row, and the Tianhuang genus Nana was hit in the chest and splashed in the chest.

I saw the dark sacred ancestors, the dragon and the sea of ​​the void, leaving a huge golden wave, even the holy dragon spacecraft, the Tianhuang spacecraft, the light pterosaur spacecraft were also hit and rotated.

Everyone is at a loss.

When everything is calm, I saw the holy dragons, the Tianhuang people, the bright pterosaurs, many powerful people, and the wolves, the surrounding stars are full of blood fog, and the golden dragon spaceship has been knocked out of a huge deep ditch.

The masters of the sacred dragons finally found the sacred sacred ancestors in the depths of a mountain range in Longyunhai, and saw the dark armor of the sacred ancestors of the sacred thunder, and the blood of the chest was blurred.

Everyone saw it, stunned.

The dark dragon sacred ancestor, the holy dragon armor, is the first armor of the holy dragon world. It has been tempered for many years with the dragon blood and dragon fire of the holy dragon family. The defense is amazing, and in order to test the defense of this holy dragon armor, I have let the two Taoist ninth-end smashing masters scream for years, and the sacred dragon armor is unscathed, but now it is broken!

The body of the holy dragon of the ancestors of the Dark Thunder is even more seriously injured.

The holy dragons, the new people, and the new people have never remembered that they have been hurt by the dark sacred ancestors and flow a drop of blood!

In the crowd, a figure walked out of the dark world.

"Huang Xiaolong!" The Holy Dragon family has a panic in both eyes.

He has never forgotten the conditions for their dark sacred ancestors and Huang Xiaolong to fight. If they lost their ancestors, he and the new ancestors will be handed over to Huang Xiaolong.

Looking at Huang Xiaolong from the dark world, the Shenglong, Tianhuang, and the phoenix genius masters have changed their faces, and they all face fear, even if it is a phoenix, the two are also difficult to conceal.

Although they do not know how Huang Xiaolong seriously injured the ancestors of the Dark Thunder, but even the sacred ancestors of the Dark Thunder are unable to bear the blow of Huang Xiaolong. If this bombardment is on them, they are only afraid!

At this time, Huang Xiaolong has changed back to the human form, and the blink of an eye has come to the public. The crowd has already panicked away. Even the phoenix, the relief has also retreated to the side, not afraid to stop Huang Xiaolong's way.

Huang Xiaolong did not pay attention to the phoenix, and the people such as Yu Ji and others passed through the front of the phoenix, the ancestors, and so on.

A clear cough sounded, and I saw the dark sacred ancestors slowly rising from the gravel pile. He looked at Huang Xiaolong complexly and finally said: "I lost!"

I lost!

When the three words of the dark sacred ancestor ancestors were passed into everyone's ears, all of them were shocked, especially the holy dragons, and the new ones were even more stunned.

In fact, the sacred sacred sacred ancestor has the power of a war, but it is meaningless to fight again. Although he still has the trick, and the secret method is not fully displayed, but he is not sure that he can block the creation of Huang Xiaolong. one strike.

Huang Xiaolong won!

But no one applauded, no one cheered.

"Since you lost, it is your fulfillment of the conditions of the war." Huang Xiaolong reached out to the ancestors of the dark thunder.

The dark sacred sacred ancestors hesitated a moment, finally took the dragon blood monument out, and then handed it to Huang Xiaolong's hand, Huang Xiaolong hand-held dragon blood monument, looking at the high ten feet in front of the eyes, the golden dragon's blood monument, the heart is dark, As long as the contents of the space inside the Dragon Blood Monument are taken out, his strength will certainly be improved again.

"The treasure of the holy dragon, when the son of the creation of the world can come to the holy dragon to take." Dark Lei Shenglong ancestors.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and collected the Dragon Blood Monument. Then he looked at the patriarch of the Shenglong tribe, and the ancestors of the ancestors, and the indifferent people said: "You, now all!"

"What?!" Hehe, a new look, no face furious.

Huang Xiaolong sneered: "This war, your ancestors lost, you handed me over, you disobeyed? And now I just let you kneel down, after that, I have time to deal with you slowly!"

"Huang Xiaolong!" Hehe heard the words, furious, and wanted to yell at Huang Xiaolong, but at this time, the dark sacred ancestors reached out and directly rolled the 敖Her and rolled and rolled out Xu Yuan: "The Holy Dragons are willing to gamble and lose, who of you dare to violate my orders?!"

The sound of the sacred ancestors of the dark thunder is like a thunder, and the soul of the holy dragons is turbulent.

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