Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3134: Commanded the Baohe Chamber of Commerce to sail

Hearing the emperor’s exclamation of Huang Xiaolong, the savage sages and the silver horns of the savage sects of the sects of the sects directly pounced, all smashed down, and I don’t know whether the three characters are soft or yellow.

Huang Xiaolong!

Even if you are ignorant and ignorant, you know what these three words mean and what they mean.

Hundreds of years ago, Huang Xiaolong slammed the origin of the holy world, Xiao Tianqi! It is also one of the nine beastmasters of the deadly beast!

That is the nine great beasts!

And in the end, the Nine Great Beastmasters actually betrayed the deadly beasts and contributed to Huang Xiaolong!

When Barbie and others were shocked, Emperor’s eyes glanced coldly at the nine beastmasters behind Huang Xiaolong: “It’s you, you nine traitors!”

The beastmaster Emperor Fan is calm: "His temple is the son of creation, the entire Huanglong world, all the orcs, and even the monsters of the world of monsters are the subjects of His Royal Highness. It is normal for us to vote for the Highness. Emperor, you know the identity of your Highness. Don't succumb to your lord, don't you think big!"

The voice of Emperor Fan made the emperor's face gloomy.

However, the words of Emperor Fan are not strong words. After all, Huang Xiaolong is indeed the son of creation. According to the truth, all the masters of Huanglong World must succumb to Huang Xiaolong.

The emperor immediately laughed: "I want to let him work for him Huang Xiaolong? It’s a joke. He is the son of the creation. His strength may be very strong, but I want him to be effective, but he is crazy!" Look at Huang Xiaolong coldly: "Huang Xiaolong, hand over the ring, you and I do not make river water, then you will take your sunshine road, I will take my wooden bridge, if you don't hand over the ring, don't blame me for assassination you!"

Although Huang Xiaolong’s strength is strong, there is always a time when his defense is lax, and there is always a time when he is assassinated.

Huang Xiaolong waved his hands and let Lei Yu, the magic of the 10,000 battles, the black shadow magic, the nine great beasts and other people retreat, and then came to the emperor: "The ring is in my hands, have the ability, come and take!"

However, Huang Xiaolong’s words just fell, and the emperor’s body shape disappeared.

Then the heavens and the earth are instantly dark.

The darkness is boundless.

Here is the depths of the black cold, the power of darkness is very strong, but the high-level masters of Dao Zun can still see Xu Yuan, but now quite a few people found that they can not reach their fingers! The depths of the entire black cold have been filled with thick ink, and their souls have been suppressed to the extreme, and they cannot be unfolded.

This is the absolute dark power of the emperor. Although the emperor was interrupted by Huang Xiaolong, the absolute power of darkness did not break through the fullness of the circle, but it also reached the peak of Dacheng. It was only a little bit complete, and its absolute dark power was no better. How much difference is the difference.

In the darkness of the day, a horrible force suddenly smashed from behind Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong couldn’t think too much, the right hand had a backhand, and the power of the three worlds in the body urged Nirvana, extremely poisonous, thunder, fire, and ice.

The power of the three worlds, what is the concept of the five ultimate perfection!

Under the power of Huang Xiaolong, the entire black coldness has a feeling of being swaying.


Huang Xiaolong’s palms and the emperor’s sneak attack behind him.

Even if the heroes who had already retreated to the far-off silver horns were smashed by the strength of the two men, they could not help but turn around like a hot air wheel.

At this moment, all the masters of Black Hanyuan felt that the entire black coldness was smashed by the invisible giant hand.

When a person's power is strong enough to set off a hole in the sky! This is how terrible!

There are countless spaces in the entire black cold, countless continents, countless congenial bans, and even countless ancient, ancient, ancient masters left behind here, these caves have a banned power, but useless, all were smashed!

Pretty Yan Hui is so scared that no one is color.

For the first time, he found that the strength of a person can be so strong that it is so big!

In the eyes of the sorrowful fear, I saw the emperor as a broken kite, and flew to the land on the land many thousand miles away.

Landized into glutinous rice.

Although the emperor is the head of the Beastmaster, although it is the six ultimate strengths, but after all, it is only the four major consummations, and how to block the five great consummations of Huang Xiaolong? What's more, Huang Xiaolong is the power of the three worlds, and he has only one world power.

It is also the ultimate force of a full-fledged world. It is driven by the power of the three worlds and is only driven by the power of one world. The power of attack is not a grade at all.

As the emperor was smashed, the heavens and the earth that had not reached the five fingers recovered, and the darkness faded.

The emperor flew to the land, and his body suddenly merged into the darkness and disappeared.

Huang Xiaolong saw it and sneered: "Want to escape?" When I stepped, I came to a certain place in the void, and then Nirvana, light, darkness, extreme poison, thunder, gold, fire, ice, wood, wind, earth and ten extremes. The power blasted at the front of the void.

Eleven kinds of extreme power, let the void empty, the original dark black cold blooms all kinds of light, and the thorns are quite bright and can't open their eyes.


The emperor fell from the void.

He opened his mouth and blood, and looked at Huang Xiaolong with fear: "You, eleven!"

Huang Xiaolong actually realized eleven extreme powers, only time and space!

Huang Xiaolong, who has eleven extreme strengths, who else in Huanglong World is his opponent?

"You can't escape." Huang Xiaolong looked at the emperor, his face calmed: "You are not faster than me, the ultimate strength is not stronger than me, the defense is not higher than me, and I have just left a trace on you, no matter what In which space I can hide, I can pick you up!"

Emperor's face was white and white.

Huang Xiaolong's figure flashed, and once again came to the emperor's face, the right palm, the emperor only felt that the entire black and cold world was covered by Huang Xiaolong's right hand. No matter which space he fled to the black cold, he could not escape. The right hand of Huang Xiaolong.


one day later.

In the Tongtian spaceship, Hao Zhengduan sat on the main hall and asked the nine-eyed black tiger master: "Is that kid back?" means Huang Xiaolong.

The nine-eyed black tiger master quickly replied: "Return to His Royal Highness, not yet. He and the slaves around him are not coming back." When he said this, he smiled: "It seems that he and the slaves around him are all pretty. Solved it, there is a master to see the savage singer led the silver horns, the squadron, nearly 10,000 masters poured into the black cold to find the kid, he must have been found by the brilliance! It is estimated that this will have been destroyed by the brilliance There is still **** left."

Hao Zheng haha ​​smiled: "Not bad! Very good!" Then on the nine-eyed Black Tigers master: "The people who ordered the Baohe Chamber of Commerce to sail!"

The nine-eyed black tiger master hesitated: "But now there are still half an hour from the time of the boat."

"In any case, the kid is not coming back. It is the same for the people of the Baohe Chamber of Commerce to sail half an hour earlier." Hao Zhengdao.

"Yes, Your Highness." The nine-eyed black tiger's master respectfully took the lead and retired.

(second more)

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