Chapter 1443


When within the formation, the moment when the powerhouses of the Blood Flow Dynasty were ready to take action, the sound of screams and continuous screams came from the surrounding positions.

This sudden scream made the Blood Emperor and the three emperors in the formation slightly stunned.

“What’s the matter? Who is it, who did it!”

“Thousands of people died, my god, why didn’t I see anyone who did it!”

“Don’t kill me, don’t kill me!”

In just two seconds, the surrounding blood flow on the streets of Dynasty instantly became chaotic.

The tens of thousands of people gathered around were panicked by an instant panic.

Thousands of people fell straight to the ground, their eyes widened, and they didn’t know how they died before they died.

Even the people around did not see how these thousands of people were killed.

Thousands of people died suddenly, giving everyone a look of horror.


The blood emperor was stunned for an instant, his eyes burst out with terrifying rays of light.

All the powerhouses of the bloody dynasty around also frowned, and looked at the outside of the formation with suspicion.

“The four forces are all under our surveillance, do they still have helpers?”

Prince Tang Xuewen stared at the left position with a sullen face, his eyes swept across the thousands of people in the bloody dynasty who fell on the ground.

The forces of other dynasties around also looked over with a slightly changed face, and took a deep breath.

These four forces must completely confront the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty!

“Blood Emperor, now is just the beginning!”

Wang Xian glanced outside, a faint smile appeared on his face.


When he had just finished speaking, when he was outside, a special mist shrouded directly toward the position below.

“What is this?”

“What is that fog, damn it, find out the enemy!”

When a mist shrouded a group of people, their faces showed a look of horror, and they shouted loudly.


However, given them only one second, no one had time to escape, and the mist enveloped a group of people.

The moment the mist fell, death came.

The group of people who just clamored to behead Wang Xian and the others fell directly to the ground and lost their vitality.

This time, at least four to five thousand people.

“Escape, escape!”

When the four to five thousand people were directly beheaded by the poison, the rest of the bloody dynasty people panicked completely, and quickly fled towards the distance one by one.

“Boom boom boom!”

However, when they flee desperately, in the sky, one by one bright crosses covering a kilometer directly attacked the crowd.

This is the imperial city of the bloody dynasty, around the imperial palace.

In the most densely populated place in the imperial city, when those seven or eight light crosses fell around, all of them under the light crosses were killed instantly.

That dazzlingly beautiful castle, under the attack, directly became ruins.


If a group of third-order and fourth-order strong men want to destroy a city, it is simply too simple.

With the addition of a sixth-order hole virtual, the blood flow imperial city will also become ruins.

“Kill them for me, go to me at once!”

The blood emperor’s face was slightly hideous.

He didn’t expect that there was a strong man with a false reputation hidden around him.

Is the supervision department of this bloody dynasty a waste?

He stared at the people of the other dynasties and sects around him, and commanded loudly.

“It is the blood emperor, we will definitely stop these murderers and protect the safety of the blood emperor city!”

The kings and suzerains of several dynasties watched the Blood Emperor staring at them, gritted their teeth and scanned the surroundings coldly.

“The evil barriers of the four major forces dare to kill innocent people in the bloody dynasty, get out of me!”

Holding a scepter in his hand, a king roared coldly.

“Dare to be a running dog of the bloody dynasty, then die!”

At this moment, an icy voice rang out in the void, followed by a black and white figure, directly attacking the king.

The black and white light flickered and penetrated the king’s body for an instant.

“Ahem, this… how is this possible!”

The king in luxurious costumes widened his eyes and looked at the position of his chest incredulously.

“Your Majesty!”

“His Majesty!”

Around, several powerful dynasties looked at their king with shocked faces, and looked at the huge hole in the chest.

“Hey, is this the fifth order of Dongxu or the sixth order of Dongxu?”

A shocked exclamation came out from a strong man in a dynasty.

“Don’t you know if you try it?”

In the sky, Ao Yao was shrouded in two lights of black and white. He slowly raised his arms, one half bright and half dark, his left arm was like a sickle, and his right arm was like a dagger, appearing in the sky like a death god.

The entire shadow is more than two thousand meters high and exudes a trembling suffocation.

“The sixth step of the hole, this aura is definitely the sixth step of the hole!”

A dynasty king shouted out loud.

Around, all the people were dumbfounded.

If it was said that the assassination of the wicked monsters just now made them feel terrified, it has now become desperate.

Their blood emperor and three emperors trapped two Dongxu sixth-order players in the formation, but they did not expect that there is still a Dongxu sixth-order strong man outside.

There are three in total, three!

Three caves of the sixth rank, against the four famous caves of their imperial city, although they are at a disadvantage, they are not incapable of fighting.

Especially now, if the blood emperor and the others really attacked, then it is completely conceivable that this powerful sixth-order hole will slaughter the entire blood flow imperial city.

With this destructive power, one-tenth of the imperial city can be destroyed in one minute.

“The sixth step of the hole virtual, there is also a sixth step of the hole virtual!”

Within the formation, the blood emperor and the three emperors hovered in the air with extremely embarrassing expressions.

They looked at the Ao Yao in the sky outside, and their bodies trembled.

There are three, and the opponent actually has three strong men of the sixth rank.

Their blood flow dynasty, with a foundation of seven or eight thousand years, controls the largest resources in the Liuhai area, and now there are only four Dongxu sixth-orders.

However, the other party actually has three, this…

Especially outside this strong man of the sixth order of emptiness.

If they were to slay two hole-virtual powerhouses in the formation, with their strength, they would have great confidence in themselves, but it would take at least ten minutes to slay two others of the same rank.

even more.

During this time, the entire imperial city will be in ruins.

Nearly thousands of foundations will be ruined!

They can’t bear this kind of loss.

“Unexpectedly, the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty even hidden a sixth-order hole virtual, my god, their strength…”

King Guanglong and Yi Zhangjiao saw the sudden appearance of Ao Yao, with excited expressions on their faces.

A feeling of restlessness poured into my heart.

“Blood Emperor, open the formation, we can’t play with you, haha!”

Wang Xian looked at the blood emperor and the three emperors in the sky, laughing and talking, his face was full of mockery!

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