Chapter 252: Haven’t Seen a Beauty? (One more, please subscribe!)


Accompanied by the voice of the genius doctor of blood, the holy light radiated by the genius doctor of Shenghua suddenly turned into a sea of ​​blood.

The Holy Light covering an area of ​​about five meters was directly dyed blood red.

“Jie Jie!”

The blood man genius doctor laughed wildly, and the whole person swiftly attacked Sheng Hua.

“how come?”

Sheng Hua’s face changed drastically, and he stared at the bloody genius doctor who was attacking him with an incredible face.

“Old stuff, lose it!”

The blood man’s genius doctor showed excitement on his face, his nails were very long, exuding bright and dripping blood mist.

“How can you not be sanctioned by the Holy Light!”

Sheng Hua’s face changed drastically, and he immediately raised the scepter in his hand and waved it towards the blood man genius doctor.

“Because of you, too weak!”

The blood man genius doctor waved towards Sheng Hua’s scepter one claw by claw.

The effect of restraining the two opposite attributes did not come, which made Sheng Hua’s eyes horrified.

Logically speaking, the holy light on his scepter would dissolve the blood in the blood man’s genius doctor, but it didn’t.

On the contrary, he found that the other party was not afraid of the power of the Holy Light at all.

“That’s amazing, that blood man is so amazing!”

“Too strong, the two of them are simply too strong!”

“The Holy Chinese are just as their name suggests, and their combat power is simply terrifying. The Holy Light shines, and it feels like it can purify me directly!”

“That vampire is more powerful, isn’t the Holy Light suppressing the vampire? But how could he be beaten so badly now!”

Around, everyone looked at this duel incredible.

This is an alternative battle of medical skills.

“Interesting, I feel that the battle between Xiaohong and Shenghua is like a mage!”

Wang Xian said with a smile on his face when he saw the blood man genius doctor completely suppressing Sheng Hua.

“Master, this is the practice of European and American continents. Ancient European continents have knights, wizards, and witches. In fact, this is the same as our ancient martial arts masters. The cultivation system is somewhat different, but in the final analysis, it is similar!”

On the side, Mo Qinglong explained to Wang Xian: “There are so-called wizards and knights in Europe and the United States. Shenghua and blood man doctors are biased towards mages and use attribute attacks, but in terms of physical body, blood man doctors are stronger. !”

“Moreover.” Mo Qinglong hesitated: “The cultivation system in Europe and the United States is the most complete, where the strong are like clouds and the masters are like rain, which are much stronger than ours here.”

“Really?” Wang Xian looked at Mo Qinglong with a little surprise.

Mo Qinglong nodded: “The Guwu clan in our rivers and lakes likes to stand still. There is no rumor, so many powerful cheats have disappeared.”

“However, in the European and American continents, their inheritance is relatively complete, such as the light of Shenghua. If he has the opportunity to directly cultivate to a higher level, the same is true for the genius doctors of blood. The door has it!”

The Mo Qinglong said, as if he was reminiscing: “Ten years ago, the Lingbao appeared in the Lingshan of our rivers and lakes. The news was revealed that many powerful forces from abroad were robbing them, but they were finally robbed by others in our territory!”

Wang Xian nodded slowly. He didn’t understand other places, but in the arena, there are really not many strong players. Most of the masters are concentrated in the holy gate. There are more than a dozen forces like the Flame Palace that have just advanced to the holy gate. Innately, those veteran sacred doors must be stronger, and maybe even more advanced combat power!


At this moment, the arrogant voice of the blood man genius doctor came, and Wang Xian looked at it, and saw a blood claw of the blood man genius doctor tore Sheng Hua’s clothes directly, leaving a deep blood mark on it.

Sheng Hua’s face was pale, and the strong light energy healed the injuries on his body.

But the thick blood kept absorbing the energy in his body, which made his expression very embarrassing.

“Haha, Shenghua, you can take it!”

The blood man genius doctor stood in front of him arrogantly, looking like a villain, looking down at Shenghua genius doctor.

Sheng Hua looked very embarrassed when he saw him like this, and even his body was trembling.

“His, too strong, this vampire is too strong, I feel that the two ordinary innate masters are not necessarily the opponents of this vampire!”

“Their cultivation techniques are very powerful. With our cultivation method, the innate strong can only fly in the air for a short time, but they use the cultivation method to condense their wings and fight in the air for a long time!”

“They belong to the cultivation of the law. They use a special method to attack from a distance. Our masters are better at using weapons, such as sword repair and knife repair, each has its own strengths!”

The people around were amazed, even the strong innate.

“By the way, this vampire seems to have said that his master is a friend of the genius doctor Wang, his master?”

At this time, some people suddenly realized a problem. Did this vampire talk about his master when he was fighting?

His master? The master of this existence?

This made everyone stunned. A vampire with such a terrifying existence still has a master?

How terrible will his master be? unimaginable!

Feng Yanglie couldn’t imagine the position of the Fengyang family on the sidelines. At this moment, he was wiping the cold sweat on his forehead with a tissue.

“I…I admit defeat!”

Sheng Hua’s face was embarrassed, clenched his fists, and said in a low voice.

“Haha, just give up, don’t be arrogant, be low-key, don’t you know?”

The blood man genius doctor arrogantly walked towards Shenghua’s education.

“Jie Jie!”

Following the blood man genius doctor laughed wildly, he moved like a blood shadow and came to Sun Lingxiu’s side.

“What kind of master, am I very good!”

The blood man genius doctor was like a primary school student who won the first place in the class. He raised his head slightly and said to Sun Lingxiu.

“not bad!”

Sun Lingxiu faintly admired, with a slight smile on her face.


Everyone, including the Flame Palace, looked there inconceivably, and couldn’t help swallowing and spitting.

“That woman who is as holy as a fairy is the master of that vampire!”

“Gosh, this…”

“What a holy goddess, the temperament exuding from her is impressive!”

“This temperament is like a god, is this a holy gate or a princess in the holy clan?”

“Oh my god, the master of the vampire turned out to be her. This temperament is definitely not cultivated by ordinary forces, and I feel that the goddess is not weak!”

“The infinite arrogant and domineering vampire is like a child standing there to praise, this…”

Everyone looked at this scene in shock, and even the four elders of the Flame Palace looked at Sun Lingxiu solemnly.

The powerful vampire prince is a slave. What background does she have? Or what strength?

“What are you looking at? Haven’t seen any beautiful women?”

The blood man genius doctor saw everyone looking at them, staring at the people around him and cursing.

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