2605: Words Crush Variety-Eight

“Swish swish!”

On the planet where some of the powerhouses of the six major alliances are located, nearly 600 immortal king powerhouses rushed directly into the sky!


“Dragon Palace? I don’t know if there are any 7th-order immortal kings who come to us to fight one or two, otherwise, then we will be a little disappointed!”

Suddenly, an old man came out from the sky, his eyes were staring at the front position, his eyes were full of domineering and murderous!

A month ago they attacked the Dragon Palace, and the other side was shrunk behind the formation and did not dare to come out!

Today they never thought that the other party would even dare to counterattack!

If the other party sends an immortal king of seventh-order power, it’s okay, of course, Dragon Palace sends him, he is not afraid, even if two come, he can entangle with it!

It would be ridiculous if there were no immortal kings of rank 7 powerhouses!

“Huh? I didn’t expect that immortal God King 7th-tier powerhouse from the Nine-Rank Tianzong was here. It’s really a surprise, Jie Jie Jie!”

In the void and darkness in the distance, Ao Fenghuang, Ao Tu, the current leader of the Dragon-type Saturn Turtle, and the three of them slowly walked out!

Baqi looked at the seventh-order immortal king of the Ninth-Rank Tianzong, and laughed harshly in his mouth!

The three of them slowly walked out of the void of darkness, followed by the powerful in Dragon Palace!

There are not many of them, two hundred, among them the immortal kings are ranked six and ten, and five are forty!


The ancestor of the Ninth-Rank Tianzong frowned slightly when he saw Baqi and the others coming from the void, carefully sensing the strength of the three of them!

“Jie Jie Jie, an immortal king of seventh-order powerhouse, five hundred immortal kings, three minutes, I wonder if we can finish it?”

Baqi stared at the ancestor of the Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect, with an evil smile on his face, laughing!

“Leave it to me, it can be resolved in five minutes!”

At the next location, Ao Fenghuang said coldly!

“Tsk tusk, after evolving into the heavenly thunder, fire, dragon and phoenix species, the confidence is different!”

Baqi looked at him and said with a smile!

“The three of you join forces and get rid of it as soon as possible!”

Ao Tu said lightly from the side, his arm stretched out, and a shield with a dragon on it appeared in his hand!

“Boom boom boom!”

At this time, his body trembled slightly, and at the bottom position, the ground with a radius of 100 million kilometers directly sank a thousand meters!


In this scene, the pupils of all the strong of the six major forces shrank slightly, and a shocked look appeared on their faces!


“Jie Jie Jie, the six major forces, today is your day of destruction!”

Baqi laughed wildly and rushed straight ahead!

“Oops, the other three immortal kings of rank 7 powerhouses!”

Feeling the power of Baqi, the immortal ancestor of the Ninth-Rank Tianzong confirmed their strength, and his face changed drastically!

They can basically determine the strength of the Dragon Palace, up to three immortal kings!

In the case that the Master Formation Master wants to guard the Dragon Star, there will be at most two, if two, he can fight, and even entangle each other!

However, now the opponent directly has three immortal kings of rank 7 powerhouses!


Dragon King, plus the old national teacher of the Tiger Chaotic Demon Country, plus the Formation Sect, plus the three in front of them, how many immortal God Kings of the seventh rank are there in the Dragon Palace?

This strength has been able to compete with them a month ago!

“Hey, behind them, there are about ten immortal kings of Tier 6 powerhouses, and there are more at Tier 5, no, how can they have so many powerhouses? We are not their opponents!”

At this time, Tianshan Jian sent their six powerful powers to sense the strength of the powers in the Dragon Palace, with a look of astonishment on their faces!

“Why do so many powerful people suddenly appear in the Dragon Palace?”

“Break through, break through this weird space!”

The ancestor of the Nine Stage Celestial Sect roared with a gloomy face!

“Jie Jie Jie, if you want to make a breakthrough, don’t even think about it!”

Baqi laughed wildly, and the poisonous fog covered the sky below!

“Damn it!”

The ancestor of the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect saw this terrifying poisonous fog, his face changed, a thunder plate appeared in his hand, and countless bolts of lightning rushed into the poisonous fog!


At this time, Ao Fenghuang’s figure moved, and he turned into a combat form directly, rushing towards the ancestor of the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Sect!

The same goes for Ao Tu, transforming into a huge dragon-type dragon, carrying a terrifying impact, directly rushing away!

“This… how can their strength… and even I can’t sense the existence of the immortal kingdom of God, if I fight for a long time, I may fall here!”

The ancestor of the Nine Stage Celestial Sect sank in his heart, his expression extremely embarrassed!


At this time, Baqi, Ao Fenghuang, and Ao Tu had already rushed over!

In the rear, the rest of the powerful in Long Palace directly rushed into the Sanhaimen Sect Master and the Sect Master of Demon Slayer Sect!

Here, among them, there are only seven immortal kings of rank six powerhouses, they are not the opponents of the people in Dragon Palace at all!

Not to mention, the other side has more immortal kings of rank five powerhouses!

Dragon Palace? How can you have such a strong strength?

One by one, they were shocked and looked around with extremely embarrassed expressions!

Invincible, can only escape!

But soon, the powerhouses of Dragon Palace surrounded them round and round!

“Six powers, haha, die!”

The terrifying battle broke out instantly!

“Make a breakthrough!”

The powerhouses of the six major forces saw this scene, their faces turned pale, gritted their teeth and roared!

“Jie Jie Jie, there are a lot of powerful sixth-order immortal kings, let me solve a few!”


But suddenly, in the sky above, Baqi slightly squinted his eyes and stared at the three Immortal King Sixth-Rank powerhouses with a wave of his arm!

One by one, the demon claws of the substantive laws were attacked by the three immortal kings of Tier 6 powerhouse!

“not good!”

“Despicable, an immortal king of the seventh-order powerhouse also raided us!”

The three Immortal King Seventh-Rank powerhouses who were suddenly attacked changed their expressions wildly, and roared in surprise and anger in their hearts!

They thought that the three immortal kings of Rank 7 in Dragon Palace would first attack the ancestors of the Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect!

But I didn’t expect that the other party was so despicable and attacked them instantly!

“Stop it to me, even if you have three immortal kings of rank 7 powerhouses, don’t want to ignore this god king!”

The ancestor of the Ninth-Rank Tianzong roared, the thunder plate waved, and thunder and lightning attacked towards Baqi!

“Ao Tu, help me block it!”

Yaki said easily!

“Boom boom boom!”

Ao Tu glanced at him dissatisfied, and with a wave of his arm, a series of terrifying shields rose directly, and lightning fell on it, even the shield was not destroyed!

Yulong dragon seed, but even mad dragon dragon seed thorn dragon dragon seed can’t break their defense!

Ao Yao wanted to assassinate Ao Tu, but he couldn’t succeed in 100%!

Of course, Ao Tuna and Ao Qitian, Ao Yao, and Ao Qitian have nothing to do!

“Jie Jie Jie, not bad, not bad!”

Baqi smiled, grabbing another wave of his hand, and continued to attack an immortal king of rank six powerhouse below!

“Hey, it’s over… The ancestors simply can’t entangle the other three immortal kings of rank 7 powerhouses!”

A Ninth-Rank Celestial Sect expert raised his head and looked up, his face showed a look of despair!

An immortal king of seventh-order powerhouse wants to kill them, how to resist?

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