Chapter 2631 You Are Not Worthy To Be The Master Frost Goddess (2)


When everyone around heard Wang Xian’s words, they were slightly taken aback!

The elders and Yue Xingguang of the Great Sect last month also had a look on their faces, their expressions a little ugly!

“What did you do with our teacher last month?”

Yue Xingguang stared at Wang Xian with a cold expression!

“This little brother, this exchange meeting was held by our teacher last month, please don’t slander our teacher last month!”

The elder of the Great Teacher also said in a deep voice last month!

“Hehe, then I will tell you once again, I will not sell Moon Bay, nor will I trade, and you shouldn’t buy it again and again!”

Wang Xian sneered, and said to the people who taught last month!

“If you don’t sell, we won’t let you force it!”

The elder of the Great Teacher stared at Wang Xian last month, with a trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes, and said coldly!


All the people around saw this scene, they were slightly silent, afraid to speak!

They didn’t dare to talk nonsense about the things taught last month!

“Master, what happened?”

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from a position next to him. Bei Shuang, dressed in plain clothes and short hair, walked towards Wang Xian!

She looked around, her eyes fell on Wang Xian in the center!

“Is that? Goddess Frost!”

“Master? Goddess Frost calls that young man a master?”

“This young man is not the master of Goddess Frost, right?”

The sudden arrival of Bei Shuang made everyone around him start to look at her with surprise!

The Frost Goddess is now a hot character in the entire Devil Island!

A group of powerful people even went to visit the Frost Goddess!

More than a year ago, the Frost Goddess had not reached the realm of the god king, but in two years, she had the fighting power of the immortal god king eighth level!

Such a terrifying improvement is even more shocking than the girl of heaven who suppressed the same era for more than 30,000 years!

If it is said that more than 30,000 years ago, youths of the same era were suppressed, then the entire Devil Island is suppressed now!

The returned Frost Goddess, there is no doubt that she can become the strongest in this area!

The title of the Great Emperor has been secretly recognized by everyone!

“It’s okay, some small things!”

Wang Xian looked towards Beishuang and shook his head lightly!

“You… are you Beishuang’s master?”

Seeing this scene, Yue Xingguang stared at Wang Xian with a change of expression!

Wang Xian glanced at him and ignored it!

Bei Shuang also gave him a cold look!


Seeing Wang Xian ignored him, Yue Xingguang’s face was slightly embarrassed!

“A leader of a small force is also qualified to be the master of the Frost Goddess?”

Moon Starlight stared at Wang Xian slightly mockingly!

“Shut up, the elder of the Great Teacher last month, did you teach the disciples this way?”

As soon as his words fell, Bei Shuang’s expression became cold, and an extremely cold air instantly filled the surroundings, staring coldly at the moon, starlight, and the elders of the last month!


Last month, the elder of the Great Master saw Bei Shuang’s reaction and his face changed drastically, and the moon and stars on the side turned pale!

The surrounding powerhouses breathed stagnantly, and stared blankly at the side!


The elder of the Great Master exhaled last month, his face changed, and he looked to the side of the moon starlight: “Xiaoguang, please apologize to the goddess Frost!”


Yue Xingguang’s face was extremely embarrassed, and his mouth opened!


Last month, the elder of the Great Master had aggravated his voice and shouted coldly!

“Goddess Frost, I’m sorry!”

He gritted his teeth, lowered his head and said!

“You should apologize to my master!”

Bei Shuang stared at him coldly!

“I won’t pay attention to him, Xiao Xiao!”

Wang Xian looked at Bei Shuang, said lightly, then turned and walked outside!

Harvesting a Moon Bay, this time is already a surprise, and there is no need to stay here any longer!

Bei Shuang looked at Moon Starlight coldly, and walked outside behind Wang Xian!

“Xiao Xiao?”

Yue Xingguang heard Wang Xian’s words and clenched his fists tightly!

“Xiaoguang, don’t make trouble, don’t offend the Frost Goddess!”

At this moment, there was a voice in his mind, his body trembled and he nodded!

The Frost Goddess is now a strong person who has grown up!

With the strength of the eighth rank of the Immortal King, it was very difficult even for the Great Teacher last month to kill her, after all, he could instantly return to his own kingdom of God!

Once you can’t kill it for the first time, then you have to wait for the revenge of a strong man with the evil talent!

The Great Teacher didn’t dare to gamble last month, and it was not worth it!

“Hey, Goddess Frost looks so respectful to her master, so she maintains it!”

“Can you disrespect it? You must know that Goddess Frost has been silent for more than 30,000 years. Without her master, she is still in a corner!”

“This is the luck of the Frost Goddess. Being able to meet a master who possesses the method of Frost Cultivation is also the luck of her master, a leader of a small power. Who dares to provoke the Frost Goddess in the future? Give some face!”

Some people saw them leaving, whispering!

And Wang Xian can be regarded as truly entering the sight of all forces!

As the master of the goddess of Frost, walk into everyone’s sight!

“Master, did you get any treasures there just now?”

Flying out of Invite Moon Planet, Bei Shuang asked toward him!

“Good luck, getting a treasure should be of great use!”

Wang Xian smiled and nodded, and after a few words with Bei Shuang, he returned directly to the main dragon palace!

“Guchi Moon Bay, as the treasure of the elves, absolutely extraordinary!”

“This Moon Bay has some damage, I don’t know if it can be repaired under the ancestor tree!”

Wang Xian came to the Dragon King Hall and walked to the Dragon Chair!

Today’s ancestor tree has reached a height of 500 meters, with luxuriant branches and full of vitality!

There are many fruits on it!

“I don’t know if this ancestor tree can compare to the tree of life of the elves!”

He murmured, the tree of life is known as the first sacred tree in the universe, I don’t know how it compares with the ancestor tree!

Wang Xian felt that with the miracle of the ancestor tree, it might be on the tree of life!


With a wave of his arm, he placed Guchi Moon Bay on the right side of the dragon chair!


When Moon Bay fell under the ancestor tree, the entire ancient pond trembled gently!

A green glow floated from the inside, connecting with the ancestor tree!


Above the ancestral tree, a branch and leaf slowly fell in Moon Bay!

“Sure enough, there have been changes, but there are still some invisibles now!”

Wang Xian looked at Guchi Moon Bay with a smile on his face!

“I don’t know if the moon essence will be born!”

He murmured in his mouth, observed for a while, and found that the crack in Moon Bay was recovering at a very slow speed!

“It should take some time!”

Wang Xian smiled, then ignored it and returned to the Dragon Peak on the Devil Island!

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