2696 Born-18 Mar 1974

As time passed day by day, the Dragon Palace exchanged the land of 5,000 life planets for two Immortal King Ninth-Order Abyssal corpses from the Great Sect of the Nine Heavens.

Afterwards, these two Immortal Kings Tier 9 Abyssal corpses were immediately used to enhance Dragon Palace’s Tier 9 combat effectiveness.

In the next ten days, Long Palace conducted large-scale drills.

The Dragon Palace now has about 410,000 members, of which more than 5,000 are members of logistics, civil servants and the like.

There are almost four hundred and five thousand combat members.

Next, if you go to hunt down the abyss population on the northern line, the Dragon Palace will use all its power.

On the northern line, the number of Abyssal Species reached hundreds of millions. Of course, among these hundreds of millions, many of them were weak and Divine-level Abyssal Species.

Even so, it is not a small force. In this battle, the Dragon Palace must mobilize all the members.

Four hundred thousand members of the Dragon Palace all attacked, against hundreds of millions of immortal kings of the abyss species.

This time, the Dragon Palace is a rare all-army attack!

Recently, all members of the Dragon Palace have been training in the Dragon Field.

After all, in this war, there will definitely be deaths, and even this number of deaths is quite a lot.

Now training, the number of casualties can be less, and the resurrection of Dragon Palace members also requires a lot of resources.

Fifteen days of time passed quickly, and in the Hualongchi, two members of the 9th-order Immortal King also flew out of it.

“Dragon King, all Dragon Palace members are ready.”

“Last month, the Great Teacher also notified that they will come over soon.”

In the afternoon of the fifteenth day, Prime Minister Turtle came directly and reported to Wang Xianhui.

“Okay, let’s set off at once.”

Without any hesitation, Wang Xian flew directly outside.

“All members of the Dragon Palace, go with the Dragon King.”

Prime Minister Turtle gave a soft drink and ordered all members of the Dragon Palace.


In the Dragon Field, all the Dragon Palace disciples who had been lined up for a long time flew towards the outside immediately.

Located on the ancient sky planet, the huge dragon peak stands there.

Next to Longfeng, there is a divine tool that looks like a ruler, Tianya Ruler.

“Tianyan Arrow, Fire Hammer clan, Xingmu dragon species, enter Longfeng!”

“The rest of the Dragon Palace members, enter Tianya Chi!”

Prime Minister Turtle floated in the sky and ordered again.


All the members of the Dragon Palace responded and immediately flew towards the Dragon Peak and Tianya Chi.

“Dragon King!”

In the outside position, last month’s head of the four people, beside them, there are five immortal kings of the eighth rank powerhouse.

In addition, in addition to the people of the Great Sect last month, Beichuan Zong Beishuang, Beichuan Sect Master, Dragon Mang Group, and Ancient Gods all have strong people.

There are about fourteen immortal kings of rank eight powerhouses.

“Dragon King, I heard that you are going to hunt the Abyssal Seed on the northern line, and we will come over to help Dragon Palace.”

Sect Master Beichuan said to Wang Xian with smiles on their faces.

“Then thank you, everyone, go to Longfeng.”

Wang Xian nodded lightly towards them.

This time the Dragon Palace hunted down the Abyss Species on the northern line, which was considered relatively secretive, but last month, the senior officials of the Beichuan Sect also knew about this.

They came, obviously to show good, wanting to show that their position is standing with Dragon Palace.

Wang Xian did not refuse either. Although their strength is not very strong, they can also reduce some of the losses of the Dragon Palace.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

A group of people immediately followed Wang Xian and came to the podium.

“Set off!”

“Set off!”

On Tianya Chi, Prime Minister Tortoise, Ao Jian, and another Dragon Guard stood on it, controlling them.

Prime Minister Turtle looked towards Longfeng and gave a soft drink.

Tianzhen responded, and Longfeng and Tianyachi instantly activated.


Longfeng and Tianya Ruler are both gods’ peak-level artifacts, and their speeds are very terrifying.

“Is this the full power of Dragon Palace?”

Behind the podium, last month’s Great Teacher Beichuanzong and the others were all right at this time, looking at the strength of the Dragon Palace.

Soon they opened their eyes one by one, with shocked expressions on their faces.

“Under my induction, there is no one whose combat effectiveness is lower than that of the Eternal God Lord’s Tier 8.”

“There should be around 100,000 people at the God King level.”

The head teacher pursed his mouth last month, and said with a slight vibration.

The lowest Eternal God Lord has the eighth rank, one hundred thousand god kings, and a total of four hundred thousand Dragon Palace members. Is this the true strength of Dragon Palace?

The strength of Master Tianya is already very strong, with a power of about 30 million or more eternal divine lord, but their 30 million eternal divine lord.

The ranks below the fifth rank of the eternal divine master accounted for about 97%, and their overall strength was not comparable to that of Dragon Palace.

They calculated in their hearts that Jiuxiao, Duantian, and the disciples below the Eternal God Lord of the End of the World, would it be possible to touch the disciples of Dragon Palace.

The crowd glanced at each other, their faces filled with shock.

Tianya Chilong Peak drove fast, and on the northern line, after more than a month, the abyss once again expanded a large area.

After flying for two days, the vast and deep and heart-pounding abyss appeared in the line of sight. At a glance, the abyss species in the abyss swallowed the world like a demon.

“The Dragon Palace members are ready!”

Wang Xian looked at the abyss ahead and squinted his eyes slightly.

“Swish swish!”

In the next moment, more than 300,000 disciples flew out of the sky.

More than 300,000 Dragon Palace members are divided into more than 30 legions, each with 10,000 people.

Among them, the mad dragon dragon species and the imperial dragon dragon species are the forwards, followed by the heavenly thunder, the fire dragon and the phoenix species, the dragon guard, the dragon palace poison manufacturing department, and the last is the dolphin, the powerful auxiliary dolphin family of the dragon palace.

According to this matching ratio, each legion is led by the 7th-order powerhouse of the Immortal King.

A group of members came to the side of Longfeng, full of strong fighting spirit and power.

“All legions are scattered according to the above layout!”

The sky array stood in front of the command platform, looking at the situation in the abyss in front of the screen, with a wave of his arm, a picture appeared in front of the legion leader.


A group of legion leaders looked at them and immediately dispersed to the surrounding positions.

“The rest of the Dragon Palace members of the Immortal King of Rank 8 and above are fighting against the Abyss Species of the Immortal King of Rank 8 and above. This is their distribution!”

With a wave of the arm of the heavenly formation, the distribution of the abyss species above the eighth level of the immortal king in the abyss was passed to the fighting force members of the eighth level and above of the dragon palace immortal king.

“Dragon King!”

After the distribution, Tianzhen looked at Wang Xian.

“The members of the Dragon Palace listen to my orders and kill!”

Wang Xian raised his arm and commanded loudly.



The next moment, all the members of the Dragon Palace moved, and the legions moved towards the abyss.

“Boom boom boom!”

Longfeng and Tianyachi made a roaring sound.

“Swish swish!”

On the Dragon Peak, one by one thorns were covered, and the three thorn monsters quickly gathered and rushed directly towards the center.

Located in the most center, it is the place where the abyss species are densest, and the two immortal kings peak abyss species are here.

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