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A giant flying out of the abyss, they thought it would be their chance to escape.

They thought that this was an abyss seed of the god emperor level, which would cause heavy losses to Dragon Palace, and even destroy Dragon Palace!

They think this is the first line of life!

But they would never expect that a person who exists in this way is actually a subordinate of the Dragon King, a subordinate of the Dragon Palace!

They just felt black in front of them, extremely desperate!

There is a Void God Emperor in the Dragon Palace, so everything is different!

This is the god emperor!

“How can this be? How is this possible? That god emperor-level existence is under the Dragon King’s hands, how is this possible!”

“No, no, no, no, no, not like this, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die!”

“God emperor, the existence of the divine emperor level is under the dragon king, what did I see, what did I see!”

It wasn’t just the four guardians of the Imperial Court who had collapsed. At the rear, the group of people from the Night Clan Sky Demon Great Sect with fiery eyes and grim faces were also completely collapsed at this moment!

They also thought this was their chance, that god emperor-level creature would attack them in the Dragon Palace.

As a result, the existence of the god emperor is the subordinate of the dragon king.


The front line of life was completely shattered, and even now they can be 100% sure that they are all dying!

The hope of surviving is already less than one-tenth of a billionth!

Even some people have no vision, standing there in despair, waiting to be killed!

Lost, completely defeated!

It’s over, it’s completely over!

“His, incredible, incredible!”

“Fortunately, fortunately, fortunately we are not an enemy of the Dragon Palace, the Void God Emperor, there is also the Void God Emperor in the Dragon Palace!”

“Who can think of this situation, we are really lucky. If we are inside, we will definitely be destroyed by the Dragon Palace. Even if the strength of the Dragon Palace is not as good as the Imperial Court, the Imperial Court must consider it if it wants to move the Dragon Palace!”

All the forces of Jiuxiao at the entrance of the abyss trembling slightly when they saw this scene.

They were shocked and terrified!

At the same time, I was very fortunate that a choice made them escape.

Everyone has a feeling of walking by the god of death.

“Hahaha, Dragon Palace is invincible, Dragon King is mighty!”

At this moment, the only ones who are more excited are the four forces of Last Moon, Beichuan Sect, Dragon Mang Group, and Ancient God Dynasty.

There is a god emperor in the Dragon Palace, and they know what this means.

This means that at the end of today’s battle, the Imperial Court must carefully consider if they want to destroy them.

They were determined to die, and now they are 80% sure of surviving.

Survive better than ever.

Dragon King, they understand that as long as there is a Dragon Palace in the future, they will not be in much danger.

Excited, excited!

This time their choice is the most correct!

“The Dragon Palace is invincible, the Dragon King is invincible!”

The disciples of tens of thousands of powerful four forces roared in excitement, their voices resounding through the entire abyss.

“Hi, this…this…”

There is another one who is in a daze!

Night God Emperor!

He originally wanted to see the existence of the god emperor level after destroying the Dragon Palace, trying to find a way to leave here, but it turned out to be this situation.

The strength of the Dragon Palace is much stronger than their Night Clan!

This made his face extremely gloomy, and his heart beat violently.


He roared incomparably aggrieved to vent his blood red eyes, and the blue light of the Void God Kingdom prospered behind him.

He is going to escape here!

After thinking that he became a god emperor, even the god emperor of the imperial court would personally congratulate him, and the guardian of the imperial court would respectfully worship and honor him as the lord of the night god emperor.

Whoever he wants to die must die, and the Imperial Court will not restrain him.

But now he wants to flee in embarrassment and feel aggrieved.

Wang Xian heard an extremely suffocated voice in the sky, and faintly swept over.

His eyes fell on the four imperial court guardians in front.

At this time, the four of them were a little lost, and they no longer had the slightest fighting spirit on them.

They looked at Wang Xian blankly, full of depression!

“Little house, destroy them!”

Wang Xian said to the small house below him!


Xiao Zhai nodded immediately, waved his arm, and swept away the tail directly behind his back.

“Ha ha ha, ha ha ha!”

The four of them saw the small house’s attack and did not resist!

Facing the attack of the Void God Emperor level, they, who were already seriously injured, have lost their resistance!

Dragon Palace has a god emperor level existence, they are not sure whether the emperor court can avenge them in the future!


The tail swept across, and the four imperial court guardians died instantly.

They didn’t rant, didn’t utter cruel words!

Because the Dragon Palace today is no longer threatened by them!

“The four guardians of the Imperial Court are lost!”

Everyone in the back saw their bodies trembling.

“Dragon King, the night god emperor in the sky…”

At this moment, Tianzhen suddenly looked at Wang Xian, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to him.


Wang Xian was stunned and looked at the sky formation.

“Dragon King, according to my observations, the strength of the night god emperor is not strong. With this one under you, plus our words, I can stay here with 50% certainty!”

“If that god emperor level abyss species can be together, it can reach 80%.”

Tian Zhen said with his eyes flickering, and made a gesture of wiping his neck, full of sorrowful expressions.

Um? ”

Wang Xian’s eyes lit up, full of coldness and murderous aura!

He stared at the battlefield of the Ye God Emperor and the others, and patted the small house lightly.

“Xiao Zhai, can you communicate with that god emperor level abyss, and fight the night god emperor together?”

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said to the little house.


Xiaozhai nodded, and a message came to Wang Xian’s mind.


Upon receiving this message, Wang Xian raised his eyebrows slightly. According to Xiao Zhai, that god-emperor-level Abyss Species was considered a friend!

“Tell it immediately, let’s fight against that human god emperor with him!”

There was a hot look in his eyes, and he shouted immediately.

“woo woo woo woo!”

The little house roared twice toward the Void God Emperor Abyss.


The Void God Emperor Abyss Seed immediately responded, and its gaze swept across Wang Xian and the others with some doubts.

However, it also knew that the owner of the little house was a human, and it was not too surprised by this.


Xiaozhai immediately sent a message to Wang Xian.

That god emperor level abyss seed, agreed!


When Wang Xian heard Xiao Zhai’s words, he couldn’t help laughing.

“Tianzhen, all members of the Dragon Palace, today, let’s destroy the god emperor together!”

“I want the chance of killing him to be 100%!”

He immediately ordered to the leaders of the sky formation.

“Hahaha, well, Dragon King, let’s destroy the God Emperor together!”

A group of Dragon Palace leaders responded loudly.

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