The 2781st chapter Emperor meteor (1)

“Hey, the Dragon King wants to slaughter the emperor, and the Dragon Palace wants to destroy the Night God Emperor!”

“The behemoth that obeyed the Dragon King has already attacked, and that Divine Emperor-level Abyss Seed can communicate with the behemoth of the Dragon King!”

“What is that, how can the formation condensed thing have such a power, feel no weaker than the god emperor?”

“This…is this the real power of the Dragon Palace? From the words of the Dragon King just now, that terrifying thorn monster is for resisting the Night God Emperor. Can that terrifying monster compete with the Night God Emperor?”

“It’s really possible that the night god emperor has just stepped into the god emperor after all, and he has directly participated in this war before he settled down!”

“Dragon Palace and they won’t really be able to kill the night god emperor? The god emperor has fallen, this…”

When everyone in the rear saw the Dragon Palace Dragon King and the crowd attacking towards the Ye God Emperor, their eyes widened.

What a vast scene!

In his lifetime, who has seen the fall of the god emperor again?

Even if there were no abyssal wars, they had never seen the battle of the god emperor.

As for the fall of the god emperor, there was an event that shocked the entire bright starry sky thousands of years ago, and was called the battle of the emperor’s fall by all the forces of the bright starry sky!

The battle of the emperor’s fall caused the seven great realms to boil!

A civil war from the Sky Witch Region, that war broke out at the edge of the Emperor Star Region.

After the battle, a vast battlefield of Emperor’s Fall was formed there.

Thousands of years have passed since the entire emperor’s meteorite battlefield, and ordinary god kings may still be severely damaged or even killed by the energy of the chaos when they enter it!

One can imagine how tragic the battle will be.

Although the battle ahead may not reach that level, it is still terrifying.

In any case, this battle will be recorded in the annals of history.

And they are the witnesses of the historical war.

Everyone held their breath and looked forward in a daze.

“It’s a pity that my native and grandchildren can’t participate in this war, but it doesn’t matter, brothers in the Dragon Palace, let’s watch the Dragon King and they destroy the Xiaoxiao, hahaha!”

The earth-grandson said with a big laugh, and his figure retreated to the back.

“It’s your trash that wants to destroy the Dragon Palace, right, tsk tsk, now you look at it first, after the Ye God Emperor is dead, you will judge yourself!”

Avoiding the scope of the battlefield, the earth-grandson sweeps the night tribe, the Heavenly Demon Great Sect, and all the forces said.

He came to the front of the people in the Dragon Palace very familiar.

“Boom boom boom!”

At this moment, the sound of terrifying energy collision rang out, making everyone stunned, and their eyes shifted from the exaggerated earth-grandson.

In the abyss ahead, green wood attribute energy, sky blue water energy, violent fire energy, and gray special energy instantly enveloped a radius of billions of kilometers.

That side of the world, like the end of the world, the terrifying collision made it impossible to see the battle inside.

Vaguely able to see the thorns all over the sky flashing in that side of the world.

Even if they couldn’t see clearly, everyone stared with wide-eyed eyes.

Some daring even went into the abyss, and some were closer to take a closer look.


At this time, a terrifying collision sounded, and everyone felt the sky blue light trembling in the distance.

“The night god emperor was weak just facing the flame god emperor abyss, and it was very difficult to get away. Now facing three siege of the same level, he is definitely at a disadvantage!”

Everyone looked at the sky blue light trembling, and said in surprise.

At the same time, located in the abyss, the long terrifying tail of the little house swept directly above the void god kingdom in the center.

The terrifying attack caused the entire Void God Kingdom to tremble violently.

Above, there are cracks in a large building.

“It’s awful, awful, awful! What the hell is this damn creature, how can it be so huge, and how can the Dragon Palace and their attacks be so terrifying!”

At this time, the night god emperor had an anxious look on his face.

He brought the Nether God Kingdom to increase his combat effectiveness.

The entire Void God Kingdom covers an area of ​​tens of millions of kilometers.

However, the size of that behemoth was seventy or eighty kilometers long, which was terrifying.

One of his attacks landed on the Void God Kingdom, which could easily cause considerable damage.

Facing such an attack, he couldn’t resist it at all.

Because he has to face two other attacks at the same level.

Just to resist the powerhouses in the Dragon Palace and resist the Flame God Emperor Abyss Seed, he suffered a little injury.

Facing the attack of that behemoth, he could only watch.

But if it keeps attacking, the entire Void Kingdom will be severely damaged and even collapsed.

Once the Void Kingdom collapses, he himself will suffer backlash and be hit hard!

If this goes on, he will be over, and he can only wait to die!

“No, no, no, I just became the Void God Emperor not long ago, and I still have a long time. I, the Night God Emperor, cannot die here and escape!”

He gritted his teeth and roared in his heart.

The Void God Kingdom and itself bloomed with a powerful light.

“The water in the sky, the sky!”

He roared wildly, and his whole body flew directly towards the sky like a stream of water.

The body is transformed into a line, forming a long line up and down.

Within this line, his speed is extremely terrifying!

“Hehe, want to escape, is it possible?”

Seeing the formation of a continuous line of rain in the sky, the night god emperor wanted to abandon his own Void Kingdom and flee, his eyes burst into sorrow.

At his peak, he was dozens of times stronger than the Night God Emperor, and the battle of the Emperor’s Fall even shocked the entire bright starry sky.

His experience is not comparable to that of the peak power of the god king, nor is it comparable to that of the ordinary god emperor.

In this form, he can burst out all the power of the god emperor level.

“Swish swish swish!”

The water ran into the sky, and the thorns ran into the sky in an instant. The thorns were entangled and cut directly toward the sky!

“Damn it, what a quick response!”

The night god emperor saw that the continuous sky waterline above him was blocked, and the thorns entered the waterline, attacking him like a poisonous snake.

This made his heart sink.

His fleeing move didn’t even react to the Flame God Emperor Void Seed for the first time!

But he was resisted by a guy who gathered together!

How can they be so strong?


When the night god emperor was stopped, a huge flame claw directly attacked him.

“The water is all over the sky!”

His face was so gloomy, he immediately roared wildly.


Around him, rainwater instantly covered the entire space, and his figure immediately escaped into the rainwater.


The huge flame claws rushed directly into the air.

“Boom boom boom!”

But at this moment, a sound of destruction came from below.

The Ye God Emperor’s face turned pale, and his blood-red eyes looked down.

That behemoth continues to attack his Void Kingdom!

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