

When Wang Xian heard the words of Tianzhen, his figure moved and flew beside him.

“Dragon King, here, this should be an extremely important place in the emperor’s court.”

The sky formation moved, leading him to fly towards the back.

The location of the back mountain is a continuous peak, and there are built palaces on each mountain.

This is a wonderland, a real wonderland.

“Dragon King, right here!”

Soon, they came to a mountain peak, on the mountain peak, it was written Emperor Shrine.

There was an entrance below, and the two of them entered inside, and there was a vast breath immediately oncoming.

“This is?”

Wang Xian stared at the position below, her eyes gleaming.

“Dragon King, this is the kingdom of the void, a huge kingdom of the void.”

Tian Zhen said with a smile, looking around.

“If I didn’t guess wrong, this should be a second-order Void God Kingdom of the Void God Emperor.”

“The owner of the kingdom of God may have already fallen, and the entire kingdom of God is located on top of a divine vein.”

“The entire divine vein nourishes this void divine kingdom.”

“In this God’s country, it is easier to break through, and the cultivation speed is only a little bit worse than that of the current Dragon Palace.”

“This Void Kingdom is definitely a treasure. It is not very useful for us. For Ao Xie and the others, it is an opportunity for breakthrough, Dragon King. This is simply a surprise for us.”

Tianzhen was slightly excited.

A second-order god kingdom of the Void God Emperor was not very useful to him, but he knew that for Ao Xie, it was very precious to the Devouring Dragon.

Ao Xie swallowed the Void God Kingdom of the Night God Emperor not long ago, but a first-tier God Emperor’s kingdom was not enough to increase his strength.

One more thing.

And the second-order god kingdom of the Void God Emperor in front of him was equivalent to ten first-rank Void God Emperors.

In other words, just this Void God Kingdom in front of you can raise the five Devouring Dragons to the battle power of the first-order god emperor.

“Have you checked inside, is the entire Kingdom of God complete?”

There was a bright light in front of Wang Xian’s eyes, and he immediately asked.

“Dragon King, there are some flaws in the kingdom of God. This is a void kingdom with bright attributes. Some of the treasures in the kingdom have obviously been taken away, but even so, there should be no problem in raising the three devouring dragons to the fighting power of the gods. ”

Tian Zhen said with a smile on his face.

“Okay, there are already a lot of three!”

A look of excitement appeared in Wang Xian’s eyes, and he said with a big smile.

“Dragon King, I’m almost done investigating the entire central island. Next, I will build a large formation on each of the divine veins and spirit veins. The time is a bit short, I will go and arrange it immediately.”

Tianzhen said immediately.

“Well, go!”

Wang Xian nodded, and flew towards the outside as soon as he moved.

“Ao Crab!”

He gave a soft drink and summoned Ao Xie.

Ao Xie learned that there was a second-order god kingdom of the void god emperor, and walked sideways excitedly, and threw directly into the god’s country and began to swallow it.

“Xiaoxian, this imperial garden is simply too beautiful. There is also an ocean here, and there are many islands in this ocean. It is so beautiful. After we occupy this place, we can move the main dragon palace to this side.”

Lan Qingyue flew over at this time, pointed in a direction, and said towards Wang Xian.

“I’ll go over and take a look.”

Wang Xian smiled and looked to the right.

On the right, there is an ocean. The entire ocean is not very large, with a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers, and there are islands on it.

Every island is very beautiful.

“It’s really beautiful here, we can rest and play here in the future.”

“Shuqing they know that they will be happy to die.”

Lan Qingyue said with a smile on her face.

Staying in the abyss for several years, this place is heaven for her.

“Well, I will build a dragon palace here and let them come over immediately.”

Wang Xian smiled and moved directly into the ocean.

It is easy to build a dragon palace, and it will be built very quickly.

“You can handle things here, and I’ll call them Shuqing.”

Lan Qingyue said happily, and immediately left through the teleportation formation.

“Prime Minister Turtle.”

With a move of Wang Xian’s heart, he called Prime Minister Turtle over.

“Dragon King, Weichen is making a map of the imperial court island, and the map on the central island has already been made.”

Prime Minister Turtle came to the Dragon Palace and said with a smile.

“Well, let all the disciples familiarize themselves with the central island. From now on, this side will also be the place where our Dragon Palace disciples will be active. Once we have complete control, I will transfer the main dragon palace to this side.”

Wang Xian nodded: “In addition, in the next few days, you have to investigate the surrounding void and prepare for the next battle.”

“It’s the Dragon King, the Weichen will prepare now.”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded.

Wang Xian stood up and flew outside, continuing to browse the vast palace on the central island of the Imperial Court.

Time, day after day, Dragon Palace has a thorough understanding of the central island.

Lan Qingyue and all the girls, under the leadership of the Emperor Star Girl and her mother, began to play around.

In the central island of the Emperor Court, even the places that the Emperor Star Girl had visited were less than one-twentieth.

This made the girls very happy.

The only pity is that the entire central island is deserted and there are very few people.

However, under Feng Luan’s leadership, a group of girls have already begun to think about how this place will develop in the future.

As for the brain, the fact that the Dragon Palace and the Abyss Species have entered the Imperial Court Island has been known to everyone.

The Abyss Species did not riot, so everyone was completely relieved.

They also don’t know what Dragon Palace is doing on the Imperial Court Island.

However, some people speculate that the Dragon Palace may be prepared to fight the Emperor Court and the people of the Cheng Wuhui in a decisive battle on the side of the Imperial Court Island.

This caused many people to talk about the next war.

Will they be destroyed by the Imperial Court and the Cheng Wu Society in the Dragon Palace?

Regarding this question, many people are more optimistic about the Imperial Court and Cheng Wuhui.

More appropriately, they are optimistic about becoming a witch society.

The Cheng Wuhui was ranked in the top three among the seven forces in this bright starry sky thousands of years ago.

Because of the Battle of Emperor Fallen, their ranking dropped directly.

That being the case, they are still stronger than the Imperial Court and still terrifying.

Thousands of years ago, they were able to destroy the Heavenly Formation Divine Emperor, and now that the Formation Divine Emperor hasn’t recovered to its peak, they are even more able to destroy him.

The entire Emperor Star Region was paying attention to the war that was about to take place within half a month.

In the current intellectual brain, no one has verbally abused Dragon Palace.

Whether it is people from other places in the Emperor Star Territory, or the people in the Emperor Court realm, they also understand that this is a grudge between the Emperor Court and the Dragon Palace.

It has nothing to do with ordinary people.

The Dragon Palace did not harm their ordinary people, and the Imperial Court also abandoned them, so naturally they would not have the slightest partiality.

Nowadays, whoever wins, in their view, has little effect on their ordinary people.

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