2926 1 s-sequence

“Only when Dragon Palace thinks so, they will conquer the Armament Sovereign Realm. Otherwise, how can they be confident?”

The domain owner sighed slightly.

When he heard that the Dragon King said he was going to conquer the Armament Emperor Realm, his heart was also very shocked.

Will the Dragon King be a fool?

Will the gods and emperors of Dragon Palace be fools?


Since he is not a fool, then the strength of the Dragon Palace is really stronger than them, and it is likely to be much stronger.

Otherwise, how dare they go out to the Weapon Emperor Realm?

“I didn’t expect it!”

The faces of the god emperors in the Glazed Glass Region changed, full of shock.

In their view, the strength of Dragon Palace is almost as good as theirs.

“With our strength, we don’t dare to conquer the Weapon Emperor Realm rashly. That will cause many disciples to fall, and the god emperor will surely fall a lot!”

The Great Elder sighed slightly.

“Regardless of whether the Dragon Palace has the ability to destroy the Armament Sovereign Region, once they attack the Armament Sovereign Region, it will be a huge good thing for our Glazed Glass Region.”

“Order all the soldiers and disciples to prepare. After the war between the Dragon Palace and the Armament Sovereign Domain erupts, we will immediately leave and destroy the group of beasts in the Demon Domain.”

The domain master commanded with an icy expression.


A group of god emperors responded.


“Dragon King, the strength of this weapon emperor domain is not weak, the number of robots has reached hundreds of billions, all of which are above the strength of the gods.”

At the same time, in the Dragon Palace not far away, Wang Xian and Prime Minister Turtle looked at the information on the weapon emperor domain, and Prime Minister Turtle couldn’t help but said.

“It’s not weak. There used to be a large number of weak robots in the Tool Emperor domain, but they let the Creator directly destroy them and create more powerful robots. Now they are mainly elite fighters.”

Wang Xian looked at the information ahead and sighed slightly.

Not long ago, the information that the domain master gave him was only the approximate strength of the weapon emperor domain.

And this information is more detailed.

Nearly a billion years ago, the Armament Sovereign Domain had countless robots in the entire domain, similar to human beings in other domains, endless.

But because robots can’t practice on their own, they can only rely on resources to improve their strength, and rely on resources to be born, their creator has done an incredible thing.

The Creator destroys all weak robots, and uses the energy of the weak robots to make powerful robots.

There are only hundreds of billions of robots in the entire Armament Sovereign Domain nowadays.

Compared with the trillions of humans and creatures in other fields, it is just a drop in the bucket.

Although their numbers are small, they are all elites.

With such a powerful strength in the Glazed Glass Domain, in the face of the constant harassment and plundering of the Armament Emperor Domain, they did not have any momentum to invade them. One can imagine their strength.

Not much weaker than the glazed domain.

Especially the Creator, a monster that has lived for more than a billion years.

The best resources of the entire Armament Sovereign Domain are all concentrated on him.

“This creator is not easy!”

Wang Xian murmured.

“Dragon King, I am afraid that the power of the entire swallowing dragon clan is not enough, plus the mad dragon dragon seed of the sky eye arrow, the dragon dragon seed, it should be almost the same!”

Prime Minister Turtle said.

“Well, you go to inform, all the dragon palace god emperors plus the swallowing dragon and the dragon palace three dragon species, it is enough!”

Wang Xian nodded and ordered.


Prime Minister Turtle responded immediately.

Soon, members of the Dragon Palace flew over in the Dragon Palace.

Headed by fifty-one powerhouses at the Divine Emperor level, the Sky Eye Arrow, Crazy Dragon Dragon Seed, and Royal Dragon Dragon Seed follow in the rear.

Nine dragons swayed, exuding a powerful dragon.

The eyes of Ao Xie and the other two god emperors of the first-order Devouring Dragon showed excitement.

“Dragon King, all members are here!”

Prime Minister Turtle said with a smile on his face.

“Ao Xie, how are you preparing?”

Wang Xian asked them towards Ao Xie.

“Dragon King, all devouring dragons are ready.”

Ao Xie said full of fighting spirit.


Wang Xian nodded, his eyes swept across the gods and emperors in the Dragon Palace.

“Tianzhen, the two of us are mainly responsible for blasting and killing warship weapons that can threaten the God Emperor. If you encounter the Creator, we will kill them first!”

“Nine wind gods, you are responsible for sealing the surrounding area to prevent them from escaping!”

“During the battle, Prime Minister Turtle will command, Aotu, you will protect Prime Minister Turtle!”

Wang Xian immediately issued orders one by one.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

A group of Dragon Palace disciples immediately responded loudly.

“Dragon King, I will summon my men first!”

At this time, Ao Xie said, and with a movement, he immediately turned into a terrifying and ferocious Devouring Dragon.

Within a size of 20,000 meters, the devouring dragons flew out of his body.

Soon, millions of devouring dragons flew out.

Among them, the weakest also possesses the fourth-order combat effectiveness of the Immortal King.

As for the three dragon species on the side, as the current core combat power of Dragon Palace, the weakest among them is also the fifth-order Immortal King.

There are about one million devouring dragons, 200,000 wild dragons, 150,000 arrow dragons, and 150,000 imperial dragons.

There are a total of 1.5 million Dragon Palace powerhouses.

This is almost four-fifths of Dragon Palace’s power!

“All Dragon Palace members, remember the star map of the Armament Sovereign Domain. In addition, you should also understand some characteristics of the various warships and legions in the Armament Sovereign Domain.”

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, he showed all the information collected by Liuliyu in front of the members of the Dragon Palace.

Now that Dragon Palace members are developing rapidly and their strengths are increasing rapidly, it does not mean that their intelligence is weak.

On the contrary, in order to prevent this kind of problem, the Prime Minister of Ryugu has trained 5,000 civil servants to teach all the members of Ryugu.

In addition, Prime Minister Kame also regularly assessed all Dragon Palace members.

This assessment is related to the issue of the order of allocation of resources for all Dragon Palace members in the future.

This makes every member of the Dragon Palace not only possess powerful strength, but also possess a lot of intelligence.

It is no exaggeration to say that in terms of quality, Dragon Palace is far superior to other powers.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

A group of Dragon Palace members responded immediately.

“Domain Lord, you guys get ready!”

While all members of the Dragon Palace were viewing the information, Wang Xian sent a message to the domain owner.

At this moment, in the void in front of the war continent, the domain masters and the glazed emperors were suspended in the void.

After receiving the news from the Dragon King, he looked at the planet where the Dragon Palace was located.

“Let all the soldiers and disciples prepare to evacuate!”

The domain master commanded towards a group of god emperors.

“It’s the domain owner!”

A group of god emperors nodded immediately and flew towards the surroundings.

At the same time, they also looked at the planet where the Dragon Palace was from time to time.

They are also curious, what kind of force will Dragon Palace send to conquer the Armament Emperor domain later!

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