Chapter 300 Calling Dad! Up (third more!)

“Haha, this is delicious, you can taste it comfortably, this is not bad.”

“Sister-in-law, this is also good!”

“Master, try this!”

Shangjing, the oldest and richest city in China, has a rich nightlife.

Wang Xian reluctantly followed behind, watching the four of them keep walking to the stalls to buy some snacks, and said happily.

Along the way, it attracted the attention of countless people.

Four beauties, and all of them are top-notch.

Xiaoyu, Lan Qingyue, Guan Shuqing, and Elder Fan are all martial artists, and they can be said to be perfect in shape.

The four of them are not short in height, and they possess a special temperament. Even in the city of Shanghai, where there are many beauties, the four of them can kill everything in seconds.

“Go, let’s go shopping.”

When the four of them came to a well-known shopping plaza in Beijing, the four of them walked inside with excitement.

Shopping and beauty can be said to be a woman’s nature, even if it is a female of the innately strong level, they will not lose this nature.

Now they can finally release their nature completely, and a group of four people are completely tireless shopping together.

All kinds of clothes, decorations, bags, one after another.

Soon, Wang Xian and Mo Qinglong who followed them were all covered with things. They followed the four beauties like a little brother.

Wang Xian shook his head, thinking that he and the demon-blue dragon-like powerhouse had fallen to the point of being a actor.

The four of them went shopping until eleven o’clock in the evening, and they still had a lot of talent. They agreed to go to another square for shopping tomorrow morning.

Wang Xian, who followed behind, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

It’s not that he feels tired, but it’s really boring.

He really can’t experience the fun of girls.

“Come on, Xiaoxian, bring this watch with you tomorrow. A man should own a watch of his own!”

Guan Shuqing Lan Qingyue took out the things he bought for him and said with a smile.


Wang Xian smiled and took it over. The two girls bought him a watch, which was worth more than two million yuan, which was very beautiful and very luxurious.

But he has no love for watches. Think about it every time he takes off his clothes every time he transforms a dragon, it is even more troublesome now that he has an extra watch.

If you accidentally forget to take it off, the watch will be ruined after the dragon is transformed.

But he couldn’t refuse the feelings of the two girls.

“I’m looking for a hotel!”

Xiaohan took out his cell phone and began to search for hotels.

The hotels in Shangjing are still relatively tight. By this time, some hotels may be full.

A group of people searched for three hotels in a row before they found them on one street.

“Huh? This is a famous bar street in Shangjing!”

Xiaoyu looked forward in confusion. This street was considered the most lively place in the entire Shanghai night.

Throughout the street, you can see a very sexy woman everywhere, and each with delicate makeup looks very beautiful.

Sports cars are parked on both sides of the street one by one. In the city of Shangjing, the rich are definitely not comparable to Jiangcheng.

Even ten Jiangcheng are not as good as Shangjing.

“Let’s go, go back to sleep!”

Xiaohan glanced at it, not very interested in it, and walked towards the hotel in front.

A five-star hotel is also a well-known hotel.

Wang Xian and the others went over. When they first walked to the door, Xiao Yu’s figure suddenly paused. She looked at a person walking out of the sports car next to her in surprise.

“Huh? What’s wrong with Xiaoyu?”

Wang Xian asked in surprise.

“It’s the spiritual clothing, the spiritual clothing!”

Some surprises said, Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, and looked over, a girl, a very beautiful girl, followed two or three young beauties beside her, walking towards the hotel.

“It’s really a spiritual garment, I like the flight of her spiritual garment the most, it gives people a positive feeling!”

Guan Shuqing looked at them and said with some surprise on their faces.

“Don’t be so surprised when you meet some singers and actors in Shangjing, after all, the best art academy is here.”

Wang Xian smiled.

“I really like Lingyi Song!” Xiaoyu smiled and looked at the beauty.

Wang Xian smiled and nodded: “You are still chasing stars, let’s go, let’s go back to sleep, it’s already so late!”

“All right!”

Xiaoyu nodded, but still looked at the beauty curiously.

And the spiritual clothes singer also heard Xiaoyu’s words, with a faint smile on his face, and he said something affectionately toward a young man.

“Two presidential suites!”

When he came to the front desk, Mo Qinglong said to the waiter at the front desk.

“Sorry sir, there is only one presidential suite at the moment!”

“One room, it happens that I live with the two sisters-in-law of the master, hehe, you live in ordinary!”

Xiaoyu smiled and said to Wang Xian.

“Well, I actually think I can squeeze in!”

Wang Xian said thoughtfully.

“Think beautiful!”

Guan Shuqing and Lan Qingyue flushed, and said directly to him.

“One presidential suite, two suites!”

Mo Qinglong said directly to the front desk clerk on the side.

“Good sir, there are 130,000 in total!”

The waiter smiled and said, Mo Qinglong byte passed the card.

“Are there no presidential suites?”

At this moment, a young man’s voice came from nearby.

“Sorry sir, the last one has just been booked out.”

The waiter at the front desk said with a smile.

“Oh, is it?” The young man raised his brows, and immediately took out a card and placed it directly on the front desk: “Your hotel’s diamond membership card, in the case of simultaneous reservations, the diamond member user will be given priority!”

The young man said lightly, and smiled at the people beside him.

Wang Xian and the others were taken aback for a moment, turned their heads, and looked at the youth.

A young man in his thirties, beside him are the beautiful singers in spiritual clothes that Xiaoyu said, and several people who entered the hotel with them.

“This…” The waiter at the front desk showed a look of embarrassment on his face, and said apologetically to the young man: “Sorry, sir, their card has already been swiped, so sorry!”

“Huh?” The young man was taken aback for a moment, with an unhappy look on his face.

“Several beauties, can you give us your room, I can agree to some of your requirements, such as taking pictures, signing and so on.”

The Lingyi on the side also frowned slightly, and she looked at Xiaoyuguan Shuqing and the others.

Xiaoyu frowned slightly, looked at Guan Shuqing and the others, and shook his head slowly: “Sorry, the beauty in Lingyi, we have already ordered it.”

Lingyi was taken aback for a moment, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

“We paid you your money, give us this room!”

The young man said directly from the side.

“Sorry!” Guan Shuqing and the others shook their heads.

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