Chapter 302 Calling Dad! Next (Fifth!)

“Zhou Qingkong, you are sure to let me get out!”

An indifferent word from the middle-aged man was thrown on the young man’s face, making his face instantly embarrassed.

The young man’s face was grim, and he stared at Zhou Qingkong.

“Huh?” Zhou Qingkong squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the young man, his eyes flickering, followed by firmness, gritted his teeth: “Let you roll, you just give me roll!”

“Drafting Zhou Qingkong, don’t think you are an innate powerhouse. Laozi is afraid of you. The Feng family didn’t destroy you. Do you want us to destroy you by the Yuan family?”

The young man immediately became furious when he heard Zhou Qingkong’s words, pointed at him and cursed directly, extremely arrogant.

Even if he knew that Zhou Qingkong was an innate powerhouse, he didn’t have the slightest fear, obviously he had a big hole card.

“Hehe, let you get out, just get out of here, kill me Zhou Qingkong, don’t let a boy from the Yuan family speak wildly!”

Zhou Qingkong said to the youth with a calm face, at this moment, he knew which side he was standing on.

“Okay, you…”

The youth’s face was somber and almost bleeding. He pointed to Zhou Qingkong, his face constantly changing: “Zhou Qingkong, you wait for Laozi, I won’t smash your hotel today, I’m Yuan Fei and I’m going to Beijing to get rid of it. .”

“Have you heard you get out?”

When Zhou Qingkong saw Yuan Fei like this, his face gradually became gloomy, and a terrifying might covered him.

“Within five minutes, you will wait for me.”

Feeling Zhou Qingkong’s momentum, Zhou Qingkong’s face turned pale, gritted his teeth, and said a little savagely.

He looked at Wang Xian and the others, his eyes were cold: “There are a few of you, I will let you know later, and provoke the price I have to pay!”

“let’s go!”

He said, with an embarrassed face, he said to the spiritual clothing beside him and the other two people, and took out the phone viciously.


Zhou Qingkong looked a little embarrassed. He took a deep breath and turned to look at Guan Shuqing again: “Miss, I am very fortunate that you can stay in our hotel. I hope you have a good rest today!”

“Thank you, Mr. Zhou, trouble you!”

Guan Shuqing and the others were also grateful for their smiles when they saw that Mr. Zhou did not hesitate to offend the young man to defend them.

“No need! Miss, which room are you in, I’ll take you there!”

Zhou Zong said quickly.

“Don’t bother, let’s go by ourselves!” Guan Shuqing shook his head.

“It’s all right, it’s my honor to serve you, Miss!”

Mr. Zhou shook his head quickly and walked ahead to lead the way.

Behind him, Manager Sun looked at his boss in a daze, his face full of surprise.

Who is that girl, even let the boss offend the Yuan family.

“Boom boom boom!”

However, just as Wang Xian Xiaoyu and the crowd had just arrived in the president’s room.

Wang Xian put his things on the table, and Elder Fan opened the window to let the wind out, and a roar suddenly came from outside.

“Papa Papa!”

Following closely, accompanied by the sound of glass breaking.


Wang Xian and Xiao Yu Guan Shuqing were taken aback for a moment, and immediately walked to the window.

“What a big battle!”

Elder Fan looked outside with a shocked look on his face: “It’s worthy of going to Beijing, even if it’s an innate strong hotel, there are still people who dare to come directly to the scene!”

At this time, twenty or thirty supercars gathered at the entrance of the hotel.

Every supercar made a roaring sound. On the supercar, a young teenager looked at the hotel in front of him with rebellious expression.

And the roaring sound just now was a supercar ramming into the hotel directly and unscrupulously.

Arrogant, not forever.

“Zhou Qingkong, get out of the fuck for Laozi, and get out of those bitches for me!”

A familiar arrogant voice came, and Wang Xian and the crowd were taken aback for a while, staring at each other.

“Go, let’s go down.”

Wang Xian slightly calmed his face and said directly to Xiaoyuguan Shuqing.

“Dare to scold us!”

Xiaoyu Guan Shuqing felt a burst of anger on the faces of the girls, the young man was simply too arrogant and domineering.

A group of people immediately put down their things and walked towards the downstairs position.


However, when they just walked to the hall, a figure flew directly towards their position.

He couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was extremely pale.

“Zhou Zhou!”

Guan Shuqing’s face changed, and she hurriedly walked over and shouted.

“it’s okay no problem!”

Mr. Zhou saw Guan Shuqing walking down, a smile appeared on his pale face, but at the same time a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

“Hehe, dare to move my Sui Ao brother, I think you Zhou Qingkong don’t want to live anymore!”

A voice of disdain and arrogance sounded.

The door of the hotel was completely knocked open, and a sports car inside hit the sofa in the lobby.

Yuan Fei stood aside, not the slightest distress for the luxury car that was hit.

He held his head slightly, staring at Zhou Qingkong with disdain, and saw Wang Xian and the crowd walking out, with a hint of coldness and teasing on his face.

The location at the entrance of the hotel has all been blocked by luxurious sports cars.

Twenty or thirty cars parked at the door. In the center, a young man sat in front of the front of a limited-edition sports car, slightly tilted his legs, and said with a smile on his face.

And beside the young man, a middle-aged man exuding terrorism was standing beside him. Obviously, it was this middle-aged man who had just shot.

Except for this middle-aged man, there was a young man sitting in front of every sports car around him.

Luxury brand-name clothes and jewelry, luxurious luxury cars, this is a group of second generation, but also very powerful second generation.

In addition to this group of second generations, there are also several middle-aged and elderly people around, many of whom are innate.

The power of this group of people is extremely terrifying.

“You guys have come out, haha, today Laozi will let you kneel here and kneel for Laozi all night!”

Yuan Fei looked at Wang Xian and the others, with a cold expression on his face.

Arrogant enough not to put anyone in the eyes.

“It’s pretty awesome, no wonder there will be such a second generation in Shangjing. It turns out to be really powerful. In their opinion, everything should follow them!”

Wang Xian looked at Yuan Fei, then swept all the young people at the door of the hotel and two of the innate strong men, and finally his eyes fell on the young man who spoke in the center.

“The surname is Sui? Isn’t it the royal family?”

Wang Xian thought of what the young man had just said, and said in a low voice, Xiaoyu Lan Qingyue Guan Shuqing next to them was slightly taken aback.

“If it really is, it would be interesting!”

Xiaoyu showed a slightly abusive look on her face. She looked at the young man sitting on the sports car in the center and said with a smile: “The boy in the center, your aunt’s grandma is here, but she just came to bow down!”


Xiaoyu’s words immediately made all the young people sitting on the sports car look confused.

This little girl dared to speak to Sui Ao, is she looking for death?

The young man in the center was also slightly taken aback, looking at Xiaoyu, Lan Qingyue, Guan Shuqing, and Elder Fan. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his face showed a sneer.

“You said, what if you let them kneel down on the ground licking their shoes and call Dad?”

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