Chapter 3133 Sensation

In the Milky Way, on the Universe Brain, a video of a Yalong caused quite a stir.

Because there are so many topics about Dragon Palace recently, the discussion on this matter is also extremely lively.

When the video of the woman did not take long, another message caused an uproar.

An old man who claimed to be Yalong said that he wanted to go to the Dragon Palace to see the situation, but he was ambushed and attacked by a strong man of the Nine Swords race.

Fortunately, he reacted faster and escaped the attack.

According to his introduction, it was the strong man at the pinnacle of the god king who attacked him.

When the news went out, it caused a lot of shock.

“This information is true or false? The Nine Sword Race captured Yalong around the volcanic domain. Is this going to be an enemy of the Dragon Palace?”

“The Nine Sword Race has always hunted Yalong. This information is really possible.”

“Hey, if it’s true, is the Dragon Palace going to fight with the Nine Sword Race?”

“The establishment of every elementary race in the universe will cause a fight, and there is a real possibility that the Dragon Palace will have a war with the Nine Sword Race.”

On the universe’s brains, countless people talked in shock.

At the same time, on a slightly backward planet beside the Milky Way, in a small village, a woman walked anxiously in the courtyard, her face full of anxiety and anxiety.


At this time, Wang Xiantian formation and their figures appeared in the upper position, looking at the woman.

“Hello, I am the Dragon King of Dragon Palace!”

Wang Xian and the others fell in front of the woman and said lightly.


Seeing Wang Xian who suddenly appeared, she was shocked, looked at them, and immediately knelt down: “Please save my brother from the Dragon King. My brother was taken away.”

“Get up.”

Wang Xian looked at the girl, sighed, and waved her arm to help her stand up.

“What’s your name.”

Wang Xian asked.

“Dragon King, the little girl is Jiaojiao, and my brother is Jiaolong.”

The girl stood up and said.

“You have your brother’s belongings, give me the belongings, and I will check his location.”

Tianzhen said.

“Don’t worry, we will help you find your brother.”

Wang Xian promised from the side.

Even if he died, Dragon Palace would be able to rescue him.

“Thank you Dragon King, thank you Dragon King!”

Jiaojiao quickly thanked: “Brother’s Kingdom of God is here, I will take you there.”

“The Kingdom of God is better.”

Tianma nodded, and soon, Wang Xian and the others followed Jiaojiao into his brother’s kingdom of God.

With a wave of the Tianjin’s arm, the formation began to be arranged.

On the side, Jiao Jiao sensed the terrifying power of Tianyuan, and her eyes were full of expectation.

When the Dragon Palace completely wiped out the survivors of the Mohan Chamber, Tianzhen received the witchcraft of the entire Mohan Chamber.

His current witchcraft background is not weak at all.

With the formation of the formation, a picture came quickly, and a young imprisoned man appeared in the picture.

Around the youth.

“Can you lock his position.”

Wang Xian asked from the side.

“Dragon Palace, some trouble, he should be in a secret place, this place cannot be detected by the formation method.”

“I can’t explore it with my strength. There are only a few primary races in the universe.”

Tian Zhen frowned slightly and said.

His words made Jiaojiao’s face white.

“Can you lock in their approximate range?”

Wang Xian asked.

“Let me try!”

Tianyuan’s eyes condensed, a black book appeared in his hand, and the words were suspended, and they began to combine.

In the end, a picture emerged dimly.

The picture was very unclear, and the sky’s eyes flickered: “There is only a faint picture. We sent the picture to Prime Minister tortoise and asked him to send someone to find it. It shouldn’t be long before we can find it.”


Wang Xian nodded and looked at Jiao Jiao on the side: “Don’t worry, Dragon Palace will rescue your brother safely. You should follow us to Dragon Palace first.”

“It’s the Dragon King.”

Jiaojiao nodded heavily, and Wang Xian waved his arm and put it into the brood. With a move, several people disappeared instantly and returned to the Dragon Palace.

“Dragon King, there is a new message on Zhi Nao. A suspected Yalong powerhouse sent a message on Zhi Nao, saying that when he came to our Dragon Palace, he was attacked by the Nine Swords race.”

When Wang Xian and the others arrived, Prime Minister Turtle came to report.

“Nine swords race?”

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, and the killing intent flashed in his eyes.

“Prime Minister Turtle, settle her down.”

With a wave of his arm, Jiaojiao was released.

Jiaojiao looked at the surrounding Dragon Palace and opened her mouth slightly.

“Don’t worry about your brother’s affairs. We will rescue him these days. You are now resting in the Dragon Palace.”

Prime Minister Kame said to her.

“thanks, thanks!”

Jiaojiao nodded.

“Tianzhen, call Venerable Youyu Zhou from the Shanglong Palace. Let’s go and check around the volcanic area. I want to see if it’s the Nine Swords and the Dragonborn.”

As Wang Xian said, he flew straight to the outside.

“Boom boom boom!”

Soon, all the Universe Venerables in the Dragon Palace flew outside, their eyes full of evil spirits.

Inside the Dragon Palace, Jiaojiao saw so many Universe Venerables in the Dragon Palace, slightly opened her mouth, with a shocked expression on her face.

“Dragon King, they dare to capture Yalong around our dragon palace. They dare not put our dragon palace in their eyes. We will go to war directly with them. I want to see who is killing whom?”

Flying out of the Dragon Palace, the leaders of the Dragon Palace shouted in a low voice with sullen faces.

“Rescue those Yalong first.”

Wang Xian said coldly, and quickly flew towards the periphery of the volcanic domain.


When he came to the edge of the volcanic domain, Wang Xian waved his arm, and the crescent moon hovered in the sky, investigating the situation here.

At the same time, at a place on the bottom of the Milky Way, a group of middle-aged people live on a ship.

Suddenly, the old man in the center condensed his gaze, staring at the shining red ball in front of him.

“Someone is detecting our situation.”

He stood up and said immediately.

“It should be the Dragon Palace, and now there is Yalong on the Universe Brain to spread the news here, get ready, let’s check the strength of that Dragon Palace.”

The old man in the center spoke.

“Pass the news to the Dragonborn race.”

An old man next to him spoke.

They are all Universe Venerables of the Nine Sword Race, this time the goal is to hunt Yalong, and the main thing is to test the strength of the Dragon Palace.

“It’s a shame to be discovered so early. I still want to hunt more Yalong.”

Venerable Nine Sword Universe on the right shook his head, and said slightly disappointed.

“Haha, as long as that dragon palace can be destroyed, there will be no Yalong?”

The two Universe Venerables of the Nine Sword Race nearby smiled sorrowfully.

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