Chapter 3147 Thunder Dragon 2

A corpse of Tier 2 Venerable Universe.

Two first-order corpses of the Universe Venerable.

Located in their god’s country, there are also a large number of various treasure resources.

Only these resources can make Dragon Palace get a lot of improvement.

If it is used to cultivate the first-order combat power of the Universe, more than a dozen can be cultivated.

After all, there is the second-order corpse of a Cosmos Venerable and the Kingdom of the Universe.

In addition to these, there are a large number of corpses of the god emperor level and the kingdom of gods.

In their gods’ country, Dragon Palace also found a lot of resources.

Together, these resources are equally valuable.

Of course, the biggest gain was Wang Xian’s gain in the dragonborn race’s treasure house.

Not to mention a thunderous dragon with a powerful bloodline, other various artifacts and treasures are also valuable.

This time, the Dragonborn race was eliminated, and only the acquired Lingbao obtained five pieces, three of which belonged to the five elements.

Prime Minister Turtle placed the sorted resources in the Dragon King Palace, and the members of the Dragon Palace watched with enthusiasm.

“Put all the corpses next to the Hualong Pond, Thunder, you go in the Hualong Pond to recover from your injuries.”

“Prime Minister Turtle, you are here to organize the allocation of resources this time.”

Wang Xian looked at the large amount of resources ahead with a smile on his face, and immediately ordered.

“It’s the Dragon King.”

Prime Minister Tortoise Thunder and they nodded.

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, a handle of Houtian Lingbao flew over, and the five elements flew out and began to absorb.

Although the resources this time are huge, many of them are artifacts like dragon cannons.

This kind of item cannot be directly transformed into strength.

Therefore, the harvest this time will not allow Wang Xian’s strength to break through.

However, the Five Elements Damo can be improved, making him stronger.

The rest of the members of the Dragon Palace can be greatly improved.

Especially the ordinary disciples of Dragon Palace, the number of god emperor powerhouses killed this time is very large.

Enough to make all members of the Dragon Palace advance to the realm of God Emperor.



Before long, there was a sudden roar in the Dragon Palace, and Wang Xian, who was located in the Dragon King Hall and assisted the Great Mo in the Five Elements to devour the Lingbao of the Hou Tian, ​​was taken aback for a while, and immediately flew towards the position of the Hualong Pond.

Several Dragon Palace chiefs, Prime Minister Turtle, also rushed over immediately.


When he came to the Hualong Pond, Wang Xian raised his brows slightly while looking at a body inside.

“Dragon King, that thunder seems to have undergone tremendous changes.”

Prime Minister Turtle flew over and said with surprise on his face.


Wang Xian nodded, and the yin-yang and five-element dragon eyes looked at the thunderous body.

“He has been kept in captivity for more than two billion years, drawing blood from his body. The dragon blood in his body is almost exhausted, and only the purest strand of dragon blood retains a trace of vitality in his body.”

“Now that he absorbs pure blood, he is going to evolve. Judging from the pure power of thunder in his body, he should evolve into a thunder dragon.”

Wang Xian spoke, her eyes gleaming.


Upon hearing Wang Xian’s words, Prime Minister Turtle showed surprise on their faces.

Nowadays, the only pure dragon in Dragon Palace is Feng Shenlong. If Thunder can become a Shenlong, then it will be the first Thunder Dragon and the second purebred Shenlong of Dragon Palace.

“All the half of the resources this time were absorbed by Thunder. He used to have the fighting power of Venerable Universe Tier 5. Now that his bloodline has improved, with his own background and a lot of resources, he should be able to recover a lot.

“At least it can reach the third-order combat effectiveness of Venerable Universe.”

Wang Xian said with a smile in his eyes.

If Thunder can reach the third-order combat power of the Universe Venerable, then the Dragon Palace will be fearless in the entire galaxy.

Even among the primary races in the universe, they are not afraid of anything.

Among the primary races in the universe, the strongest is only in the third-order realm of Venerable Universe.

Reaching the fourth rank of the Venerable will have the opportunity to lead the race to a higher level.

Of course, if you want to step into the primary race of the universe, in addition to possessing the fourth-order combat power of Venerable Youyu Zhou, the number of Venerables of the universe must reach five thousand.

This is an invisible rule.

The Dragon Palace is still far, far away from the mid-level race in the universe.

Thunder’s improvement is good news for Dragon Palace.

In the next period of time, the Dragon Palace fell silent, and began to rapidly improve its strength.

On the side of the Milky Way, there is still no end to the discussion about the Dragon Palace.

The strength of Dragon Palace.

The power of Dragon Palace has been discussed by countless people.

During this time, the primary races in the universe were also analyzing the strength of the Dragon Palace.

According to the information they got.

The Dragon Palace has at least twenty-five Cosmos Venerables, of which, the Cosmos Venerables are second-tier, around five.

This is the comprehensive strength of Dragon Palace.

Several venerables of the mist race came to the battlefield to perform calculations after the battle was over.

They left directly after getting some information.

The Skeletons also have the strong front row, and they will leave.

The strong rise of the Dragon Palace still makes many forces feel uneasy.

It didn’t take long for the Mist Race directly to announce on the Universe Brain that they welcomed the Dragon Palace to the Milky Way.

Other primary races in the universe saw the fog race openly welcome on the intellectual brain, and directly followed suit.

Some weaker universe elementary races are even more outspoken, welcome members of the Dragon Palace to come as guests, and ensure that all Yalongs are safe in their realm.

The good news one by one also caused everyone in the galaxy to talk a lot.

People also know that Dragon Palace is truly based in the galaxy, and no force will dare to provoke them in the future.

The force with the largest number of Universe Venerables also fell on the head of the Dragon Palace.

And when everyone was talking about Dragon Palace, suddenly a news came out that surprised all the forces.

Two venerables of the ancient painting sect came to entertain all the forces in the galaxy.

This news is not spread very widely, only a group of primary races in the universe know.

When they received the invitation letter from the ancient painting sect, the faces of all the forces were full of curiosity.

They did not understand why the ancient painting sect suddenly came here to entertain them.

However, the two Universe Venerables came in person, and they were still the second-order existence of Venerables, and all the forces still gave them face.

In the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian also received this invitation letter.

“This invitation letter from the ancient painting sect, Dragon King, something is wrong, it should be for the ancient painting sect Venerable Loushan and his party, they should be looking for the murderer.”

Prime Minister Turtle looked at the invitation letter and guessed.

“It should be. We killed the Venerable Loushan for more than a month. The ancient painting sect should have heard of his death long ago.”

“At this time, how could they still have the mind to hold a banquet? It should be to find out who killed the Venerable Loushan.”

Wang Xian nodded lightly.

When killing Venerable Loushan, he thought of the revenge of the ancient painting sect.

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