Chapter 3158 Dragon Skeleton, Blood Dragon vs Thunder Dragon (1)


“Hi, what’s the matter?”

“The speed of the Dragon King is so fast!”

Wang Xian’s shot suddenly used his speed to its limit and instantly obliterated the existence of a second-order cosmic venerable.

This made the faces of all the venerables around him extremely shocked.

The patriarch of the bloody race swept his eyes, and the blood on his face surged, full of fury.

There was a trace of evil spirit and jealousy in the blood-red eyes.

“Be careful, the dragon king is very fast!”

The patriarch of the Nine Swords race looked at it, his heart sank, and he reminded loudly.

None of them thought that Wang Xian’s speed would be so terrifying.

Not to mention that they would have killed a second-order existence of the Universe Venerable in such a short period of time.

This is a second-tier power of Venerable Universe, and there is an extra second-tier Universe Venerable on their side, and now he was killed by the Dragon King of Dragon Palace in seconds.

“Hi, the strength of that Dragon Palace Dragon King is so strong!”

“A terrifying speed.”

“That speed is extremely restrained for our fog race.”

The venerables of the primary races and races of the universe who watched the battle around them also showed horror on their faces.

Even Venerable Red Mist, his pupils shrank slightly.

They were a little shocked by the speed of the Dragon King of Dragon Palace.

Somewhat horrified, as soon as the war broke out, there was a Venerable who had fallen, and he was still a second-order Venerable Universe.

Such a level, placed in their noble clan, is also one of the strongest.

“No wonder they were able to kill Loushan and the others, this speed is terrifying.”

The two masters of the ancient painting sect looked gloomy when they saw this scene.

“Leave the Dragon King to me.”

The patriarch of the bloody race stared at Wang Xian, roaring furiously, carrying a pillar of blood that reached the sky, and with a wave of his arm, the sea of ​​blood attacked him.

In the blood sea, one by one claws madly grabbed towards the bloody patriarch.


Wang Xian narrowed his eyes and gave a cold snort. With a wave of his arm, the Five Elements Damo directly moved towards the suppression of the blood sea.


At this time, suddenly another throbbing roar sounded.


“Kakaka, ahhhhhh!”

Located on one side, a skeleton with black gloomy light all over faces the thunder.

Skeletons are good at close combat.

But when he approached Thunder in melee, Thunder immediately transformed the dragon.

A 100-meter thunder dragon appeared in front of the strong skeleton clan.

At the moment he hadn’t reacted, thunder shook his body, and the thunder sent a terrifying thunder penalty.

The dragon claw caught the gloomy skeleton directly.

The terrifying thunder instantly sank into his skull.

All the strengths belonging to the third rank of Venerable Universe burst out.


With a heavy wave of his dragon claw, he threw the skeleton’s body in front of the dragon palace.


“With this strength, dare to invade our Dragon Palace? All three of you will stay here today!”

The thunder roared violently, the power of thunder seemed to destroy the world.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly attacked a cosmic monk in front of him.

“Damn it, that Thunder Dragon’s strength is the third rank of Venerable Universe!”

“The existence of the third rank of the Universe, we are not opponents, the Skull Patriarch, your hole cards, hole cards!”

Suddenly, another Tier 2 skeleton of the Universe Venerable of the Skeleton Clan was suddenly beheaded by thunder, and the patriarch of the Nine Sword Race opened his eyes wide and roared in horror.

The Dragon Palace is actually the third-order existence of Venerable Youyu Zhou!

The Dragon Palace also beheaded the existence of a second-order Universe Venerable.


When their Nine Sword Race came back this time, they wanted to destroy the Dragon Palace, not to be destroyed.

The bodies of the Cosmos Venerables around who were watching the battle trembled, with horror in their eyes.

In this short period of time, Dragon Palace wiped out the second-tier combat effectiveness of the two cosmic masters of the three clans.

More importantly, the existence of the third order of the Dragon Palace Youyu Zhou Venerable.

“It is very difficult for the three clans to destroy the Dragon Palace with the power of the third-order master of Youyu Zhou, and depending on the situation, it is hard to say who destroys.”

Venerable Hongwu murmured.

The eyes of the rest of the venerables were full of awe.

The strength erupted from Dragon Palace was too strong.

“Damn Dragon Palace, you dare to kill the strong men of our Skeleton Clan.”

The patriarch of the Golden Skull saw that a strong inside the clan was killed, bursting with golden brilliance on his body.

“Patriarch Skeleton, quickly take out all the hole cards of your race. If it is not the opponent, we will run away immediately.”

At this moment, the Nine Sword Race had fear in their hearts.

He is also a second-order existence of Venerable Universe. If he is unlucky, he is likely to die here.

He doesn’t want to die.

“To shut up!”

The head of the golden skeleton opened his mouth wide and let out a sharp roar.

“Hahaha, Shenlong blood, pure Thunder Dragon blood, I want your blood.”

He snarled frantically.

“Lord Dragon Skull, destroy them.”

He took out a black token, waved his arm, and the token flew directly towards Skull Island.


The token was suspended in the sky above Skull Island, and a touch of darkness shrouded directly below.


Inside Skull Island, a dragon chant came from inside.

Immediately afterwards, a huge, dragon-like skeleton flew out from inside.

The place where his dragon’s head is, consists of blood-red skulls.

Located in the center, there is a skull with the size of one hundred meters.

This skull has its own wisdom and is also the master of the entire body.

“Pure Shenlong blood!”

The dragon skeleton about five kilometers away exudes an aura that makes everyone tremble, his eyes are locked on the Thunder Dragon, and the ghost fire in his eyes is beating frantically.

“Is this the trump card of your Skeleton clan?”

Wang Xian’s eyes shrank slightly.

The dragon body part of the entire dragon skeleton is completely indistinguishable from the dragon body.

The only difference is the dragon’s head. The skeleton family got the dragon bone of a dragon, but lacked the dragon’s dragon bone.


When the dragon skeleton moved, the law of darkness was permeated around him, carrying a terrifying power and marching towards the thunderous attack.

“Just rely on you, borrow the body of our Shenlong, and still want to defeat me?”

Thundering sensed the power of the dragon skeleton, his eyes were full of cold expressions, his body size instantly changed to the size of 10,000 meters, and he greeted him without fear.


“The bloody clan, the pure Shenlong bloodline is right in front of you, do you still have any reservations?”

The patriarch of the Golden Skull swept his eyes and shouted sharply, shouting at the patriarch of the bloody side.

“Trouble, didn’t your Skeletons say that the Dragon Palace does not have the third-level existence of Youyu Zhou Venerable?”

Patriarch Xuehu’s face changed, and he could feel his anger.

With a move of his palm, pieces of dragon scales appeared in his hand.

“I use the dragon scales of the dragon to transform the blood dragon!”

Patriarch Xuehu raised his head and screamed, his whole body began to change.

The dragon scales in his hand covered his body.

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