Chapter 3176 Heavenly Sea Dragon Palace

“Go, let’s go to Longming Continent.”

Located in a planet, Wang Xian and Liu Shen walked out of the teleporter.

He looked at the route on the Universe Brain, and said immediately.

“Dragon King, now there is still a month before that Dragon Palace opens.”

Liu Shen said.

“Yes, there is still a month left, but we are here for the first time and we need to check the situation here.”

“Go and see what is going on in the Dragon Palace!”

Wang Xian said.

Wang Xian was full of curiosity about the Dragon Palace of a powerful dragon.

What is the difference between this dragon palace and the dragon palace built by the system?

Does it also have the powerful functions of the system to build the Dragon Palace?

Thinking in their hearts, they quickly flew towards Longming Continent.

Longming Continent belongs to the east in this starry sky.

This is not the first time that Wang Xian has come to this starry sky, but he hasn’t stayed here for long.

The number of strong people here is much more than that of the Milky Way.

Even the powerful primary races in the universe can wipe out all forces in the entire galaxy.

Shuttle in the starry sky, two hours later, a huge continent appeared in sight.

Wang Xian glanced at it and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This is a continent ten times bigger than Wangyin Continent.

At this moment, in the surrounding void, one can see a figure flying towards this side.

Some figures are huge monsters of birds.

Some are monsters that Tengyun is like a rhinoceros.

There are also monster beasts running in the void, like a cheetah.

All kinds of monsters, their bodies exude a powerful evil spirit.

Some monsters fly in human form.

Monster beasts rushed towards Longming Continent from all directions.

Wang Xian glanced over and found that many monster beasts were very strong.

Vaguely able to sense the beasts of the venerable level.

His eyes fell on the Longming Continent ahead.

The whole continent is lush and lush, basically all trees towering into the clouds.

“This Longming Continent is not easy.”

Liu Shen stared at this continent, his eyes gleaming with luster.

Wang Xian nodded.

According to the news that Dragon Palace received, there were more than a dozen monsters of the Universe Venerable level in the entire Longming Continent.

Among them is the third-order monster of Youyu Zhou.

They live here, coveting the Tianhai Dragon Palace in Tianhai.

These monsters did not unite to form a force, basically they acted separately, waiting for the opportunity.

“Go, let’s go directly to Tian Hai Nei.”

Wang Xian and the others did not land on the ground, but continued to fly forward.

After half an hour, an ocean appeared in sight.

The huge sky and sea, the sea is not very deep, only tens of thousands of kilometers.

It is much shallower than the Milky Way.


Wang Xian and the others moved directly into the ocean and flew towards the center according to the address.

In the ocean, the number of monsters is even more diverse, and their unified goal is to be forward, without interfering with each other.


At this time, Wang Xian sensed a terrifying power coming from a position on one side. A monster beast like an octopus exuding a powerful power, rushed straight ahead.

The rest of the monster beasts around felt this breath, with a look of awe on their faces, and quickly hid away.

That is a great demon at the level of the cosmos venerable.

“Every time Tianhai Dragon Palace is opened, many big monsters from the surrounding starry sky rush over. It is said that the last time it was opened, more than two hundred big monsters came.”

Wang Xian said, her eyes gleaming.

Not only the big demon from this starry sky will rush over, but also the big demon from other starry sky will also rush over.

Here, there is no great demon-level strength, it is best to keep a low profile.

Don’t be too arrogant, even if it is some first-order big monsters of the universe.

Because here, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Wang Xian and the others were not too high-profile, watching the big demon flying past, and speeding up.

After flying again for half an hour, they sensed a powerful force coming from ahead.

A huge palace stands in the deepest part of the sky.

The entire palace is tens of millions of kilometers in size. In addition to containing a heart-pounding power, the palace looks a little primitive.

Somewhat sacred.

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the Dragon Palace in front of him, and there was a warm feeling in his blood.

This is Tianhai Dragon Palace.

Now the Dragon Palace looked like it was asleep, and it didn’t show up.

Directly facing them is the West Dragon Gate.

The West Dragon Gate looks similar to the Dragon Gate created by the system.

The entire dragon gate contains mysterious energy.

Around the dragon gate, many human monsters have arrived, but they did not dare to rush into the dragon gate.

Before the Dragon Palace is opened, any rash actions will cost you your life.

Approaching Tianhai Dragon Palace, Wang Xian and Liu Shen looked carefully.

“It is somewhat similar to the Dragon Palace built by the system, but there are some differences.”

Wang Xian looked around, muttered in his mouth, and looked around: “Go, let’s look around the Dragon Palace.”

There is a gray energy floating in the sky above Tianhai Dragon Palace, blocking everyone’s sight.

The position above, the gray energy is full of destructiveness, and everyone dare not step into it.

Wang Xian circled the Tianhai Dragon Palace, but helplessly, he could only see the periphery, but not the specific situation inside.


At this moment, he saw a monster beast race in front of him. There were hundreds of them. They had huge wings, but their bodies were like pythons, with unicorns on their heads.

From within this monster race, he felt a trace of the blood of a dragon, which should belong to Yalong.

However, maybe they are more of other blood vessels in their bodies.

The leader of the monster beast possesses the power of the second-order Venerable Universe, and some monster beasts around him dare not approach them.

“Yalong with a trace of the blood of a dragon, of course, the name Yalong may not be right. This is a powerful monster beast race.”

Wang Xian murmured.

Among these hundreds of monsters, there were three other than the leader at the rank of the sage of the universe.

“It seems that this time Tianhai Dragon Palace has opened a lot of powerful presences.”

He secretly said in his heart, continuing to investigate around the Dragon Palace.

“Boom boom boom.”

When he came to another location, there was a sudden sound of fighting in front of him.

He was taken aback for a moment, and saw a figure rushing towards him. The figure had a human snake tail, the upper body was the image of a woman, and the lower body was the appearance of a snake.

At this moment, she fled forward with a horrified face.

“Hahaha, little female snake, still want to escape?”

From the rear, a powerful force came.

This power made Wang Xian very familiar. He looked at it and saw a monster beast similar to an octopus chasing quickly behind.


A special voice came from her body, and a poisonous mist shrouded in front of her.

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