Chapter 3190 Terrifying Inheritance

Inheritance of the mighty dragon!

When the ancient painting sect and the Tianlong clan saw a blow from the powerful dragons in the Dragon Palace, their expressions changed drastically.

They are horrified and incredible.

Everyone knew the strength of Dragon Palace three years ago.

The First World War three years ago was a very dangerous war for Dragon Palace.

In that battle, it was impossible for them to hide their strength.

However, three years ago, they had only about forty Universe Venerables, and now they have more than doubled directly.

With such a terrifying increase in speed, the dragon inheritance acquired by this Dragon Palace must be very terrifying.

“Hey, this… the speed of this Dragon Palace’s improvement!”

In the surrounding locations, the hearts of the Venerable Mist Race and the rest of the galaxy powerhouses were also extremely shocked.

What a terrifying inheritance this is, it can make Dragon Palace improve so fast.

“Ten purebred dragons with terrifying speed. This dragon palace should have obtained the inheritance of the once peak dragon.”

The master of the ancient painting sect also trembled and his eyes widened.

On the side, the third-order existence of the Heavenly Dragon Father and Heavenly Dragon Mother of the Heavenly Dragon Clan and the other Cosmos Venerables glanced at each other, and their pupils were filled with blazing heat.

Compared with the purebred dragons, the terrifying inheritance of the Dragon Palace is more attractive to them.

How powerful is a legacy that can make Dragon Palace improve so quickly?

“To destroy the Dragon Palace, you must destroy them.”

“Their Cosmos Venerables have only three rank three, with our strength, it is enough!”

Duke Tianlong roared and looked at the master of the ancient painting sect on the side.

“Exterminate the Dragon Palace at all costs!”

The master of the ancient painting sect nodded heavily and roared.

The strength displayed by Dragon Palace shocked them, but what shocked them and even frightened them was the speed of Dragon Palace’s improvement.

Today’s Dragon Palace is stronger than their ancient painting sect. If they are allowed to develop for another ten or a hundred years, their ancient painting sect will surely be destroyed.

Therefore, this time the Dragon Palace must be destroyed.

at all costs!

“Kill! All disciples attack!”

The master of the ancient painting sect immediately roared loudly, bearing the brunt, flew directly to the front, and attacked again.


Duke Tianlong and the others stirred their huge wings, swooped down, and killed them directly.

“Kill kill kill!”


At the rear, about five million disciples of the ancient painting sect, two or three million disciples of the Tianlong clan, immediately moved and attacked towards the Dragon Palace.

“Fight against!”

Prime Minister Turtle narrowed his eyes slightly and roared murderously.


All the Dragon Palace disciples greeted them without fear.

Long Wei inside his body rushed forward.


When the Longwei of the Dragon Palace swept toward the Tianlong clan, some of the Tianlong clan’s body trembled, showing a look of horror.

“Ho Ho Ho Ho, kill me!”

Some of the strong people of the Tianlong clan headed by sensing the suppression from the bloodline, their expressions changed slightly, and they roared sharply.


All the disciples of the Tianlong clan showed a trace of madness and rushed towards the members of the Dragon Palace.

“Kill them!”

Duke Tianlong burst into resoluteness in their eyes, and locked onto a famous expert in Dragon Palace.

“Four god emperors, third-order powerhouses, hand them to me.”

Looking at the seven Cosmos Venerable’s third-order combat power enemies displayed in the front, the array directly spoke.

With a wave of his arm, the formations that had been arranged around him immediately activated, and attacked the four of them, the third-order powerhouses of the Universe Venerable.

“Leave both to me!”


With a low roar of thunder, his eyes locked on the Heavenly Dragon Father and Heavenly Dragon Mother, and attacked away.

“Jie Jie Jie, leave the last one to me!”

Baqi smiled sternly, and rushed away.

“Dragon Witch, you lock down ten of them, the second-tier powerhouses of Venerable Universe.”

Prime Minister Turtle saw the two powerful forces attacking from the Universe, and commanded with cold eyes.


Ten thousand dragon witches immediately responded, and every thousand people targeted a second-tier powerhouse of Venerable Universe, and directly bombarded them with an overwhelming array.

The level spans two levels, and they can only deal with the second level of Universe Venerable at most.

Otherwise, no matter how high it is, you will not be able to keep up with the opponent’s speed.

“The rest of Dragon Palace, kill me!”

Prime Minister Turtle glanced over the 150 or so Universe Venerables of the two forces, and roared with a calm face.


A venerable Dragon Palace locked onto the enemy and rushed away directly.

The ancient painting sect, this time the number of the third-order of the universe is seven, and the number of the second-order is twenty-five.

The rest are all first-order.

Dragon Palace now has eleven Cosmos Venerables with second-order combat effectiveness.

Ten thousand dragon witches pinned and confronted ten, and there were fifteen, and ten cosmos venerables of the Dragon Palace were in confrontation.

The powerhouses in the rest of the Dragon Palace are fighting against more than a hundred members of the first-order combat strength of the Universe Venerable.

“Dragon Cannon, bombardment!”

However, the Dragon Palace possesses a dragon cannon and various war equipment made by the Fire Hammer clan, which are enough to deal with several members of the first-order combat power of the Universe.

In an instant, the war broke out.

“Dragon Palace disciple, set up a battle formation, rush to kill!”

Below the Venerable Universe, the millions of members of the Dragon Palace, the millions of members of the Devouring Dragon, and the members of the lowest third-order combat effectiveness of the God Emperor, immediately formed a battle formation and rushed away.


“Boom boom boom!”

The terrifying attacks collided, and the whole world seemed to tremble.

“The strength of the Dragon Palace is very strong, but it is still weaker than the two major forces.”

“It’s still a lot weaker, both in terms of high-end combat power and the number of cosmic masters.”

In the surrounding locations, a group of galactic powerhouses who watched the battle saw the complete outbreak of the battle, and they were somewhat shockingly talking.

In a moment of collision, Dragon Palace also felt tremendous pressure on this side.

Prime Minister Turtle frowned slightly, his eyes gleaming.


At this moment, suddenly a voice full of evil and depravity came from a side position.

Hearing this voice, Prime Minister Turtle was taken aback.

The evil voice spread towards the front position.

This faintly murmured evil voice caused the cosmic master of the ancient painting sect and the Tianlong clan to pause slightly, and his expression changed drastically.

“Oops, what kind of sound is this that actually interferes with the movement of energy in my body, making me crazy.”

The face of a second-order strong man in the ancient painting sect was greatly changed, and he roared in horror.

“What a weird voice, what an evil voice!”

Therefore, the complexion of the first-order powerhouse of Venerable Youyu Zhou changed drastically.



Suddenly, a scream sounded.

An ancient painting sect master of the universe has blood red eyes under this evil sound, and some crazy attacks around him out of control.

The Ao Yao concealed in the light and darkness instantly assassinated, killing him in seconds!


And below, when some powerful people of the ancient painting sect and the Tianlong clan heard the evil sound, their eyes instantly became red with blood, overflowing with blood.

They also began to frantically attack the people around them.

Enchanted instantly.

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