Chapter 3197 Breakthrough, kill!

“One hundred and fifty Cosmos Venerables.”

Wang Xian hovered above the Dragon Palace and scanned the surroundings.

There was a sorrowful look in his eyes.

The fall of a second-tier combat power member of the Venerable Dragon Palace Universe, the death of more than two thousand dragon species.

This time the loss is not small for Dragon Palace.

“It seems that in the past three years, the ancient painting sect and the Tianlong clan have planned a lot. It took three years to plan the affairs of the Tianhailong Palace, and three years to plan this invasion.”

Wang Xian murmured.

The galaxy connected to the teleportation array over the ancient paintings, and the opening of the Heavenly Sea Dragon Palace, all of which were premeditated.

If it weren’t for the existence of the ancestor tree, or if the Dragon Palace had been promoted, I’m afraid this blow would be fatal to Dragon Palace.

“Dragon King, are we ready to fight back? Now with your arrival and the Willow God, we are enough to kill them!”

In the Dragon King Palace, a famous leader of the Dragon Palace flew over and said with a murderous expression on his face.

“They are also setting up formations around our Dragon Palace, and they seem to be preparing to break our Dragon Palace.”

Wang Xian scanned the millions of troops around the Dragon Palace, watching a famous strong man set up a formation, his eyes shone with lustre.

He said in his mouth, looking at the leaders of the Dragon Palace: “Let all Dragon Palace members prepare for battle, I will promote first.”

As Wang Xian said, he landed directly in the center of the Dragon King Palace, transforming into the body of a dragon.

“The Dragon King wants to kill them all!”

Seeing their Dragon King put out a share of resources, the eyes of the Dragon Palace chiefs flickered.

“The ancient painting sect and the Tianlong clan are very powerful. Although they only have seven third-order cosmic masters, their combat power cannot be calculated by conventional methods. Whether it is ancient paintings or dragon balls, they are extremely terrifying.”

“Now if we do, although we can defeat the opponent, at least half of them can escape, but once the Dragon King breaks through, it will be completely different.”

Tian Zhen spoke in his mouth, his eyes gleaming.

As long as the Dragon King can break through, then with the strength of the Dragon King, one person can quickly eliminate the third-order combat power of the ancient painting sect and the universe sage of the Tianlong clan.

The rest of the venerables, with the willow god with them, can also easily be killed.

In this way, they will be able to kill each other in one fell swoop.

“This time we have obtained resources, enough to make Dragon King break through!”

Liu Shen stood aside and said with a smile on his face.

“I hope they will not leave during this period!”

Prime Minister Turtle squinted his eyes slightly and said sternly.

“How is the array layout?”

At the same time, outside the Dragon Palace, Duke Tianlong glanced around and asked the master of the ancient painting sect.

“This formation is a large array of heaven and earth that we have spent a lot of money to get. It will be completed soon. Once the formation is successful, this formation will draw all the aura within a radius of 100 million kilometers.”

“At that time, a dead zone will be formed here, what is the situation on your side of the Dragon King?”

The master of the ancient painting sect said lightly, with a trace of confidence on his face.

“At this time, our Heavenly Dragon King should have succeeded. I don’t know that you have confiscated a message, and the Heavenly Sea Dragon Palace has undergone tremendous changes.”

Duke Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly, his face also full of confidence.

He had just received news that a great change had taken place in Tianhai Dragon Palace.

Thinking of the instructions given to them by the Heavenly Dragon King back then, he was a little excited.

The Heavenly Dragon King said that he succeeded in transcending the heavens, and that he might inherit the Heavenly Sea Dragon Palace after possessing the blood of a purebred dragon.

Once the Heavenly Dragon King inherits the Heavenly Sea Dragon Palace, then their Heavenly Dragon clan will belong to the purebred Shenlong family.

They will be qualified to compete with other dragons and have the opportunity to set foot on the top of the universe.

Before long, after the arrival of the Dragon King that day, he will be able to easily break through the Dragon Palace, and at that time, he will also be able to become a purebred dragon by stealing the sky and changing his veins.

The thought of this made him excited.


When the master of the ancient painting sect heard the words of Duke Tianlong, he was slightly taken aback: “Tianhai Dragon Palace?”

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and a look of shock appeared on his face: “Could it be…”

“Ha ha!”

Duke Tianlong smiled, and the corners of his mouth cocked slightly.

“Congratulations, congratulations to the Tianlong clan!”

The master of the ancient painting sect was shaken in his heart, and he quickly bowed his hands in congratulations.

Tianhai Dragon Palace!

He has a very good understanding of the Tianlong clan, the rise of the Tianlong clan is due to the Tianhai Dragon Palace.

At the beginning, the Heavenly Dragon King got the chance in the Tianhai Dragon Palace and established the now powerful Tianlong clan.

If the Heavenly Dragon King can obtain all the inheritance of the Heavenly Sea Dragon Palace.

Among other things, in the future, the Tianlong clan will have an 80% certainty that they will be promoted to an intermediate race in the universe.

“Dragon Palace, ha ha!”

He looked down, and his eyes flashed with cold murderous aura.

“Have you heard that the ancient painting sect and the Tianlong clan have been killed to the Dragon Palace, and the Dragon Palace is now defeated, and they retreat to the Dragon Palace and dare not come out!”

“The Tianlong clan and the ancient painting sect have a total of one hundred and fifty Universe Venerables. It is simply too terrifying. Although the Dragon Palace has also erupted nearly a hundred Universe Venerables, they are still not their opponents.”

“Long Palace is defeated, I am afraid it will be dangerous next.”

“The two powers, there is also the Tianlong clan of the Shenlong line, and the strong of the Tianlong clan said that the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace has been beheaded by the Tianlong King.”

At this moment, the Milky Way is boiling again.

The Tianlong clan of the ancient painting sect attacked the Dragon Palace, and the news of the defeat of the Dragon Palace came out, which shocked everyone.

Although the strength displayed by the Dragon Palace shocked everyone, the strength of the two major forces even shocked all the strong in the galaxy.

Now the Dragon Palace dare not come out, it is suspected that the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace was beheaded by the Heavenly Dragon King.

The situation of Dragon Palace is very dangerous.

The strong men of the races on this side of the galaxy rushed over here.

With the arrival of the Dragon Palace, several terrifying wars have broken out on the galaxy side.

It also made the races of the galaxy feel their own insignificance.

Just when the ancient painting sect and the Tianlong clan set up a large formation to trap the Dragon Palace to death, just when everyone in the galaxy was talking about it.

Located in the Dragon Palace, a large amount of sacred grass entered Wang Xian’s belly and quickly turned into dragon energy.

This time, according to Wang Xian’s estimation, only obtaining the divine grass from the Heavenly Sea Dragon Palace would be able to make a breakthrough in its strength.

Time passed by, and ten hours later, the voice of the system came.

“Ding, congratulations on upgrading the host to the eighth rank of the Void God Emperor!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending the magical powers of the law: the clouds and mists are rising.”


At this moment, Wang Xian opened his eyes, and a bright light burst into his pupils.

His size has expanded, reaching a full size of 30,000 meters.

Clouds and mist flickered on his body, and a powerful breath came from the dragon’s body.


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