Chapter 3204 Dragon King vs Patriarch Xingjiang (1)

“This Dragon Palace Dragon King didn’t put us in his eyes!”

In a temple in the center of the Colorful River, the figure of Chi Yang above his head looked at the information handed by the clansman, and said lightly.

“Patriarch, according to the information we received, the elders of the Three Yuans who reported that our Xingjiang clan was still suffering from a poisonous hand at that time, the Dragon Palace Dragon King did not care about us at all.”

The face of the three elders holding a huge staff was a little cold.

“The Dragon Palace is not as simple as the information. They can completely destroy the ancient painting sect and the one hundred and fifty cosmic sages of the Tianlong clan, which has shown their strength.”

“Either you have a fourth-tier powerhouse of Venerable Youyu Zhou, or you have an extremely powerful spirit treasure.”

Patriarch Xingjiang with the red sun above his head slowly said, his body slightly leaning behind.

“Patriarch, don’t we Xingjiang just forget it?”

Several old men said with a somewhat unwilling expression on their faces.

“Forget it? Naturally it can’t be calculated like that, even if it is the fourth rank of Venerable Universe, it will happen to meet the Dragon King in the Dragon Palace for a while.”

“For this matter, their Dragon Palace must pay some price.”

Patriarch Xingjiang said, the red sun above his head burst into flames, he stood up, his figure disappeared instantly.

“I’ll take care of this matter.”

A voice rang in the hall, and the elderly people below bowed respectfully.

Located in the teleportation array of the Xingjiang clan, the Xingjiang clan leader disappeared instantly.

“There are also a lot of treasures in the treasure house of the ancient painting sect, and they are no less than the Tianlong clan.”

At this moment, in the treasure house of the ancient painting sect, Wang Xian looked at the large amount of resources inside, with an expression of excitement on his face.

Although the strength of the ancient painting sect is much weaker than that of the Tianlong clan, their background is much stronger than that of the Tianlong clan.

In addition, the ancient painting sect has many disciples and people, and collects a lot of various resources.

In the treasure house of the ancient painting sect, there are more comprehensive resources than the Tianlong clan.

All kinds of sacred herb medicines and artifacts are in the bag, and this time Dragon Palace has harvested too many resources.

After the Tianzhen came back, they were able to find the master of the ancient painting sect and their cosmic sage.

After harvesting all the resources, the strength of Dragon Palace can be greatly improved.

Just when Wang Xian started searching for treasures based on the memory in his mind, a figure was standing in front of the bridge of the ancient painting planet, stepping in the void, flying towards this side at a terrifying speed.

The figure looked very stalwart from a distance, with a full body, a flame armor, full of power.

What is particularly shocking is that there is a huge and extremely flaming star floating above his head.

The blazing stars are comparable to stars, exuding extremely hot flames.

The red sun above his head, like an ancient god who came from the ancient times, is king over the world!

When this sound arrived, it immediately attracted the attention of members of the Dragon Palace around the bridge of the ancient painting planet.

They narrowed their eyes slightly when they saw the towering figure stepping in the void.

“Venerable Universe Tier 4!”

God Liu looked at Patriarch Xingjiang, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said.

“That’s it? That’s the patriarch of the Xingjiang clan, Venerable Moyang!”

“It’s Patriarch Xingjiang, Patriarch Xingjiang is here, he must have avenged several venerables of the Xingjiang clan!”

“Will Patriarch Xingjiang annihilate everyone in the Dragon Palace?”

On the ancient painting planet bridge, all the disciples of the ancient painting sect saw this majestic figure and immediately recognized it.

A look of expectation appeared in their hearts.

They hope that Venerable Mo Yang and Patriarch Xingjiang can destroy the group of people in the Dragon Palace.

Kill them all.

“Dragon King Dragon Palace, get out immediately!”

Patriarch Xingjiang stopped in the void, his gaze swept across all the powerhouses in the Dragon Palace, and his icy voice spread throughout the bridge of the ancient painting planet.

“Who calls our Dragon King!”

Lei Ming stared at Patriarch Xingjiang and asked coldly.


At the same time, Wang Xian, who had just come out of the treasure house of the ancient painting sect, was slightly taken aback when he heard this voice.

He stared into the starry sky, and when he saw the huge figure, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Venerable Mo Yang? Patriarch of the Xingjiang clan?”

Seeing his appearance, Wang Xian thought of some of the information before, and his figure moved, Wu Shi Sheng Wing appeared behind him, staring at him and said lightly.

“The Dragon King of Dragon Palace?”

Patriarch Xingjiang’s eyes fell on Wang Xian and asked coldly.

“I don’t know what the dignified Xingjiang clan chief is asking for me?”

Wang Xian glanced at the red sun above his head and narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Knowingly asking, if you don’t give me an explanation for the Xingjiang clan today, then I will have to ask for advice on my own.”

Patriarch Xingjiang said, a faint murderous aura surged from his body.

“The statement? Your disciples of the Xingjiang clan are looking for death, is this statement enough?”

Wang Xian looked at him, the corners of his mouth slightly cocked.

There is no fear of the Xingjiang clan Wangxian.

According to the information, Venerable Moyang, the strongest member of the Xingjiang clan, is also the patriarch of the Xingjiang clan.

He possesses the strength of the fourth-order Venerable Universe.

This is also the fourth rank of the only Universe Venerable of the Xingjiang clan.

A Tier 4 force of Venerable Universe, Dragon Palace has nothing to worry about.

This is also the reason why he dared to directly slay the powerful people of the Xingjiang clan.

“Haha, good, really domineering Dragon King, let me ask for advice today!”

Patriarch Xingjiang showed a sorrowful color in his eyes, and his figure moved instantly.


In the next moment, his whole person was like a flame meteorite, rushing directly towards Wang Xian.

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian stared at Patriarch Xingjiang, with a sorrowful look in his eyes.

He swayed the Unstarted Holy Wing, and disappeared directly in the blink of an eye.

When he appeared again, he had already come to the back of Patriarch Xingjiang.

“Huh? So fast!”

At this moment, Patriarch Xingjiang’s face changed slightly.

“Chi Yang, defense!”

He roared, the red sun above the sky, directly descending countless waterfalls of flames, defending behind him.

“Holy Dragon and Dragon Shadow!”

When Wang Xian saw that Chi Yang lowered his defense, he waved his arm slightly, and a ghost of the holy dragon appeared in the sky above, directly attacking the entire Chi Yang.


“Boom boom boom!”

The sacred dragon and dragon shadow fell on the red sun, making a terrifying crash.

The entire red sun fell slightly towards the bottom.

“Dragon Claw!”

At this time, Wang Xian Wushi Sacred Wing instigated, and instantly came to his right side, and the dragon claw directly attacked the Xingjiang Patriarch.


Patriarch Xingjiang’s face changed slightly, he directly clenched his fist, and blasted towards the dragon claw.

Between the fists, a sun appeared and met the dragon’s claws.

“Boom boom boom!”

A terrifying collision sounded, and a wave of air dissipated towards the surroundings.

“Looking for death, dare to provoke our Dragon King!”

Liu Shen looked at them, their figures moved, and they were ready to take action.

“Haha, no, it’s enough for me to teach the clan leader Xingjiang!”

Wang Xian laughed and stopped Liu Shen and the others from taking action.

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