3227 Born-18 Mar 1974

“Is this their Dragon Palace? It is very similar to the Sea Dragon King that day. It seems that this Dragon Palace is also the inheritance of true dragons.”

“Test the strength of this Dragon Palace, be careful, once the Dragon Palace powerhouse comes out, we will run away directly.”

Located in the sky above the Dragon Palace, more than twenty figures are hidden in the void.

They are the powerhouses of the Horned Seal Race, the Twin Race, and the Snake Ji family.

After flying for nearly ten days, they reached the galaxy side.

The main purpose this time is to check the strength of the Dragon Palace.

From the three races, a total of six Cosmos Venerables with third-order combat effectiveness were dispatched. This strength is not weak.

“Disperse and attack the four dragon gates of the Dragon Palace.”

The venerable of the head horned seal race opened his mouth and ordered.


The rest of the crowd nodded their heads, their eyes locked on the positions of the dragon gates.

“Do it!”

The venerable of the Jiao Xi race gave a soft sigh, and his figure flew towards the east gate in an instant.

“Don’t try, try my strength first.”

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in their ears, which surprised all of them slightly.


At this moment, a chain of chains bound them, and everyone of the three major races did not even react.


They looked at the chains on their bodies, their foreheads were instantly filled with cold sweat, and their faces looked towards Wang Xian in amazement.

“Hehe, come to our Dragon Palace and ask who it is?”

Wang Xian smiled, and the dragon’s eyes swept across them, revealing a strange luster in his eyes.


In an instant, the expressions of more than twenty three tribes of the universe began to be in a trance.

“Summon your kingdom of God.”

The voice of Wang Xian’s command came.



The strength of Tier 3 of the strongest Universe Venerable had no resistance at all in front of Wang Xian.

Soon, more than 20 kingdoms of God appeared in the sky above the Dragon Palace.

Inside the Dragon Palace, the Halcyon Guard sensed the situation here and flew over immediately.

“What are your intentions in coming to Dragon Palace?”

Wang Xian looked at them and asked faintly.

“We are here to test the strength of Dragon Palace.”

The Cosmos Venerables replied in a unified manner.

“Test the strength of Dragon Palace? What about after the test?”

Wang Xian raised his brows slightly and continued to ask.

“If the strength of the Dragon Palace is not strong, we will prepare to destroy the Dragon Palace.”

They continued to respond.

“Destroy our Dragon Palace? Are you three clans ready to send strong men to destroy us?”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered.

“Yes, now our three tribes have gathered more than a thousand Cosmos Venerables in the starry sky of Xingjiang, among them are two Cosmo Venerables fifth-level adults.”

“In order to ensure that the Dragon Palace can be destroyed, our Lord Jin Jiao is refining an acquired spirit treasure. Once the refining is completed, if the Dragon Palace does not have a powerful person of the fifth rank of Youyu Zhou, we can easily destroy them. Lose.”

The Venerable of the three races replied.

“It seems that you have decided to destroy our Dragon Palace?”

Wang Xian murmured: “How long does it take for Venerable Golden Jiao to refine the acquired treasure?”

“I don’t know, but it will take at least a month or two.”

An Cosmos Venerable of the Jiao Xi race responded.

Wang Xian nodded slightly, staring at the three third-order powerhouses of Venerable Universe, absorbing their souls.

A flood of memories poured into his mind, and he sealed these memories, not ready to read them temporarily.


With a light pull on the chain in his hand, Wang Xian destroyed them directly.

With a wave of his hand, he threw more than 20 corpses directly to the side of the Dragon Pond in the Dragon Palace.

More than twenty corpses, as well as six Cosmos Venerable Tier 3, which is a lot of resources.

“Put away these kingdoms and let the devouring dragon swallow them, and tell Prime Minister Turtle that I will leave once, and this time I may leave for a longer time.”

Wang Xian ordered the Halberdron Guard to the side, came to the Dragon Palace Teleportation Array, and disappeared instantly.

When he reappeared, he had already come to the place where the Xingjiang Starry Sky used to be where the Tianlong clan was.

Flying out of the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian read some information in his mind and flew straight in the direction of the Xingjiang clan.

“If you want to destroy the Dragon Palace, then I can only act first to be stronger.”

“I will not only destroy you, but I will also go to encircle the starry sky and go to your lair. Even if the Horned Seal race cannot be destroyed, the Snake Ji family and the twin races can still be easily destroyed.”

Wang Xian was flying, with killing intent flashing in his eyes.

His strength has made a breakthrough, and the five elements in his hand have also been promoted.

With his current strength, he can already go to most parts of the universe.

And this time, the Horned Seal race, the Snake Ji family, and the Twin race wanted to destroy the Dragon Palace, so it happened that he also went around Lu Xingkong.

Go and wipe out the twin races and the Snake Ji clan.

Get started first!

A trace of killing intent flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes, and he quickly shuttled through the starry sky.

Unstarted Holy Wing unfolded, making his speed reach a terrifying point.

It originally took seven or eight days to reach the sky over the colorful river of the Xingjiang clan in just one day.

When he came to the sky, Wang Xian’s eyes flickered and scanned the surroundings.

His eyes fell into a palace, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

According to the memories obtained in the mind, the powerful people of the three tribes are all in this palace.

The palace is huge, comparable to a planet. It was once the main shrine of the Xingjiang clan.


With a move, Wang Xian flew down quickly.

With his figure hidden, it is difficult for Venerable Universe below level 5 to find him.

Coupled with his terrifying speed, the first and second-order Venerable Universe could not see his shadow at all.

“Longmu locks the eight wastes!”

Coming to the sky above the temple, Wang Xian slowly spread his arms.

A chain of chains instantly moved towards the surrounding covering.

The scary blood-red chain completely covered the temple below.

His pupils were shining brightly, and his eyes fell on the most central hall.

There, the great elders of the Jiao Xi race and the Golden Jiao Venerable are all there.

His figure flickered, and instantly came to the right side of the temple, hiding his figure.

“Boom boom boom!”

When he just flew down, scary figures flew out from the temple.


There were solemn and surprised expressions in their eyes.

In an instant, about one thousand and one hundred Cosmos Masters floated in the sky.

“Kill a fifth-order Venerable Universe first, then it’s easy!”

Upon seeing this scene, Wang Xian squinted his eyes slightly, incited by the Unstarted Sacred Wing, and instantly attacked the Grand Elder of the Jiao Xi race.


“not good!”

Sensing the terrifying aura suddenly coming from behind, the elder Jiao Xi race too high in the sky felt tight, and quickly looked down.

“The reaction is too slow!”

An indifferent voice came, followed by a flame dragon claw and directly grabbed the Great Elder of the Horned Seal race in his hand.

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