Chapter 3423 Going To Invincible

Two thunder lions, two peak powerhouses of the Universe Venerable Da Lei Yin Academy.

They rode the thunder lion and immediately flew towards the right position.


The Dean of the Great Leiyin Academy didn’t care too much, and he gave a low voice and continued the suppression.

On their side, the Youyu Zhou ruler-level powerhouse sits and suppresses them, and doesn’t worry about other things at all.

“There should be some strong people of the Thunder Light Race who haven’t entered the cave heaven and blessed land, hiding in other places in advance.”

“Yes, the big brother of the Thunder Light Race didn’t see it just now, and the two Supreme Elders of the Thunder Light Race didn’t show up either. They should hide outside.”

“Hmph, once we suppress this side, they don’t want to break through.”

On the thunder lion, the two cosmic masters of the Great Leiyin Academy quickly flew to the right, looking around.

The big brothers of the Thunder light race are the biggest trouble for them, but as long as they suppress this place, they can send people to guard here, and the big brothers of the Thunder light race are useless.

It’s just that they have to be careful about each other’s revenge in the future.

As for Zicheng Liuyan City and Divine Thunder City, the three major forces will transfer the city to this side, and there is nothing to worry about at that time.


At the same time, in front of them, Wang Xian quickly flew towards this side.

The dragon eyes flickered, and he saw the two thunder lions flying in front of him and the two big thunderyin courtyard powerhouses above, with a smile on his face.

Before he could break through, he was able to kill a pinnacle powerhouse of Venerable Universe by surprise.

now what?


Wang Xian used his speed to the extreme, instigated by Wu Shi Sheng Wing, and rushed past at a terrifying speed.


The two ancestors of the Great Leiyin Academy who were riding on the thunder lion felt that the place in front of them lit up, showing a look of surprise.

But the next moment, they sensed that death completely enveloped them, their eyes widened, and they vaguely saw a familiar figure.

“Puff puff!”

The sound of being penetrated came, Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, and his figure slowly stopped in the void.

In the position behind him, Lei Shi’s figure stopped, and the bodies of the two ancestors of the Great Leiyin Academy completely froze.

Immediately afterwards, their vitality dissipated, and they fell straight down.

“Ha ha.”

Wang Xian smiled, waved his arm, and put away their bodies.

With his current strength, he can easily kill the powerhouse with the peak combat effectiveness of Venerable Universe.

After killing the four powerhouses instantly, Wang Xian continued to fly forward without any hesitation.

He hid his figure slightly.

In less than five minutes, he came to the front of the main hall.

In front of the main hall, the four major forces of Da Lei Yin Academy were suppressing them.

He set his eyes on the black cloud.

In this black cloud, there is a strong man who dominates the first-order combat effectiveness of the universe.

This is the only existence that can make Jian Yun hesitate.

Just kill this guy and all the problems will be solved.

Now, the four major forces of Da Lei Yin Academy are nothing to worry about.

“Dragon Eye!”

Luster bloomed in Wang Xianlong’s eyes, and his eyes looked into the black cloud.

In his line of sight, black clouds were slowly penetrated, and a black shadow stood there.

The shadow is like a skeleton, about three meters tall, holding a jet black staff in his hand.

Under him, dozens of heads condensed into a lotus platform, which stood motionless on it.

“Is this true? Which race is strong?”

Wang Xian looked at the figure in his sight, his eyes flickering slightly.

He concealed his figure and approached a little bit.


Just as Wang Xian approached, he suddenly saw the position behind the figure’s head, slowly glowing.

A blood-red glasses opened, and a face appeared behind the figure’s head.

The blood-red eyes kept beating, looking around.

“Has it been discovered?”

Wang Xian’s eyes condensed, and the other party should have been in a state of vigilance, so he found him at such a distance.

“Do it!”

At this moment, Wang Xian did not hesitate at all.

Facing the strong man who dominates the first-order combat effectiveness of the universe, he did not hesitate at all, and rushed away in an instant.

Wang Xian’s current speed is very terrifying, and the powerhouses at the pinnacle of Venerable Universe are very difficult to see.


With a slight explosion, Wang Xian instantly came to Heiyun’s body.

Wu Shi Sheng Wing instigated and rushed into it instantly.


There was a roar, and the figure in the black cloud had appeared in front of Wang Xian.

The black cloud condensed into sharp spikes and stabled directly towards Wang Xian.


Wang Xian flickered slightly, avoiding this terror in an instant.

His arm turned into dragon claws, and he tore away directly towards the thundercloud.


A collision sound came, causing Wang Xian’s dragon claws to numb slightly.

“Huh? This thundercloud is not simple, it should be an innate spirit treasure.”

Wang Xian’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“who are you?”

In the black cloud, the three-meter-high figure was extremely thin, and the figure holding the staff asked sharply towards Wang Xian.

“Hehe, who are you?”

Wang Xian sneered and asked back towards the figure in the black cloud.

“what’s going on?”

“What’s the matter? Someone is fighting that adult?”


The terrifying energy that suddenly came from the black cloud made the faces of everyone around him frantically changed.

“No, what’s the matter with the appearance of a powerful combat force at the Domination level of Youyu? Is it the strong one invited by the Thunder Race?”

The dean of the Great Leiyin Academy looked at them, with an ugly look on their faces, and roared in a low voice.

“If you don’t want to be an enemy, just get out of here.”

Inside the black cloud, the figure’s blood-red eyes stared at Wang Xian and warned with murderous intent.

“Hahaha, let me get out of here? This is the Thunder Race? You let me get out of here?”

“Since you like to stay here, stay here forever!”

When Wang Xian heard the words of the figure in the black cloud, he laughed, his figure flickered, and the Five Elements Great Grind appeared in his hand, and he instantly came to the front of the black cloud.


The energy of the Five Elements was injected into the Five Elements Great Mill, and a terrifying attack hit the black cloud directly.

The Great Mill of the Five Elements can slay the pinnacle powerhouse of Venerable Universe without the control of Wang Xian.

Under his blessing, it is even more terrifying.

The annihilated energy hit the black cloud, tearing a hole in the black cloud.

“Black Cloud Wave Slash!”

The shadow in the black cloud let out a low growl, and the black cloud in front of it condensed like a long knife, and directly slashed towards Wang Xian.


Wang Xian flickered, and instantly came to the position behind the black cloud.

“The five elements are reversed and burst!”

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, phantoms erupted from the five elements, the five elements began to reverse, and the attributes began to conflict.


A violent explosion resounded through the void above the Thunder Light Race.

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