Chapter 3474 Human Head Grass

The Underground Devil Cave City, like its name, is a city in the ground!

Said it is a city, in fact it should be called a maze.

The underground locations were pulled out one by one, and in this channel, there were quite a few demonic skeletons surviving.

These passages are densely intertwined, and once they go deep inside, it is extremely difficult to even break through and escape from above.

Therefore, none of those who dare to go deep inside are weak.

Moreover, because of the intricacies inside, it is easy to get lost in it. If you want to go back, most of them go directly to your own God’s country.

Wang Xian’s first goal is here. He will see if he can hunt down some demon skeletons.

The information purchased from the genie race has the route of 70% of the underground devil cave city.

As long as you don’t go beyond this map route, you won’t be able to get lost.

In addition to these, there is a certain location that is more dangerous, and a certain location is relatively safe.

After flying in the land of the devil bone for half a month, Wang Xian arrived at the location of the underground devil cave city.

This is a huge and incomparably dry bone recessed place, and there are huge entrances below.

There are tens of thousands of entrances, and each entrance leads to a different place, and some entrances will be connected as they go deep.

In short, it is extremely complicated here.

Even those with strong combat power at the dominance level of the universe will get lost in it without a map.

Wang Xian recalled the map route in his mind, and moved towards the entrance of the cave.

The land of devil bones is very dangerous.

What you have to face is not only the devil skull, but also other cultivators.

Let alone hunting each other in the land of the devil bones, as long as it is not within a safe city or race, it is normal.

After Wang Xian entered it, it felt dark inside, and the surrounding area was densely covered with withered bones.

Regardless of whether it is above or below, the timid people are located here, I am afraid that they will be palpitating.

These withered bones are of various kinds, humans, monsters, star beasts, everything.

Wang Xian quickly flew toward the depths, and there were a lot of strong men who entered the edge every day, and there was no possibility of the existence of devil skeletons.

The powerful demon skeletons are all located in the depths.

“The terrain is really complicated, and there are still dead ends in some places.”

Wang Xian shuttled inside, deepening according to the memory in his mind.

It only took more than ten minutes to get into more than a dozen forks in the road!

Going deeper, it may be that the Demon Skull can sense the energy of heart palpitations from Wang Xian, and he has not been attacked along the way.

When he reached the warning position on the map in his mind, Wang Xian stopped.

“According to the data of the genie race, going deeper, I am afraid it is a more dangerous place, where the devil skeleton above the peak of Venerable Youyu Universe appears. Be careful and vigilant. The first and second tiers of the universe may fall here. ”

Wang Xian murmured, his eyes flickered, and a phantom like himself appeared beside him.

The ghost appears distracted on one side.

The ghost is distracted and ignores physical attacks. Unless the attack of the devil skeleton contains attributes, it will not cause any harm to it.

In the land of the devil bones, the ghosts still have many advantages.

The devil skeletons and skeletons in the land of the devil bones are all good at physical attacks, because their bodies have been hardened to a terrible level after the precipitation of the era.

On the contrary, in the use of attributes, they are much worse.

In addition, the ghost can hide inside the dry bone, ignoring the impact of the dry bone.

So the ghost is very suitable here.

Wang Xian controlled the ghost to fly in front, his dark pupils scanned the surroundings.

The strength of the ghost is not weak, and because of the lack of physicality, it has great restraint on the devil skeleton.

The ghost continued to move forward, while Wang Xian stared at the back.

Soon, some changes occurred in the surrounding scene.

In this area, large dead bones appeared.

A dead bone is hundreds of thousands of meters in size and supports a space.

The huge head stared at one place, a bit oozing.


When the ghost ghost in front came to the location of the huge withered skull, a black spear attacked the ghost ghost.

That terrifying speed came to the top of the ghost in an instant.


The ghost raised his head to form a defense.

A touch of black energy was easily blocked by him, but the spear penetrated the body of the ghost and distraction.

Although the spear penetrated, it had no effect on the distraction of the ghost.

“The universe dominates the first-tier combat power magic skeleton.”

When Wang Xian saw this scene, his face was delighted, and Minggui’s body flew upward in an instant.


At the upper position, a demon skeleton flew towards the sky above the dead bones instantly.

In the sky, there is a complicated cave, which is obviously a prepared escape route.

But the ghost is faster, and ignoring the impact of the object, the arm turns into a dragon’s claw and grabs it towards him.


The demon skeleton made the sound of bones colliding, trying to escape.

But the dragon’s claws wrapped it, and the power of darkness bound it, making it impossible to break free.


At this time, Wang Xian’s figure flew over at a terrifying speed, and directly grabbed the demon skeleton!

“The first one, not bad, not bad!”

There was a look of surprise on his face. This kind of demonic skeleton only needs to capture a dozen of them, and the Tai Chi Dragon Disk can break through.


Seeing the benefits of the ghost, Wang Xian continued to explore forward.

The passages inside are densely packed, with more than a dozen forks appearing from time to time.

Based on the map in his mind, he pinpointed a place and kept going deep.

“Huh, is this? A human head grass!”

When he shuttled in the depths for two days, Wang Xian suddenly found a treasure.

The universe dominates the second-order god grass, the human head grass.

The so-called human head grass is relatively rare in the land of the devil bones.

It is a divine grass growing on the dead bones of the skull. This divine grass may contain the laws of the deceased during his lifetime, or some cultivation insights.

Similarly, it also contains a huge amount of energy.

This kind of head grass is very popular with the strong, and its value is more than three times that of the god grass of the same level.

“Unexpectedly, with such good luck, I actually encountered a grass, but there should be a demon skull guarding it nearby.”

Wang Xian muttered, and the dragon’s eyes scanned the surrounding vigilantly.

He controlled the ghost and flew in the direction of the human head grass in front, while being vigilant around him.


When the ghost ghost was still extremely far away from the human head grass, a series of thunders suddenly fell, completely covering the ghost ghost in it.

The ghost of the ghost moved his body and sank directly into the withered bones below.

The power of the thunder fell on the withered bones, without hurting at all.

The special body of the ghost can make it like a fish in water here.

At the very least, if you flee, you can ignore the terrain.

Unless the surrounding dry bones contain energy, or there are formations around.

“What the hell is this? How can you get directly into the bones, be careful.”

A voice sounded abruptly.

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