The 3489th chapter shot again, destroy the four cities (2)

Dragon Palace, a force that was completely ignored by their Hundred Cities Alliance.

A force that was not in their hearts by the Hundred Cities Alliance.

Even when they first appeared, the leaders of the Hundred Cities Alliance did not fluctuate at all, but thought that this was an opportunity for them.

An opportunity to deal with Shenlong.

The other people and strong men of the Hundred Cities Alliance did not take Dragon Palace in their eyes.

Because their strength is strong enough to destroy the Dragon Palace easily.

But now, they found that they were wrong!

Wucheng was destroyed and witnessed by more than a dozen strong men.

It was discovered by them.

Soon, the news of Wucheng’s destruction spread quickly on the universe’s brains.

There are two more news.

Why can’t we teleport to Nine-Nine City Pool and Nine-Star Link City?

Why are all our disciples and strong men in Nine-Nine City Pool and Nine-Star Lianzhu City dead?

When the news of Wucheng’s destruction spread out, it completely detonated the entire Hundred Cities Alliance, and it also plunged the Hundred Cities Alliance into panic.

“Under what circumstances, Wucheng was destroyed? Wucheng was destroyed by the strong of Dragon Palace? How could this be possible!”

“How can such a huge city be destroyed by Dragon Palace so easily!”

“Wucheng was destroyed. It was indeed destroyed. It was even more terrifying than the last time the Dragon Palace destroyed the old city of Tianhengcheng. The entire city was completely silent and completely dead!”

“It seems that something has happened in the Nine-Nine City Pool and the Nine-Star Lianzhu City. What is going on? Is it Dragon Palace’s revenge?”

“How come there are cities that can be destroyed by the Dragon Palace? Will our city be destroyed in the next moment?”

The news of Wucheng, Jiujiuchengchi and Jiuxinglianzhucheng, gradually caused some people to panic.

Soon, the news about the Nine-Nine City Pool and the Nine-Star Linked Pearl City was completely detonated.

Some people say that the two cities have become dead cities.

After the news was confirmed, it boiled completely.

“Swish swish!”

“Damn, how is this possible, how is this possible, Jiujiuchengchi Jiuxingzhucheng is completely out of contact, and the city lord’s magic card has been broken!”

At the nest of the Hundred Cities Alliance, one by one quickly flew towards the mountain where the central leader was.

This time, all the strong at the old nest rushed over.

The destruction of the Nine-Nine Cities, the Nine Stars Lianzhu City, and the Wu City caused all the cities to be a little panicked.

A group of strong men flew to the central mountain peak, they looked at each other and landed on it.

Located on the main peak, the leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance sat quietly.

Seeing the arrival of the powerful, slowly opened his eyes.

“Leader, a major event has happened in our Hundred Cities Alliance. It is now suspected that three more cities have been destroyed by the Dragon Palace. Now many of our cities have completely fallen into panic. If we don’t handle it properly, we will be finished!”

An old man couldn’t help but report excitedly towards the Hundred Cities Alliance Main Office.

The leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance frowned and did not respond.


The next moment, his palm suddenly moved, and a small city appeared in his hand, exuding a vigorous model of the small city, and there was a dead silence.

“Another city was destroyed?”

A strong man saw the model of the city in the hands of the leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance, his face changed drastically, and he roared in a low voice.

“Leader, the teleportation formations on the Nine-Nine City Pool, Jiuxing Lianzhu City, and Wucheng have all been destroyed, and even the hidden teleportation formations cannot be teleported!”

At this time, five more figures flew towards this side.

The head of an old man and red eyes with huge eyes.

“I’m afraid, the three major cities have been destroyed!”

They continued with solemn faces.

“There has also been an accident in the Star City. Order to go down and all the city formations will be opened.”

The leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance sullen his face and said: “All are in a state of alert!”


The red-eyed ones of them changed their expressions slightly and immediately responded.

All cities in the entire Hundred Cities Alliance opened their formations and entered a state of alert. This was the first time this happened in history.

Comprehensive vigilance also represents the opening of a full-scale war!

Their Hundred Cities Alliance was actually forced to such a point.

But there was some shock and horror in their hearts.

It is really the Nine-Nine City Pool, Nine-Star Lianzhu City, and the speed at which they were destroyed too fast!

Soon everyone didn’t respond, and the destroyed city didn’t have any messages for help.

It seemed to have evaporated in an instant, without the slightest warning, and they didn’t react at all.

“Leader, once the entire alliance is on alert, our disciples in the Hundred Cities Alliance will panic even more, and more people will leave our city.”

An old man shouted with embarrassment upon hearing this command.

“Shut up, the Alliance is not on guard, I was killed by Dragon Palace, and I don’t know how to die.”

The lord of the Hundred Cities Alliance said with a gloomy face.

This time, the four major cities were destroyed in less than an hour, but it completely exceeded his expectations.

How did Dragon Palace do it?

Even if they have the power to dominate the third-order universe, they should not destroy the four cities so quickly and so strangely!

These are four!

“I will investigate this matter clearly.”

As the leader of the Hundred Cities Alliance said, his body stood up.

With a move, he flew directly into the sky.

Levitating, he slowly spread his arms and closed his eyes.


Around, the huge one hundred and eight peaks seemed to tremble.

The phantom of a mountain was suspended above him, and the phantoms of innate spirit treasures began to condense.

All the phantoms flew towards him, shrank, and poured into his body.

His body moved and disappeared instantly.

At this moment, the Hundred Cities Alliance all moved.

The Hundred Cities Alliance is an alliance of more than one hundred cities.

However, there are now only more than 90 members of the Hundred Cities Alliance.

Because there were nine cities, all of them were destroyed by the Dragon Palace.

And on this day, all the defensive formations of the cities were opened, and the big formations enveloped each city.

At the same time, this big formation gave all the strong and disciples of the Hundred Cities Alliance a haze.

The Hundred Cities Alliance was actually forced to such a point.

“This… the great formation of our city has risen for no reason. This should be the news of the destruction of these cities in Wucheng, Nine-Nine City!”

“Not only Wucheng Nine-Nine City Pool and Jiuxing Lianzhu City, but even Star City was destroyed. In a short period of time, within half a day, they were all destroyed!”

“It’s terrifying, there are four cities again, and in such a short time, how exactly did Dragon Palace do it? Will our city be the next one!”

“Compared to the time in Tianheng City Dahou City, this time all the four major cities have become dead cities. As long as they are in the city, none of them escaped!”

The rise of the great formation not only did not make the residents of the Hundred Cities Alliance feel safe, but even more panic!

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