Chapter 4101 Special Creature

“Dragon King, the energy of this universe is indeed very special. The energy of the five elements is also mixed with other special energy. This energy has a kind of death and a kind of vitality, so strange!”

Lin Niu glanced around, and said towards Wang Xian!


Wang Xian nodded.

Their strength has reached the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune. Although they are now suppressed, their sensitivity and reaction power have not been suppressed.

What suppresses is pure force.

Ordinary Tianyuan good fortune powerhouses are still not Wangxian’s opponents!

“Let’s go, let’s get to know the situation in this universe!”

Wang Xian opened his mouth and said, he looked at this deep position in the universe, and when he moved his body, he immediately flew over!

Lin Niu immediately followed.

The two flew in one direction.

The strength is suppressed, their speed is much slower.

According to the huge area of ​​a universe, it takes at least tens of millions of years to explore the entire universe.

But generally speaking, the birth of a treasure of heavenly origin should be in the center of the universe.

Therefore, they are ready to explore the central location.


Wang Xian and the others were flying, and two hundred years passed quickly.

The place close to the chaos belongs to the edge of the universe, and there are generally no living creatures.

It is also the place where the energy is the thinnest.

When Wang Xian and the others had been flying for two hundred years, Wang Xian suddenly felt something.

“and many more!”

“There seems to be something below!”

Wang Xian said to Linniu, with a look of alertness on his face.

Now that the universe has the greatest treasure of Tianyuan creation, the strong Tianyuan creation in this universe already knows that there will be other universe’s strong Tianyuan creation coming.

They will definitely be wary of their own invaders.

Even want to kill them.

Wang Xian and the others must be careful!

“Boss, are there any creatures around?”

Lin Niu’s gaze condensed, and a single eye glowed brightly, looking down.

His pupils bloomed with white light.

Wang Xian stared down and looked carefully.

When he landed in a position, he flew over immediately.

Lin Niu also noticed something, and when he moved his body, he flew over quickly!

“Chi Chi Chi Chi!”

In the lower position, under the ground, there was a piercing cry suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xian and the others saw that the whole ground shook.

Wang Xian saw this scene with a wave of his arm, and the palm of someone’s energy instantly condensed and grabbed it to the position below!

“Chi Chi Chi!”

“Chi Chi Chi!”

The harsh cry came again.

But at this time, Wang Xian’s huge condensed palm directly grabbed a piece of land in his hand.

With a move of his palm, the mud in his palm disappeared, revealing the creatures inside.

When he saw the creatures inside, a look of error appeared on his face.

“This is?”

Lin Niu also looked at these creatures with surprise on his face.

This can already be called a creature, but every eyeball.

Yes, it is the eyeballs!

An eyeball with a row of sharp teeth.

Somewhat similar to human eyes, black and white.

The difference is that it has some blood red streaks.

There is a special energy on this eyeball.

This should be the unique energy of this universe.

“What is this?”

Lin Niu couldn’t help but asked.

“Let me check it out!”

Wang Xian shook his head and moved his palm to immediately use the power of the soul.

A burst of energy directly enters the body of a special creature with an eyeball!

However, Wang Xian was astonished as a result.

Wang Xian’s soul-absorbing power entered the body of this eyeball creature, but he could not find any information.

He continued to use the power of soul-absorbing power toward the other eyeballs, and it still had no effect at all.

“What’s going on? Why is the power of soul-absorbing power useless? Living beings must have souls, how can they have spiritual intelligence without souls, these living eye creatures, without souls? Could it be related to the special energy of this world?”

Wang Xian murmured.

He frowned slightly, and took a closer look.

The special creature he had caught had an expression of horror in his pupils.

Obviously, they have wisdom.

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered, and he directly squeezed a creature of this kind.

After the killing, Wang Xian inspected the inside of the creature with head-sized and eyeballs.

When he saw the internal situation, he showed a trace of doubt.

The inside of this creature is carrion, and in Wang Xian’s eyes, it is the carrion that has been dead for a long time.

“This kind of creature is really strange, but it’s almost the same as the zombies in the earth science fiction film.”

Wang Xian murmured.

“Boss, this creature is very special. I can sense the energy connection between them. In addition, if they pretend to be dead, they are completely dead. They are not living creatures at all. They are very special. No wonder I didn’t feel it at first. To them.”

At this moment, Lin Niu said to the side.

“Huh? Linniu, can you sense the energy connection between these creatures?”

Wang Xian looked at Linniu, questioning.

“Boss, my eyes can see, and my pupils can open a state. In this state, any energy is white, and there is an energy connection between them. I can’t sense this connection. See, this should be the use of the special energy of this universe.”

Lin Niu replied.

Wang Xian nodded slightly when he heard it.

There was a sudden movement in his heart, and his brows frowned again.

“We should have been exposed, we must leave here as soon as possible.”

Wang Xian said quickly.

This special energy and special connection reminded him of the power of belief in the universe.

These special creatures have energy connections.

Then the situation here may have already been known by the powerhouse of this universe.

In addition, these special creatures should have been deliberately placed here by a strong person, just for monitoring.

Even Wang Xian still has a guess, maybe these special eyes are not a complete creature.

It is a certain method of this cosmic powerhouse.


Linniu’s eyes narrowed when he heard it.

When he looked around warily, his expression changed.

“Boss, there is still this kind of energy rushing toward us!”

He said quickly!

“Go, hide your figure with all your strength, and get out of here!”

Wang Xian said hurriedly, without any hesitation.

With a move, he quickly flew towards the distance.

Lin Niu quickly followed closely behind.

When they just flew away, they were located in the sky far away, and tens of thousands of creatures that looked like crows flew over.

Located in the center of this group of crows, there is also a human-like figure.

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