Chapter 4124 The universe roars, the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune comes out


“Miss, miss, I have everything ready for you, everything for the baby is ready, can the baby be born today?”

“Miss, miss, is there anything else I can do? What else can I do?”

Water source, in a courtyard in the Muli tribe!

The Muli tribe is located on the surface of the water, and below the surface of the water is a treasured land.

The entire Muli tribe was exceptionally beautiful, and the rain water kept dripping above it.

There is also a rainbow not far away adding color.

Voices came from a room inside!

There is a child, who is about to be born.

Outside the room, a middle-aged couple stood there, listening to the sound in the room, there was no hint of joy on their faces!

“Hmph, I didn’t expect my Muliqiao to become an unknown grandfather, it’s really shameful!”

The middle-aged glanced across the room, and snorted with embarrassment!

“Okay, okay, Yin’er is our daughter, she suddenly…well, she wants this child, then this child is the offspring of our family.”

The woman beside her looked helplessly and pulled his arm!

“Shameful, shameful!”

The middle-aged roared with anger and helplessness on his face!

As he spoke, he glanced at a room next to him.

“A seriously injured man suddenly appeared there. It has nothing to do with Yin’er, right?”

He asked in a deep voice.

“No, I have checked it. It was indeed Yin’er and the others who met on the road, so they brought it. When I wake up, I will ask Xiao Ai to send him away, so as not to have some rumors!”

The woman nodded.

“That’s good!”

The middle-aged nodded.


“Miss, the baby is born, the baby is born!”

“It’s a boy, a cute boy!”

Accompanied by the sound of crying, the sound of surprise also rang.

In the courtyard, the middle-aged couple heard the cry of the child and looked over immediately!



However, in the next instant, a roar suddenly sounded!

Accompanied by the roar of the heavens and the earth, followed closely, a purple light, accompanied by a strong vitality, will suddenly illuminate the entire sky!

No, not the whole sky!

But the entire universe!

The universe roars!

Purple vitality permeates the universe!

The world has changed color!

Suddenly, the middle-aged couple in the courtyard was stunned, and they quickly raised their heads and looked up at the sky!

The whole world is enveloped by purple qi and vitality!

The rain seems to contain powerful energy!

All the creatures in the entire Six Dao universe felt a warmth enveloped their hearts!

“The world has changed, what is this? How does it feel like celebrating?”

The middle-aged man stood in the courtyard, looking at the sky above, feeling the changes in the entire universe, with a shocked expression on his face and muttered in his mouth.

However, at this moment, the space above the center of the six treasure lands in Liudao Universe appeared.

On the palace, there are two figures sitting there.

Suddenly, they raised their heads and looked up, watching the changes in the universe, with shocked expressions on their faces.

“This is, the celebration of the universe, the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune is out!”

“Tianyuan’s treasure of good fortune was born, really born, what kind of treasure is this, and where in our universe is it!”

“It’s really born. We can’t let the guys from other universes get the treasures of our six universes!”

Two figures stood there, their eyes flashed with crazy expressions, roaring loudly!

At the same time, located in various places in the six universes!

Since the news of the birth of Tianyuan’s Great Fortune Treasure spread.

There are already forty or fifty strong heavenly origins who have come to Liudao Universe!

They are constantly looking for the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

But in these tens of millions of years, there has been no news of Tianyuan’s Great Fortune Treasure.

The sudden changes in these six universes now make all the strong people feel something in their hearts.

This must be the birth of the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

“What kind of attribute is the Heavenly Origin Supreme Treasure? Is it an attack type or another type? Huhu, the Supreme Treasure has been born, you must find it, you must get it!”

“Sure enough, this universe was born with the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune. If I can get the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune, my strength will be greatly improved.”

“Quickly, look for it quickly, and you must get it before all other strong people find it!”

“Tianyuan is the treasure of good fortune!”

All the treasures of Tianyuan’s good fortune are like crazy!

The preciousness of the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune is unimaginable.

The Jiuyuan Universe is not weak, but the currently known strong Tianyuan good fortune, except for the cosmic brain that is not fully controlled, is the heavenly good fortune treasure of the wizard family.

The other strong men do not have the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

Even if it is as strong as the Shadow Falling Demon Emperor, there is no heavenly good fortune.

For the heavenly essence of this universe, he did not hesitate to step into it and search for it forcibly.

This time, all the strong are a little crazy.

Even some of the cosmos’s strong heavenly origins are already preparing to let their subordinates enter the six realms of the universe.

The subordinates enter inside, even if their strength is suppressed, but as long as they can obtain the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune, all the losses are worth it!

The heavenly origins of the Six Ways of the Universe began to act.

A group of outside Tianyuan good fortune powerhouses are also looking frantically.

“Husband, what’s the situation?”

In a courtyard of the Muli tribe, the woman asked suspiciously towards her middle-aged.

“I don’t know, but it doesn’t seem to be a bad thing!”

The middle-aged shook his head, not knowing.

His strength is only Youyu Zhou dominates the fifth-order realm.

Can’t sense what this is like.

“Whatever is good or bad, let’s go in and see our daughter and children!”

The woman nodded and said to the middle-aged.

The middle-aged swept around, nodded and walked towards the house!


However, at the same time, it is located in the next room.

Wang Xian was lying on a bed.

His whole face was bloodless and he looked very weak!

But at this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Although he was still extremely weak and still ready to kill, the luster in his eyes was unusually bright.

He sensed it, sensed a very sacred, very powerful energy.

This energy, with an unmatched sharpness!

“This is?”

Wang Xian sat up slowly, looking to the right.

On the right is the wall. With Wang Xian’s current injury, the wall cannot be seen through.

But at this moment, he seemed to be able to see through the wall.

It can be seen that there are extremely powerful treasures only 30 meters away from him.

Breath, there is a touch of familiarity!

“Tianyuan’s treasure of good fortune!”

He uttered six words slowly.

His eyes were hot, and three more words were added.

“Wood attribute!”

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