Chapter 4255 Hunting Starry Giant Beasts Again (2)

“Qingyue, you are waiting for my news, ready to break through, godsend, chaos, let’s go!”

Wang Xian said to Lan Qingyue and the others.

Then he flew towards the direction where the scorpion beast emperor left.

“Dragon Palace, the Beast King we hunted this time is different from the Qianjiang Beast King last time. Once we are disturbed, the Beast King Beast King can easily escape!”

Wang Xian and the others are flying fast in the starry universe.

A few months later, they felt the lingering breath of the Beast Emperor.

Chaos said with a solemn face!

Tianci also looked at Wang Xian and nodded in agreement!

“My strength has been a breakthrough than before. When the time comes, Chaos will deal with a new level of Tianyuan good fortune powerhouse, God bestows you with a control level, and leave the rest to me. If they two control levels, I can stay. The next one, even if they dare to fight, I can keep them all!”

Wang Xian said confidently!

“Foster father, did you break through?”

Tianci’s eyes lit up, and he asked with fiery eyes!

“Yes, without the help of any external force, I can match the existence of the avenue level.”

Wang Xian smiled and nodded.

“Congratulations to Dragon King!”

The chaos on the side shook in his heart.

How strong was he when he first met Wang Xian?

Even the realm of dominating the pinnacle has not been reached.

But now it has reached the point of a great road!

This is incredible for him!

This growth rate is unrealistic!

How can it break so fast?

He looked at the Dragon King, thinking about it!

A righteous son who possesses the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune, a subordinate of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

If this time can be successful, Dragon Palace will once again add a strong Tianyuan good fortune.

In this case, the strength of Dragon Palace is even more terrifying!


He has some thoughts in his mind.

It’s great to enjoy the cool under the big tree!

Will Dragon Palace allow him and Xiaolan to unify the entire starry universe one day?

From the perspective of Chaos, this is not impossible!

Although the starry sky behemoths of the starry sky universe are powerful and terrifying, they have no intelligence, which is a huge flaw.

Just like now, they can hunt down the behemoths one after another.

If this were in other universes, it would not be possible!

When thinking in the chaos heart, the figure of the Beast King appeared in Wang Xian’s line of sight!

The beast emperor is a bit like a centipede, with a hideous and terrifying body.

Its breath is obviously much stronger than Qianjiang Beast Emperor!

“It is indeed at the control level, it should be regarded as just stepping into the control level!”

Wang Xian muttered in his mouth when he sensed the breath of the beast emperor.

Can be hunted!

“Foster father, if we just stepped into the control level, with our strength, we can completely wipe it out!”

Hearing Wang Xian’s words, Tianci’s eyes burst into light!

In recent hundreds of millions of years, the strength of Godsend has been tremendously stabilized.

Following Wang Xian’s several shots, his combat experience has also increased a lot.

In addition, the harvest these few times is very rich!

The two gains made his tribe added five or six powerhouses who dominated the pinnacle realm.

For the former Muli tribe, this is something that I dare not imagine!

In the previous Muli tribe, there was not even a strong man who dominated the pinnacle realm.

Moreover, Godsend also knows that when he fights with his adoptive father, he is generally very safe!

The foster father would not let him take risks!

What’s more, even if he took the risk and really died, he still has the treasure of resurrection from his adoptive father.

Can be resurrected instantly!

“Yes, now the only thing we need to pay attention to is the strong believer in the universe.”

Wang Xian nodded.

After the breakthrough in strength, Wang Xian was still 90% sure of hunting the behemoth in the starry sky that had just stepped into the control level.

The only variable is to believe in the king of the gods of the universe!

Of course, if they were still the kings of the four gods, Wang Xian was not afraid at all, and perhaps they could have unexpected gains!

Wang Xian condensed the energy in his body and followed the scorpion beast emperor to quickly fly towards the outside of the starry sky universe.

A little bit of time passed, and a few years later, the scorpion beast emperor flew out of the starry universe and flew quickly toward a void!

Wang Xian and the others followed closely behind!

“The dragon king really moved, they are going to hunt this horned beast emperor!”

At the same time, somewhere on the edge of the starry universe, four figures were suspended in the void.

Among them, the king of the gods who entered the rank, said!

“Last time the Dragon King deliberately drove us away, I don’t know if his action against Qianjiang Beast Emperor was successful!”

A king of the gods said with blinking eyes.

“It should have failed. There is no new star beast in the starry sky universe, which means that the Qianjiang Beast Emperor has not been annihilated by this dragon king!”

The king of the gods next to him guessed, looking at another king of the gods: “There are our people in the Jiuyuan Universe. Is there any news coming?”

“Yes, according to the news from the believers in Jiuyuan Universe, the current Jiuyuan Universe is very strong. The Dragon King of Dragon Palace was born out of the sky. It is suspected of possessing power at the Dao level. With the help, a Tianyuan good fortune was born, and the demon clan has a veteran Tianyuan good fortune powerhouse, the Shadow Demon King.”

“However, the Phoenix family of the Nine Source Universe was destroyed by the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace, and the Phoenix Emperor escaped from the Nine Source Universe and was its mortal enemy. On the whole, the strength of the Nine Source Universe is extremely powerful.”

The king of the gods said, “In addition, the Nine Source Universe and the Void Universe are mortal enemies, and we also know the power of the Void Universe.”

“This Nine Source Universe is too strong and does not meet our goal of believing in the universe, and we can’t entangle them either.”

The kings of the gods frowned slightly when they heard it.

When the strong disciples of the Jiuyuan Universe were fighting with Faith Universe in the starry universe, many strong disciples of the Jiuyuan Universe were secretly conquered into their believers.

They can quickly understand the information of Jiuyuan Universe.

However, the strength of Jiuyuan Universe was beyond his imagination.

A universe of this level cannot be an enemy.

Even if it is a mortal enemy with the Void Universe, they have no idea of ​​joining forces with the Void Universe.

After all, this is not in line with their belief in the development of the universe.

Fighting against such a powerful universe is purely asking for trouble!

Moreover, even if they were to go to war, the kings who believed in the other gods of the universe would not agree.

“Although we don’t go to war with them, we are not so easy to mess with. The Dragon King destroys our plan, and we can’t make him feel better. Anyway, there is no other action on our side at the moment!”

A king of the gods said with cold eyes!

The other three kings of gods nodded.

This time, they still shot!

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