Chapter 4318 Great horror!

“It’s a terrifying attraction.”

Wang Xian’s body was quickly inhaled by the ball.

This made his face changed wildly.

After transforming into the body of a dragon, Wang Xian was very large.

But that’s it, it was pulled into the ball in an instant.

Wang Xian was shocked that this orb actually wanted to swallow and fuse Wang Xian completely.

Want to swallow all his consciousness.

This made Wang Xian’s face changed drastically.

He felt that he had entered a dark world, which was full of deadly energy.

The whole world is huge and boundless.

This is completely different from everything outside.

It seems that even time has stagnated inside.

Wang Xian’s consciousness was melted and merged by this space.

To completely annihilate him and make it a part of this place.

Wang Xian’s heart beat violently, urging all the energy in his body to resist.

At the same time, he was shocked and shone.



Wang Xian roared vigorously.

But soon, he sensed that his body was disappearing little by little, blending with the surrounding energy!

This made Wang Xian a little frightened, mobilizing the energy of his whole body to resist.

However, no matter how he resisted, he couldn’t resist his body being melted.

He couldn’t feel the pain in his body, but he could feel his body being lost.

Accompanied by his soul!

“No, I can’t be swallowed by this ball, otherwise I will lose everything!”

Wang Xian’s face was extremely embarrassing.

Once he is fused, he will die.

This time the action will fail.

This caused him too serious a loss.

Moreover, at this time, his heart was extremely palpitating, and there was always a strong sense of crisis.

This sense of crisis made him horrified from the heart.

He felt that being fused by this sphere was not a real death, but fusion with this sphere.

Fusion does not mean that he will die.

Then, he may not be able to resurrect!

This is an instinct that comes from deep in his heart.

This instinct made him a little frightened!

If he were really fused and survived in another way, he would be equivalent to his complete destruction.

It is equivalent to the complete disappearance of the Dragon King!

“No, my own consciousness can’t disappear, otherwise, it may really die.”

Wang Xian did not expect that he would encounter such a situation.

If he knew there was such a risk, he would never take it.

At the same time, he was deeply shocked by this ball.

The energy contained in this sphere, and the abilities demonstrated by it, are too frightening.

Directly assimilate you, rather than completely annihilate you.

You are still alive, but you are dead!

Wang Xian took a deep breath, the energy enveloping his remaining body, and he wanted to fly towards the outside.



But soon, Wang Xian found that he couldn’t get out at all.

Like this space, it’s endless!

This changed Wang Xian’s face again!

“Ding, the system has detected that the host is experiencing a huge crisis, please separate his soul and enter the system dragon palace to avoid complete death!”

“Ding, the system has detected that the host is experiencing a huge crisis, please separate his soul and enter the system dragon palace to avoid complete death!”

Just when Wang Xian couldn’t escape, couldn’t avoid, and was a little ablated in this space, the voice of the system suddenly sounded.

The Shenlong system is a plug-in that Wangxian can grow so fast.

But since Wang Xian’s strength has become stronger and stronger, the role of the system has become smaller and smaller.

Because of the production of this system, the once the strongest of the Shenlong clan is not as strong as the current Wang Xian.

So the system now only becomes a simple auxiliary.

But in any case, this system is also created by the former dragon clan, and the pinnacle race zerg clan.

It also has many peculiarities.

Another point is that the system is connected to the Dragon Palace.

Now the system sensed Wang Xian’s crisis and forcibly connected to the Dragon Palace.

Wang Xian heard the voice of the system and quickly separated his consciousness.

At this time, he was able to sense the existence of Dragon Palace.

He hurriedly separated his soul, using the power of the system, opened the way to the Dragon Palace.


Such long-distance transmission caused the entire Dragon Palace to tremble.

The ancestor tree of the Dragon Palace bloomed with brilliance, especially the branches of the Returning Soul wood, blooming with brilliance.

One after another, the reborn fruit slowly withered, fell, and disappeared!

A large number of reborn fruit died.

Followed by the mother-fetal fruit above the ancestral tree.

The fruits on the top also gradually began to fall, began to wither, and began to dissipate.

In just a few seconds, three mother-fetal fruits withered.

At this time, the connection between Wang Xian and Dragon Palace was getting stronger and stronger.

An invisible channel seems to be opened!

A strand of Wang Xian’s soul went directly through this passage to the Dragon Palace.

Wang Xian’s soul entered the Dragon Palace.

He looked at the location of the passage in horror.

He could see that at the end of the passage, most of his body was in a strange world and was being absorbed by this world.

That world seems to be able to assimilate everything.

Just when Wang Xian thought he had escaped the disaster, the channel opened by the system slowly turned into a grayish color.

Wang Xian could sense that a wave of energy was spreading toward the Dragon Palace through this passage.


When Wang Xian saw this scene, his expression was shocked, with a shocked expression on his face.

what is this?

The energy in the sphere is spreading through the channels opened by the system. Do you want to assimilate the entire Dragon Palace?

Want to assimilate everything?

His expression changed drastically, and with a wave of his arm, a burst of energy entered the passage.

This energy is quickly assimilated!

When Wang Xian saw this scene, his expression changed drastically.

The energy of that sphere is about to invade.

It is like a swallowing universe, capable of swallowing everything and assimilating everything.

Wang Xian’s soul trembled slightly, staring with embarrassment on his face.


He was short of breath and forced himself to calm down.

He waved his arm to mobilize the energy of the Dragon Palace into the passage, trying to block the passage.

However, energy enters inside and is assimilated a little bit.

“No, this sphere assimilates a single attribute energy, and the speed is much slower.”

At this time, Wang Xian suddenly noticed a problem.

His gaze condensed, and he sensed that the body that was still inside the sphere exploded directly.


The body of Wang Xian located in the sphere was directly divided into ten bloody dragons.

Divided into the existence of individual attributes.

After the separation, Wang Xian immediately sensed that the speed of assimilation had slowed down dozens of times compared with before.

But still assimilating.

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