Chapter 569: Two Shocking Girls (3rd!)

“The gangster upstairs, you come down to me immediately!”

The girl held a soft sword in her hand, like an angry kitten, walking upstairs with an angry face, while shouting loudly.


Wang Xian took the last thin feather sword out from above, with a satisfied expression on his face.

As a result, I immediately heard the voice of a young girl shouting softly from below.

Wang Xian raised his brows.

“This broken place, there is nothing upstairs, but the master refiner?”

At this moment, the girl’s figure appeared, he walked in and looked up and down around.

The entire second floor, except for two tables and two benches, has nothing.

“Black shop boy, what tricks are you playing?”

The girl held a long sword and pointed to Wang Xian coldly, “Where is my sister Xue’s thin feather sword?”

Behind the girl, the girl looked at the dagger in Wang Xian’s hand that was still inserted in the sheath, and a trace of discomfort flashed in her eyes.

“It’s just right, it’s ready!”

Wang Xian ignored the girl’s anger and threw the thin feather sword in his hand to the girl with a smile on his face.

“All right?”

With a suspicious expression on her face, the girl reached out and took her short sword.


With a crisp sound, the short sword opened directly!



Two incredible sounds of surprise came, and the girl stared blankly at the thin feather sword in her hand.


With a light movement of her arm, small thin feather swords that looked like snowflakes appeared on the thin feather sword.

“Well, it turned out, it turned out to be really good!”

A look of excitement flashed in the girl’s eyes, and she felt an incredible touch of the broken place with her hand.

“Sister Xue, is this…really better?”

The girl on the side was also full of astonishment, staring blankly at the thin feather sword in the girl’s hand.

“It is indeed a thin feather sword, and it is no different from when I used it before!”

There was a trace of excitement on the girl’s face, her palm moved slightly, and the thin feather sword slowly rotated in his hand.

Small thin feather swords like snowflakes appeared around, making them beautiful.

“Huh, where is the hilt?”

However, at this moment, the girl felt that there was something wrong with the hilt of the thin feathers. She immediately grasped the hilt and looked at the position where the sword was inserted into the hilt.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes.

“Did he move something? I just said, he is definitely not at ease, a black shop, a black shop!”

The girl on the side saw the girl in surprise, and immediately bluffed and glared at Wang Xian again.

“Bo Yujian has indeed been repaired!”

Wang Xian said to the girl with a smile: “As for the position of the hilt, there are six layers inside, which can be restored at any time, but I don’t know if this lady is interested in buying a few weapons!”

He said, his gaze shifted to the girl.

“The thin feather sword has indeed been repaired. The position of the hilt is harmless, but…”

With shock and suspicion in her eyes, the girl raised her head and looked at Wang Xian: “What are you going to sell me to?”

“Give me the sword!”

Wang Xian stretched out his hand and said to the girl.

The girl didn’t hesitate, and directly handed him the thin feather sword.

With a move of Wang Xian’s palm, the six two-finger thin feather swords that had been on his body went directly into the hilt.

He held the thin feather dagger and moved his hand.


The thin feather sword was excited, and the six small thin feather swords shot directly forward.

Following a spin, he returned to the thin feather dagger.

The whole process is fleeting.

Wang Xian erected the thin feather sword, and six small thin feather swords were suspended on the side of the thin feather short sword, rotating slightly.

“I used the remaining materials to create six small eleventh-level thin feather swords.”

“This thin feather sword and short sword are a set, you can attack unexpectedly when fighting!”

As Wang Xian said, he flicked six small thin feather swords aside.


The thin feather short sword just fell on the ground, the thin feather short sword in Wang Xian’s hand bloomed with blue light, and the small sword returned directly.

“Six little swords, I don’t know if this lady wants to buy them!”

Wang Xian looked at the girl and said with a smile on his face.

“This this…”

At this moment, the girl stared at the small sword encircling the thin feather dagger completely stunned, her face full of shock.

“This… actually…”

She was a little incoherent. She had used the thin feather sword for more than 20 years, and she knew it very well.

Now there are six more small thin feather swords, not to mention the others, in terms of attack power and combat, it has been doubled.

Especially the six small swords, all of them were eleventh-level spirit weapons.

This is an eleventh-level spiritual weapon.

Although the value of the hidden weapon class is relatively low, it is still relatively low. The eleventh-level spiritual tool is still the eleventh-level spiritual tool.

Most importantly, he even made these six small thin feather swords and thin feather short swords into a suit!

She is naturally very clear about the strength of the suit.

A suit can increase the power of a weapon a lot.

The six small swords, although different from traditional armor weapons, can still make her attack power a huge increase.

“This is what you refined…”

As soon as the girl spoke, she realized that her words were a bit stupid.

There was no one in the whole shop except him, and even just now they were still wondering that it was a black shop.

“This young man is a master craftsman and a powerful master craftsman!”

There was a look of shock in the girl’s eyes.

She has seen a lot of geniuses in the world of Yongchang, the proud son of heaven, and even she is an outstanding genius.

However, seeing such a young master craftsman, she still felt deeply shocked.

How long is this? Ten minutes?

So she repaired her spirit sword, which even the famous Master Xuanhuo dare not repair!

The most terrifying thing is that he turned the remaining materials into six small swords into a suit.

This terrifying refining technique is like a miracle.

“What do you mean?”

When Wang Xian heard the girl’s words, he looked at her with a smile on his face.

“What, you, you, you turned out to be a master refiner?”

The girl on the side stared at Wang Xian with eyes wide open at this moment, with a face full of disbelief.

Such a young master craftsman?

This is not a black shop?

Is it a shop opened by a very powerful crafting master?

“These six small swords, don’t you know if Miss buys them?”

Wang Xian saw the girl’s hot expression, glanced at the girl, and asked with a smile on her face.

“Yes, you offer a price!”

As soon as his voice fell, the girl said firmly.

“The value of the suit is not comparable to that of ordinary spirit weapons, but you are my first customer. Each small sword is based on the market price!”

Wang Xian said directly to the girl.

“Market price? Good!”

The girl nodded without hesitation, buying at the market price, worth it!

“Eleventh-level hidden weapon level spirit weapons, about five thousand spirit stones, six, a total of 30,000 spirit stones!”

As Wang Xian said, a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes!

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