Chapter 614 He is the Dragon King 4 (First!)

“How is this possible, how is it possible? How could he be so strong!”

“Crazy, crazy, Ao Jian didn’t have such a terrible crush when he fought with Senior Brother Hong Tianda, now…what’s this…”

“Senior Brother Ao Jian said just now that the elder of Zhanxiandao directly told the referee to surrender. Why did Zhanxiandao do this?”

“Two moves, I defeated Senior Brother Gwen in just two moves, this is too strong!”

“The gap is so big, the younger generation of invincible Senior Brother Gwen was so easily defeated, this…”

Around, hundreds of thousands of disciples looked at the unbelievable Senior Brother Gwen who was slowly standing up, and couldn’t help swallowing and spitting.

This is the champion of the big match, Senior Brother Gwen ranked first!

Can’t even hold up two tricks!

How strong is Ao Jian’s strength?

“This guy!”

At this moment, on the mountain where the elders of Zhanxian Dao were located, a dozen elders were gloomy and very embarrassed.

But while making them angry, they also felt a little frightened.

“He… has he made another breakthrough in kendo?”

“How come, how long has it been, his strength has grown so terribly, this evildoer!”

“Gwen’s strength plus his spiritual tool suit are definitely the pinnacle of existence in the infant realm. However, he was defeated by two tricks. Ao Jian’s strength has reached the half-step fairy god realm!”

“Possibly, even if he doesn’t enter the Yongchang Ding, he has a great chance of reaching the realm of the immortal gods!”

The elders of Zhanxiandao stared at Ao Jian with shock and fear.

The strength he showed made them all feel terrified.

“Huh, if his current strength prevents him from entering the Yongchang Ding, then…”

The great elders of Slashing Immortal Dao looked very embarrassed. This time they were ashamed of Slashing Immortal Dao.

Ao Jian’s approach is undoubtedly a slap in the face of Zhanxian Dao!

“Dragon King!”

Ao Jian glanced at Gwen below, and came directly to Wang Xian’s side.


Wang Xian nodded towards him and stood blankly on the mountain platform without speaking.

Ao Jian stood one step behind Wang Xian’s right, and did not speak.

Wang Xian had his own ideas for Ao Jian to defeat Gwen.

Zhanxiandao would not let it enter Yongchangding. This was somewhat inconsistent with Dabi’s rules, but this was Zhanxiandao’s decision, and he couldn’t interfere.

Then simply let Ao Jian defeat Gwen.

The first place of the three great immortal gates can’t enter Yongchangding, and it will definitely embarrass Zhanxiandao.

Perhaps, through this method, Zhanxiandao will allow Ao Jian to enter the Yongchang Ding.

“Hi, the relationship between Ao Jian and this dragon king seems to be extraordinary!”

At this moment, the crowd of tianjiao standing in the void looked at Wang Xian and Ao Jian on the stage, took a deep breath, their eyes flickering.

“This Ao Jian seems to listen very much to the words of the Dragon King. Do you pay attention? He has always stood one step behind the Dragon King, and his attitude is respectful!”

A Tianjiao stared at the two on stage with surprise in his eyes.

Now, there are only Ao Jian and Wang Xian on the mountain’s stage. They stood there, giving people a very special feeling.

It seems an invincible posture.

There seems to be an aura of looking at the world.

“His strength?”

Jin Jian and Ao Shuwen stared at the two on the stage with embarrassed faces.

“Ao Jian should not be the opponent of Dragon King, so he is so respectful!”

The Tianjiao in the sky was silent for a long time, Hong Tianda took a deep breath and said slowly.


Hong Tianda’s words stunned all the surrounding Tianjiao with shocked expressions on their faces.

“How is it possible? With Ao Jian’s strength, I guess that even the elders of our Xianmen are not his opponents. How could that Dragon King be better than Ao Jian!”

Ao Shuwen immediately retorted with an embarrassed expression.

“I feel that Ao Jian alone can handle at least five or six infant-level powerhouses. How could the Dragon King be better than him!”

A Tianjiao shouted in a low voice with a solemn face: “Could it be that their strength has reached the half-step immortal god?”

“He beat me once!”

Hong Tianda stared at Wang Xian with blinking eyes, and said lightly.

“What, defeat Senior Brother Hong with one move!”

All Tianjiao’s faces again showed shocked expressions, they turned their heads and stared at Wang Xian closely.

“Ao Jian can defeat Senior Brother Gwen with two strokes, and Dragon King can defeat Senior Brother Hong with one stroke, hehe, they…they…”

The Tianjiao didn’t know what to say at all, staring at the two people on the stage in a daze.

The hundreds of thousands of disciples below also looked at the two on stage.

“Why aren’t the rest of the senior brothers on the peak stage?”

Some disciples murmured suspiciously.

“Let’s go!”

After being silent again for about tens of seconds, Hong Tianda moved and slowly landed on the peak platform, glanced at the two people above, and his eyes flickered to the side.

Piao Lingxue looked at Wang Xian, hesitated for a moment, and still didn’t walk over.

She felt that the other party and her were like people from two worlds!

“If it is really as Hong Tianda said, a dragon king plus Ao Jian, maybe he could really kill fifteen infant-level powerhouses under precautions!”

Ao Shuwen’s eyes flickered, and his face showed a solemn expression.

“All the Tianjiao, standing on the edge, the head of Hongyan will personally give you rewards!”

At this time, the voice of an elder from Yongchang Immortal Gate came.

A disciple of the famous Tianjiao walked to the edge and recovered for a while, a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Lord Immortal God showed up in person, which is a great honor for every disciple.

“Will immortals appear?”

A hint of surprise flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes, but soon he recovered.

Now the gods are fearless!


At this moment, a fluctuating sound came from below.

“Huh? It’s Junior Sister Xiaoxiao!”

“It’s Junior Sister Xiaoxiao, the clothes on Junior Sister, so…so scary!”

“What a strong flame wave, the suit, everything up and down on the body is a level twelve spiritual weapon!”

A group of Tianjiao disciples looked down, and saw a smile that fanned flame wings and exuded holy flames, with an enviable look on their faces.

The whole body is full of spirit weapons, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, shoes, clothes, wings, all of them.

“It should be a spiritual weapon created by Master Huo Cage for Junior Sister Xiaoxiao!”

All Tianjiao murmured enviously.

“Senior brothers and sisters, I am here!”

Xiaoxiao looked at the crowd on the peak, with a smile on his face, and said very happily.

“Smile, come on now!”

“Junior sister, come up!”

All the Tianjiao disciples said with a smile on their faces.

She smiled and nodded, fluttering her wings, like a beautiful and lovely flame angel.

When the hundreds of thousands of disciples below saw her, they looked up at her with amazing faces.

Some male disciples even murmured that if they could marry her, they would not have to fight for a lifetime!

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