Chapter 618 Wait for me to kill them 4 (Fifth!)

“Yan prison!”

Hong Yan’s voice sounded like a voice in the void, and he stretched out a finger and pointed in the direction of Wang Xian and Ao Jian.

Yan prison!

When his voice sounded, a flame like the sun ignited instantly around Wang Xian and Ao Jian.

The flames slowly blended together, forming a three-meter-sized flame cage.

There was no flame rising in the entire flame cage.

The scary red flame has been completely condensed into a real prison.

Yan prison!


“This is a fairy-like method!”

When the surrounding elders saw the immortal god powerhouse, they appeared in a cage out of thin air and directly trapped them, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Two enemies that made them feel very difficult are now easily trapped by Lord Immortal.

The power of the fairy gods, terrible!

“Master Hongyan, I suggest that they be killed directly. They have killed so many of us, we absolutely cannot let them go!”

“Yes, kill them, kill them!”

A famous elder stared at Wang Xian and Ao Jian with murderous in his eyes, and roared in a low voice.

“A person in the world of Dharma has made you so passive. You have to cultivate hard in the future, Yongchang, but you are about to appear in this world!”

Hong Yan said to them faintly, with a slight dissatisfaction in her tone!

“Yes, Lord Hongyan said that!”

The elders quickly and respectfully said.


Hong Yan nodded faintly, looked at Wang Xian and Ao Jian, and said flatly: “The talent is very good, even in the world of Yongchang, they are peerless geniuses, but you shouldn’t kill people in my Yongchang!”

“If you kill someone, you have to suffer the consequences!”

“Master Hong Yan is about to do it!”

“Huh, fortunately the head came in time, otherwise we really don’t know how much it will cost to kill him!”

“The two of them are a bit perverted, but if the leader makes a move, he will be killed at will!”

When the elders heard Lord Hongyan’s words, they breathed a sigh of relief.

“Huh, that dragon king is going to be beheaded!”

“No matter how evil a person in the real world dares to be arrogant in our Yongchang world, he will also be punished!”

“Master Hong Yan is simply too strong, one finger can kill the Dragon King and Ao Jian!”

The disciples below saw this scene, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

The scene where Ao Jian killed their elders just now was terrifying!

All Tianjiao sighed with relief when they saw the arrival of the strong immortal gods.

Now, they have feared this Dragon King and Ao Jian!


Wang Xian looked at a pair of Hongyan who was looking at sentient beings about to judge them, and the corners of his mouth were slightly cocked. This was the fairy god, the first fairy god he encountered.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, staring at Hong Yan, “I really want to know the consequences!”

Wang Xian said, looking at Ao Jian: “Block him and wait for me to kill some people!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Ao Jian nodded respectfully.

“Dare the fish on the sticky board…”

When an elder heard Wang Xian’s words, his face was cold and disdainful.

However, his voice stopped abruptly in the middle of speaking.

Under everyone’s gaze, the Yan prison around Wang Xian directly collapsed, and the cage that trapped Ao Jian also collapsed directly!

A blue water energy and a golden metal shadow long sword appeared around them.

Blue, holy blue!

Golden, noble gold!

The blue and gold, who could compete with the scorching sun, slowly rose from them.

“The Feng Family, Ao Family, Dong Family, Liang Family…Well, you will be wiped out before leaving!”

Wang Xian’s flat voice awakened everyone.

Hong Yan saw that Yan prison collapsed, and Gu Bo’s calm expression moved, and a dignified look flashed in his eyes.

“do not move!!”

Ao Jian held a long sword and pointed directly at Hong Yan.

The plain finger shocked everyone’s faces. In all directions, a metal long sword pointed directly at Hong Yan.

Every long sword contains a frightening energy.

“what’s the situation!”

An elder trembled uncontrollably, staring at Wang Xian and Ao Jian incredible!

“The realm of immortals, I didn’t expect you to step into the realm of immortals!”

Hong Yan’s voice sounded, his face became solemn, and his eyes swept the surrounding long swords, and his sharp edges made him feel a little heart palpitations.

He looked at Wang Xian again, the blue energy ray on his body comparable to the scorching sun, and the terrifying energy contained in his body made his face a little embarrassing!

“Water rushing into the big waterfall!”

At the moment when everyone hadn’t reacted, the terrifying energy in Wang Xian’s body was released instantly.

With him as the center, the terrifying waters radiate directly at an incredible speed.


In an instant, the rushing waves of the waterfall covered a radius of ten kilometers.

Around, all the people, hundreds of thousands of disciples of the three immortal gates were all shrouded in the rushing waves of the great waterfall!

“no no!”

However, Hong Yan’s words shocked the elders and all the disciples of the Three Great Immortals.

They looked at the waters surrounding them with a look of horror in their eyes.

“The great waterfall water rushes, high-level combat skills, and the fairy god level can be released, the fairy god, he is the fairy god!”

“Ao Jian, Ao Jian is also an immortal god, he actually locked Lord Hongyan, this…”

Everyone felt a little dazed.

They were in the water at this time, only Master Hong Yan was supporting an area, but Master Hong Yan was locked by a long sword around them.

The immortal god-level Hong Yan was actually locked in and didn’t dare to move!

This frightened them.

“The water of the big waterfall is rushing, and we are actually within the attack range of the gods!”

“God, my god, the two of them are immortal gods, they are immortal gods, no wonder they could easily kill a famous elder just now!”

“We are actually in the waters of the fairy gods. If he wants to attack us, he might be able to kill me with a single thought!”

Below, hundreds of thousands of disciples found themselves in the water, trembling a little, even if the water in the water did not attack them.

But the coercion from the immortal gods gave them a feeling of worship. Their life and death were completely in the hands of the dragon king.

A real-world dragon king, a terrifying existence at the level of a fairy god!

Hong Yan swept his eyes and saw all the disciples of the Three Great Immortal Sects covered by the water of the big waterfall, his expression a little embarrassed.

“Don’t act rashly!”

Hong Yan stared at Wang Xian with a calm face and blinking eyes: “Otherwise, you won’t be able to leave Yongchang!”

“Don’t worry, when I kill a few people, I will leave, this fairy god in the world of Yongchang, can you agree?”

Wang Xian said slightly mockingly, the five long swords beside him spinning.

He glanced over everyone around him, and whispered: “I am the Dragon King of the real world. When Yongchang emerges, I remind you to keep a low profile and don’t mess with me!”

“Feng Family, Ao Family, Dong Family, Liang Family… People from your family, come and die!”

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