Chapter 623 Return of the Dragon King 3 (Fifth!)

At this moment, on the Jianghu website, the information about Nie Wushuang and Qi Emperor’s righteous demon forces destroying the Dragon Gate is constantly being updated.

When the warriors on the rivers and lakes saw the terrifying strength of Ajiaya and Lan Qingyue, they were also shocked!

The two girls have the strength of the strongest, you can imagine how terrifying the impact it brought them.

“The Dragon King must have gained a peerless heritage, otherwise, Longmen would not have risen so quickly, and his beauty would not have such a terrifying strength!”

“It’s shocking. If the Dragon King does not die, the rivers and lakes will be the world of Longmen in the future!”

“I believe that the demise of the Dragon Gate has made many holy gates breathe a sigh of relief!”

On the Jianghu website, a famous warrior was talking one after another, while the holy gate of the holy race and other forces who did not go to Jianghu were staring at the Jianghu website, waiting for the news of the eventual destruction of the dragon gate.


“No, the people in Longmen are so strong, everyone be careful!”

“Be careful, be careful!”

However, when the Donghua Sacred Gate and the Zombie Demon Palace were in a fierce battle with the two hundred people in the Longmen, the terrifying sword of rush and the sword of return attacked in an instant.

One by one, the golden swordfish, with terrifying swordsmanship, beheaded more than twenty innate powerhouses in an instant.

This caused the complexions of the congenital powerhouses in Donghua Sacred Gate and Corpse Demon Palace to change dramatically, and they roared loudly.

“Roar, kill!”

At this time, a famous dragon was transformed into a dragon, their arms turned into terrifying dragon claws, and they attacked directly towards the enemy.

Dragon people, not afraid of death, not afraid of death.

For the Dragon Gate and Dragon King, they dare to give up their lives.

At the last moment of the dragon gate, all the dragon people broke out with the momentum of death.

That fierce and undaunted attack and terrifying defense made the four hundred congenitals of the Donghua Holy Gate Corpse Demon Palace tremble in their hearts!

“Ajiaya, Qingyue, rest in the back!”

Guan Shuqing stood up and took a deep breath. Xiaoyu and Elder Fan on the side were also full of frost.

Sun Lingxiu’s face like the goddess of light was like a goddess of frost at this moment, staring at the front.


Guan Shuqing gritted his teeth and held a lotus scepter in his hand. With a wave of his arm, the flame lotus blossoms attacked the crowds in front.

Her attacks were endless, covering one after another, and the terrifying attack power shocked the hearts of the people in the distance!


Sun Lingxiu’s body exudes a white light, and aurora penetrating away.

Beside him, the blood man genius doctor stared at the front with embarrassment, guarding his master.

Xiaoyu and Elder Fan didn’t do anything. They were better at close combat. They didn’t rush over, staring at Qi Di and Nie Wushuang.

Beside the six of them, two eleventh-level golden swordfish guarded them.

“Wait a while, if it’s a critical moment, I will activate the defense in the scepter and run away together!”

Ajiaya supported her injured body and stood up with embarrassment.

“Ajiaya, we were wrong before, I apologize to you, if… if we can escape this disaster, we are sisters!”

Lan Qingyue also stood up, gently holding Ajiaya with her palm.

“Then you need two more!”

A Jiaya smiled generously and looked at Sun Lingxiu on the side.

“Sister Lingxiu is fine!”

Lan Qingyue smiled faintly.

“That is, she is better than you all!”

Ajiaya smiled very straightforwardly, and sighed slightly: “I knew I would not come here with that guy!”

Lan Qingyue smiled, knowing that Ajiaya was simply dissatisfied.

That’s right, a woman who came from a foreign country came over, but she couldn’t see her for the next period of time.

Even with their cold reception, the average girl really can’t hold up this kind of grievance, let alone a princess.


Lan Qingyue said apologetically, staring at Nie Wushuang and Qi Di: “We two stop them, there is hope!”

“Yes, Xiaoxian’s men are very strong!”

A Jiaya glanced across the entire battlefield, with a smile on her face, her eyes coldly looking at Nie Wushuang and Qi Di!

“Hey, how can the strength of Longmen people be so strong!”

“Unexpectedly, forty or fifty innate strongmen have died, and Longmen seems to have not died yet!”

“No, why are the people in Longmen so terrifying? It feels that it is not a level of battle at all. Even if it is four hundred people, it may not be able to defeat the two hundred people in Longmen!”

In the surroundings, a crowd of people looked at the battle ahead with shocked faces.

The horrible scene of the battle of six hundred innate powerhouses was shocking.

However, after fighting for only one minute, they were horrified to find that their innate powerhouse was quickly beheaded.

Even if it is twice as many innate powerhouses, they are still at a disadvantage!

After this battle, it is not certain who wins and who loses!

“This Longmen disciple is really troublesome!”

Qi Di looked at the battle scene in front of him, his face a little gloomy.

“Go ahead, fight fast!”

Nie Wushuang’s eyes flashed icy, and with a wave of the long sword in his hand, the terrifying golden sword light cut directly towards the front.


Qi Emperor’s figure moved at the same time, and he slashed towards a golden swordfish.

“Do it!”

Lan Qingyue and Ajiaya saw Nie Wushuang and Qi Di start their hands, gritted their teeth, and directly greeted them both.

Xiaoyu and Elder Fan followed with firm eyes, and the black bones on their bodies began to grow crazily!

“The two defeated generals still dared to make a move. It seems that this time you will be completely abolished!”

Nie Wushuang saw Lan Qingyue and Ajiaya attacking again, his eyes were cold.

“This time, there are us!”

Xiaoyu roared, and the bone sword in his hand pierced away without fear.


Qi Di and Nie Wushuang snorted coldly, and cut off the spirit weapon in their hands!


The spirit weapon was blocked by Lan Qingyue and the others, and the four of them couldn’t help backing back.

“This Dragon Gate really has some strength!”

“Being able to increase their strength to the infant stage in this doomsday world, and their age is still so young, it seems that they have got a very terrifying inheritance!”

“At least it is the inheritance of the fairy gods, otherwise, they will definitely not be able to raise their strength to such a realm!”

“We came to the real world ahead of schedule, maybe there is a big opportunity waiting for us!”

From the side position, the four elders have been quietly watching the battle ahead, with a hint of superiority on their faces.

Looking at Lan Qingyue and Ajiaya, there was a surprise in their eyes.

“Gosh, that girl was hit by the head of Nie Wushuang, but she was not injured!”

“No, the head of Nie Wushuang and Emperor Qi were actually entangled by the four of them, but the four hundred innate powerhouses were quickly beheaded by two hundred Longmen disciples. Could it be… this time the Longmen is going to be wiped out… .”

“How come, it’s impossible, why the Longmen disciple is so strong, look at that girl’s flame attack, it hasn’t stopped for a moment, the lethality is too terrifying!”

“If this goes on, the four hundred congenitals will be defeated. No, it won’t be impossible to destroy the Dragon Gate with such a big battle. If you know that the Dragon King is already dead!”

“Longmen, how could it be so scary…”

When the crowd around saw the battle ahead, their hearts trembled violently, and they couldn’t believe it.

Four hundred competed against two hundred, but they were quickly beheaded, which completely exceeded everyone’s expectations.

On, all warriors who saw the posts on the live broadcast were also full of horror.

No one thought of this situation.

“Could it be that this time the Longmen eradication operation will fail!”

Everyone was shocked.

The Dragon Gate is too strong. With the death of the Dragon King, the two strongest masters, Nie Wushuang and Qi Di, led the four hundred innates who could not destroy the Dragon Gate. It was terrifying!

Especially the swordsman with the golden long sword in his hands, made his scalp numb.

A swordsman in the Dan realm can even fight against two strong Dan realms!

What shocked them most was that Qi Di and Nie Wushuang’s head were temporarily entangled, and they could not be separated.

“It’s really rubbish, it seems we are going to do it!”

At this moment, a pair of old men who hung up high on the side saw this situation and said slightly dissatisfied.

“Okay, let’s do it, hurry up and finish, to torture the things passed down by the female dolls!”

“Then, it’s over!”

When the last old man with a bald head wearing a fire red finished saying the last word, they slowly walked forward.


The four elders spoke lightly, and their aura suddenly rose.

“Boom boom boom!”

A wave of horrible flames rose, and the flames went straight for kilometers.

Four flame pillars change the color of the whole world.

The aura of those four people was much stronger than Qi Di and Nie Wushuang.

“We want to kill a small dragon gate, you are really rubbish!”

An old man said lightly, waved his arm, and the terrifying attack swept toward the Longmen crowd!


“Oh my god, it’s scary, scary, they…they…”

Behind him, all the martial artists on the rivers and lakes saw this scene with a look of horror on their faces.

This momentum is too strong, and it makes them feel suffocated from a distance.

“The four old men, the four old men, hiss, the dragon gate is going to be destroyed, even if the dragon king is still there, it will be destroyed!”

What is the scene of the thousand-meter pillar of fire flying into the sky, like the might of the world.

Under this terrifying coercion, destroying a dragon gate is simply easy.

Even if the Dragon King is still there, it is still easy in their eyes!

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