Chapter 637

(This is the fourth one!)

“Wow, there are so many people!”

“Yes, look at the one in front, my God, it’s Ling Tianyue, the queen of Asian songs, Ling Tianyue!”

“That’s the actor Liu Kongfei, so many stars!”

“There are many stars in our country, and there are also many names of the island country Bangzi country!”

“In addition to the top stars, there are also many well-known wealthy businessmen and rich second generations. There are so many people in our country. They are really local tyrants!”

“Hehe, see if there are any good-looking clothes, let’s buy some here!”

Twitter, Xiaoyu, Lan Qingyue, Ajiaya and the other five girls were talking excitedly on the sidelines.

“Tonight I will show you a good look, if there is a beautiful one, I will buy it for you!”

When Wang Xian heard them talking, he immediately interjected.

This is also Wang Xian’s second purpose here, to buy them some clothes.

All kinds of styles, seductive!

“Just know you don’t have any good intentions!”

Lan Qingyue gave him a white look, and took Ajiaya’s arm: “I think with Ajiaya sister’s height and body, going to the catwalk is completely overwhelming!”

“That is, Ajaya’s sister-in-law’s figure is too good, if I can be so good, it would be great!”

“What to look at!”

At this moment, a slightly angry voice came from behind: “No matter how good the figure is, it’s just a plaything. Am I not pretty?”

“You men, all of you are thinking animals in the lower body!”

At this moment, a woman’s voice came from behind, which was very harsh.

Wang Xian frowned slightly and turned to look.

There are five people behind him, including three women and two men. One of them is familiar with the young Wangxian, a well-known flow niche and flow actress in China.

To put it bluntly, it is to be hyped as a star who has no works and strength.

The other two girls are in their twenties and thirties, one is dressed in designer clothes, one is slightly fat, and the other has a red face.

The slightly fat girl stared at the boy next to her unwillingly.

“Didn’t I just glance at it, and didn’t look at it much!”

The boy whispered to the girl a little aggrieved.

“You can’t look at it at a glance. If you dare to see a vixen in the future, don’t blame me for being impolite!”

The slightly fat girl stared at the boy a little domineeringly.


The boy nodded quickly in fear.

“Huh, I’m ugly, and I’m talking about others as a vixen!”

When Xiaoyu heard what the girl behind him said, he immediately looked at the corner of his mouth with disdain, and said directly.

Now that her brother is pampered, she is not afraid of anything? Some people say that they, Xiao Yu’s character will naturally refute.

“What, who do you say is ugly, who do you say?”

When the slightly fat girl heard Xiaoyu’s words, the flesh on her face immediately became blocked, and she stared at Xiaoyu with a cold face.

“Who knows who is ugly, why are you so excited!”

Xiaoyu curled his lips and said faintly.

“Huh, some people are pretty, but their hearts may be black. I don’t know how many men have been nurtured by them. Yuanyuan, let’s ignore her!”

“Yes, some women grow up beautifully, but don’t know how dirty their bodies are!”

The two women beside the fat girl gave Xiaoyu and the others coldly, and said sarcastically.

“I see a lot of beautiful girls, especially in the entertainment industry. Those beautiful girls are not for names… Haha!”

The actor on the side also said to the slightly fat girl.

“Everything under you can enter here without even a brand. It seems that they are really being taken care of by others, but it is estimated that the one who takes care of you is also a poor one!”

The plump girls glanced at Xiao Yu and the others, and a trace of jealousy flashed in their eyes!

She said in a very vicious tone.

“I look like…”

“The ticket is checked, take the ticket out!”

Just when Xiaoyu and the others wanted to refute, the voice of the staff came in front of them.

They made them close and glared at a few people, and stopped arguing.

“Be careful when you speak, don’t cause unnecessary trouble for yourself, you can’t bear it!”

Wang Xian stared at the five of them coldly and warned.

“Hehe, who are you for you? We can’t bear it?”

The man next to him with his hands in his pockets and earrings on his ears, when he heard Wang Xian’s words, he stared at Wang Xian with disdain.

“Sorry ladies, your tickets are fake!”

At this moment, the voice of the staff came from nearby.



Xiaoyu Lan Qingyue and the others were stunned, and exclaimed with surprise on their faces.

Wang Xian also raised his eyebrows, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and turned his head to ignore the talking actor: “We bought this from a scalper!”

“Sorry, this is indeed a counterfeit ticket. You bought it from an informal channel. We don’t officially bear this responsibility!”

The youth staff heard Wang Xian’s words and said apologetically.

“Haha, fake tickets, it’s really interesting. It’s not that you can’t afford a real ticket and get a fake ticket and want to fool you!”

“Maybe it is true, you can tell by looking at their clothes, they can’t afford a ticket, it’s normal!”

The taunting voices of young men and women came from behind, making Wang Xian’s eyes flashed with impatience.

The clothes on Xiaoyu, Lan Qingyue and the others are all twelve-level spiritual weapons made by him, but the style is the same as modern.

Without any logo, in their opinion, it has become a miscellaneous brand of clothes.

“Dare to lie to me, I really know how to live and die!”

Wang Xian thought of the young man who sold his fake tickets, and a cold eye flashed in his eyes.

“If you don’t get out yet, why are you standing here? Delay our entry!”

Later, the voices of young men and women came again.

“Huh? What happened?”

“what happened?”

What happened on their side immediately attracted the attention of everyone around them.

In fact, some people noticed this when the argument first started.

“It looks like I got a fake ticket!”

“Fake tickets? The tickets can be verified directly. Why have you bought fake tickets?”

Some people around were talking in surprise.

“That person is so familiar!”

“Huh? He…he…he is!”

“Oh my god, it’s… it’s him, it’s him, yes, that is, the other girls next to him are…”

However, at this moment, some middle-aged and elderly people around him suddenly opened their eyes, with a look of horror on their faces.

There is a person who is famous all over the world, especially a month ago.

Under that disaster, all the family and sects in the country all took a photo to warn everyone not to die, otherwise, without this one, they will kill you by themselves.

Immediately afterwards, this incident spread to all domestic wealthy giants.

When they, this group of wealthy giants, got the news, they almost freaked out!

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