Chapter 672 Xiaoyu’s Battle (Second!)

Wearing golden armor, the old man, like a heavenly soldier, glanced around with a smile on his face.

Behind him, there are also hundreds of people wearing golden armor.

“Second grandfather, according to the news we have received, the current state of affairs has completely declined, and now it seems that it is not as bad as imagined. There are hundreds of innate powerhouses!”

A young man beside the armored old man stared at the martial artists below with a golden light in his eyes, and said lightly.

“Because of the Reiki Waterfall, half a month is enough to make many people reborn!”

The armored elder’s eyes also glowed with golden light, scanning the group of martial artists below: “Not bad, not bad, after washing, many good seedlings of cultivation appeared!”

“Here, who is in charge!”

The armored old man held his head slightly, and his voice resounded in everyone’s ears.

“Everyone, we are the people of the world, we can call the shots!”

Lan Qingyue said to the strong people who came out of Huangding again.

“Huh? Still a few beautiful little girls, Longmen, right? Starting today, your Longmen will join our Hunyuan Fairy Sect and become Hunyuan Fairy Sect disciples!”

The armored old man said directly towards Lan Qingyue strongly.

“Jin Kunming, they are from our Huangtian Immortal Gate, you are late!”

The old man in the golden costume said coldly to the armored old man.


The armored old man’s face sank when he heard his words: “You mean, we are a step late?”


The old man in the golden costume nodded faintly, with a smile on his face, his eyes facing each other.

“We are the people of the Dragon Gate, and we won’t join any of your fairy gates!”

At this moment, Xiaoyu on the side heard what they were saying and raised his brows and said directly.

“Haha, Feng Jinqing, did you hear that? No one else has joined you Huangtianxianmen!”

When the armored old man heard Xiaoyu’s words, he immediately laughed with a calm face.

“Stupid girl!”

The young man beside Feng Jinqing stared at Xiao Yu a little angrily.

“You are stupid, you are stupid, who wants to join you Huangtianxianmen!”

Xiaoyu saw the youth glaring at him, and immediately glared back.

“You, owe to clean up!”

Seeing Xiaoyu, the young man dared to stare back at him, his face was slightly embarrassed and he stretched out his finger at her.

“You owe a beating!”

Xiao Yu also hooked his fingers without showing weakness, with a face full of disdain!

“Haha, interesting and interesting, it’s really shameful that the enchanting prince of the dignified Huangding World was provoked by a little girl in the real world!”

At this time, the young man beside Jin Kunming, an old man in armor, said to the young man a bit jokingly.

“Jin Hui’ao, you shut up to the young master, and if you are not convinced, talk to the young master with me!”

When the youth heard Jin Hui’ao’s words, an expression of anger appeared on his face.

“Hey, it’s not that I said you owe you a beating!”

Jin Huiao raised his eyebrows and said with a face full of abuse.

“Little girl, don’t think I don’t bully women, believe it or not, I will clean up you now!”

The young man jumped up, his Tsing Yi and white shirt was windless, his long hair looked like a classically beautiful man.

But the young man was a little angry at this time.

“Brain-disabled, you get furious when you are provoked!”

Xiaoyu snorted coldly when he saw the youth staring at him angrily.

Lan Qingyue and Sun Lingxiu smiled and said nothing.

The crowd in front of them did not have the level of fairy gods, not to mention that Xiaoxian would return immediately, even just a few of them, they were not afraid.

You can still escape!

“you you…”

The young man was full of anger, and Jin Huiao and several young people beside him had a mocking smile.

“Little girl, today the little master asked me to kneel down and beg for mercy!”

“just you!”

Xiaoyu gave him a roll of eyes.

“Well, let’s watch it!”

The young man was furious. He had just arrived in this real world and was taunted by a little girl. He wondered how the famous enchanting prince in Huangding had ever been so blinded.

When he moved, the blue light flashed, and the spirit sword in his hand attacked at a terrifying speed.


Seeing the youth attacking him, Xiaoyu pouted, and moved directly to meet him.

“This…the dragon king’s sister is fighting with that young man!”

“The strength of a group of people who volley in the sky is too terrifying. If they collide with them, it may be dangerous!”

“Danger? Now who knows how strong the Dragon King is? And Princess Xiaoyu obviously also knows the Jiuding World, so I think the Dragon King is not necessarily afraid of them!”

“Yes, the strength of the Dragon King is as deep as the sea. If they hurt Princess Xiao Yu, who is unlucky is not sure!”

In the lower position, a group of warriors saw Xiaoyu suddenly fighting the young man who had come out of Huangding World, and they all whispered.

Now the Dragon King has repeatedly stunned them to behead a famous expert, and many people have already blindly worshipped the Dragon King.

Even if this group of people came out of a void in the void, what about it?

Once the Dragon King and Nie Wushuang Qi Di and the others fought, they also broke through the void!

“Yeah, it’s still a princess, and the maidservant is not qualified!”

The young man heard the voice below, taunting at the corner of his mouth, and the long sword in his hand pierced towards Xiaoyu at a terrifying speed.

“The prince? You are the eunuch in the palace, right?”

Xiaoyu saw the spirit sword attacked by the youth, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he quickly hid away.


The terrifying speed of the spirit sword directly brushed Xiaoyu’s black armor, leaving a faint white mark on it.



Xiao Yu was a little surprised at the speed of the spirit sword, and the young man was also a little surprised at Xiao Yu’s defense.

“Little girl, dare to say that I am an eunuch, it seems that I am going to teach you a lesson today!”

An angry flame appeared in the young man’s eyes, and a little girl called him an eunuch. He could already think of the mocking smiles of the bastards around the Hunyuan Fairy Gate.

Feng Jinqing watched the youth fight with a girl and did not speak.

It is also a good choice to use the strength of the youth to deter warriors in the real world.

“The wind has passed without trace, the sword has passed to take a picture!”

“Sword Shadow!”

The young man stared at Xiaoyu, the spirit sword in his hand moved, and in an instant, the energy of the wind condensed into a spirit sword and appeared around him.

Thousands of flying swords were densely packed, and they went directly towards Xiaoyu’s covering.

“Sword Slash!”

With a serious face on her face, Xiaoyu moved her left hand, and a huge bone shield appeared on her arm, holding a black long sword directly towards the youth.


There is only a faint trace of a spirit sword falling on Xiaoyu’s bone shield, even if it is a young twelfth-level spirit sword falling on it, it is only a small white spot!


The youth’s face changed slightly, and he was shocked to see that the spirit sword fell on his bone shield without breaking the defense. He looked at the attacking Xiaoyu and shouted.

“The wind whistle!”

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