Chapter 773

“Dragon King, the fairy disciple Dabi is the recognition of every immortal door and disciple, twenty immortal doors, and each immortal door will take out a treasure as a reward for winning disciples!”

“According to the rules of our competition, those who won the top 20, and now you join Longmen, will perform 21 rankings, and those who enter the rankings will be rewarded.”

“Longmen can join the game directly, I don’t know what the dragon king wants?”

The two middle-aged Xuanyuan clan said towards Wang Xian with a smile.


A hint of contemplation appeared on Wang Xian’s face: “Then a thirteenth-level spiritual tool, a fairy tool, which can be customized!”

At present, after obtaining the engraving technique from Feng Luan, Wang Xian can already refine the thirteenth-level spiritual weapon.

With the materials he has now, he can create many thirteen-level spiritual weapons.

Taking out the fairy artifact as a reward is very suitable for him, and after the thirteen level spirit artifact, he can customize it.

This is to promote his forging workshop in the future, and it can also show the pride of Longmen.

“Thirteen-level spiritual weapon?”

The two middle-aged people were taken aback for a moment, and a gleam of shock flashed in their eyes.

“Dragon King, determine the thirteenth-level spiritual weapon?”

They pursed their lips and asked again with some surprise.

“Naturally, I am a refiner, and I can tailor a spiritual weapon for the winner!”

Wang Xian smiled and nodded.

“Dragon King, you are really generous, your reward can be regarded as the reward for the first winner!”

The two smiled and said: “By the way, Dragon King, each immortal gate has a place for a recommended disciple, and the recommended disciple can directly enter the competition for 21 places, without the need for the previous competition!”

“As for the disciples, Longmen may not have disciples participating in this game!”

Wang Xian smiled and shook his head: “By the way, if the two of you need to refine the 13th-level spirit weapon in the future, as long as you take out three materials, I will be able to make it. , Advertise now!”

“Three materials can be used to refine a thirteen level spiritual weapon!”

The two middle-aged men looked at each other, their faces full of astonishment.

“It seems that you are going to trouble Dragon King in the future for your help in refining weapons!”

The two middle-aged men were more enthusiastic and said to Wang Xian with smiles on their faces.

Of all the immortal gates, the most powerful refining weapon is Yongchang Immortal Gate. There are two immortal gods in Yongchang Immortal Gate that can refine thirteen level spiritual weapons, and the success rate is only one-third and quarter.

Moreover, the two fairy gods basically wouldn’t make any spiritual weapons.

Except for the immortal gods of the immortal gate of Yongchang, no more than three can refine the thirteenth-level spiritual weapons. If they want to make them refining the immortal gods, they will have to pay a terrifying price.

Now that three parts of the material can refine the artifacts of the gods, I believe there will be many gods coming!

The artifacts of the fairy gods are different from the twelfth-level spirit tools. The artifacts of the fairy gods already have the way of change, which is very difficult to forge.

Wang Xian smiled when he saw their expressions. Although the engraving method is more complicated and difficult, and the failure rate is high, it is not a big problem for him.

A 100% success rate may not be possible, but a 90% success rate is possible.

And if Feng Luan is refined, it will be 100% successful.

Now he can get two in return for three materials, and the benefits are already very amazing.

“Naturally, there is no problem. Longmen Refining Workshop will officially open in major cities in one month at most!”

Wang Xian smiled.

“Well, when we join in on time, we will disturb the Dragon King. Two days later, when the disciple is in a big match, we will meet again!”

The two middle-aged arched hands towards Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded: “Thank you two, this is the earth star fish we caught in the mysterious sea today. Let’s take it as a gift!”

He said, smiled and handed over 70 Earth Starfish.

“More than seventy earth star fish, Dragon King, you are really generous!”

The two middle-aged men looked at the net of earth star fish bitterly, their eyes glowing.

The preciousness of more than seventy earth star fish is enough to make the fairy gods heart!

“Haha, I have captured more than a thousand pieces in the past few days, and it’s not a big deal to give more than seventy pieces to two of you, let’s go slowly!”

Wang Xian folded his hands and smiled at him.

“Okay, then we don’t hesitate to accept it. When we are the Xuanyuan clan, we will be able to receive you, Dragon King!”

The two middle-aged happily arched their hands, received the Earth Starfish, and then flew towards the distance.

“This Dragon King is very different from the one in the material. It looks good, and he is also very good!”

“It may be because of the power of our Xuanyuan clan, but judging from its generous shots, it is indeed not as difficult to get along with according to the information!”

The two who Yujian came into the air talked quietly, and their bodies turned into an aurora and disappeared.

“Xiaoxian, are we going to participate in the Fairy Disciple Competition?”

Guan Shuqing asked Wang Xian curiously.

“Participate, naturally you have to participate. The so-called Fairy Gate Competition is a game between the powers of the arena, and it is also a demonstration of the power of the Fairy Gate. Now that Longmen has become famous, this time the Great Competition is also the first appearance of the Longmen!”

“At that time, you and I will pass together with Ao Jian, which is also a demonstration of Longmen’s power!”

Wang Xian said with a smile.

“The day after tomorrow, then we have to prepare!”

Guan Shuqing nodded.

“Well, call all the disciples of Longmen, let’s just rush over!”

Wang Xian nodded.

A group of people came to a restaurant in a small town next to the mysterious sea, and Wang Xian immediately contacted Xiaoyu Qingyue and the others.

A few girls were very interested in this big competition and expressed that they would go there together.

Naturally, Wang Xian readily agreed.

On the second day, Wang Xian called Prime Minister Turtle over and asked him to bring back the body of the Immortal-level Watermark Horned Beast.

With the corpse of the water-marked horned beast, the effect of the last star guide plate training for more than a year can create one or even two members of the fairy god level.

There are currently thirty-three half-step fairy gods in the Dragon Palace, and these 33 half-step fairy gods have a great possibility to step into the fairy god at any time.

In addition, the Jiu Tiao 虺 is currently in the stage of breaking through, and it may take only a few months for them to reach the realm of immortals.

When the time comes, the Jiu Tiao Yu will be the fighting power of the nine immortals.

When they came out, the strength of Dragon Palace truly ushered in a terrifying improvement.

In the past few days, Wang Xian was planning to go to the mysterious sea to devour some aquatic creatures, but after searching for a long time, he only found dozens of pill realm creatures, a creature of infant realm, and only raised the dragon’s energy by tens of millions.

“Brother, Shuqing sister-in-law!”

At noon the next day, Xiaoyu Qingyue, Ao Jian and a group of dragon men rushed to the small town next to the mysterious sea.

In addition to them, there are ten treacherous monsters hidden in the void, and Ao Yao is also among them.

“Let’s go, go to the land of the Xuanyuan Clan’s fairy gate!”

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