Chapter 882 Demon Hunting Academy

“Today the dogfish mercenary group killed a horned snake in the eastern suburbs marsh. I really envy it!”

“The mission to kill Horned Serpents is Gold One Star, and the Dogfish Mercenary Group will complete a few more Gold One Star missions and be able to advance to Gold Two Stars!”

“Today, the East Sea City Demon Hunting Academy is recruiting students. I don’t know how many people can complete the trial task!”

“Are there any hired groups to go to fisherman island for missions? If so, let’s ask for hired groups above the Silver level!”

Walking into the Demon Hunting and Hiring Group, a lively voice came, young people, middle-aged people and even old people sitting on the tables and talking loudly.

Some were shirtless, with scars on their bodies.

Some were drinking and listening quietly.

There are men and women.

Wang Xian glanced around.

The entire demon hunting hire group is very large, and everyone exudes a fierce aura.

Most of them are above the extraordinary strength.

“No wonder Gu Qingwen and the others want to build an empire after they come to Earth. They are really on the Transcendent Continent. They are small people, so they want to live like a king of God!”

Wang Xian swept his eyes and walked straight to the innermost position.

In the central location, there is a huge screen with various tasks densely packed on the screen.

Someone hunts monsters!

There is an escort!

Some people are looking for spiritual grass!

There are large tasks and small tasks!

Various, the level of the task is also from the first bronze level to the myth level.

And one of the myth-level missions is to obtain the dragon teeth of the dragon!

Wang Xian glanced around and walked to the service desk.

“I want to establish a hire group!”

He said to a woman at the service desk.

“It takes 10,000 lower-grade spirit stones to establish an employment group. The initial level of the employment group is bronze one-star. If it is established, please pay the spirit stone!”

The waiter said to Wang Xian without raising his head.


Wang Xian nodded, and directly took out 10,000 lower-grade spirit stones.

“Please tell me the name of the hired group. We will make a badge for you, and a badge with a low-grade spirit stone!”

The waiter raised his head and said to him.

“The Dragon King Hire Group!”

Wang Xian said directly.

The waiter was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Wang Xian and laughed: “Dragon King Hiring Corps? Young man, are you looking for death? How dare you call the Dragon King Hiring Corps!”

“Head, the Dragon Clan has a very strong prestige in the Transcendent Continent. Once someone slanders their Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan will directly kill them when they know about it!”

The dragon behind quickly reminded.


Wang Xian raised his eyebrows, but he didn’t expect this dragon clan to be so domineering.

“Puff, boy, change your name, it’s no good!”

The front desk clerk said with a smile.

“Then it’s called the Xianfeng Hiring Group!”

Wang Xian didn’t care too much. It was unnecessary to cause some trouble for a name.

And the name of the Xianfeng Hiring Group is not bad.

Wang Xian thought, with a smile on his face.

“A few badges, and, if you want some other auxiliary tools, you can take a look!”

The waiter continued toward Wang Xian.

“Get one quest stone tray, and give me twenty badges first!”

Wang Xian said directly.

“Okay, wait a while, the badge will be made soon, the task stone plate is one million lower-grade spirit stones, and it can be paid with middle-grade spirit stones!”

The waiter said to Wang Xian.

“Pay for the low-grade spirit stone!”

Without hesitation, Wang Xian directly paid one million and twenty spiritual stones.

The task stone plate is equivalent to the task screen in the hunter’s mercenary group, and you can view it through this stone plate.

This kind of thing is somewhat similar to a computer, but it is a means to achieve through formation.

In today’s Transcendent Continent, there is no myth-level mercenary group.

There are only three legendary mercenary groups.

“Ding, the system publishes tasks to unify the extraordinary continents and oceans, and the task rewards: Jade Dragon Dragon Seed, Sky Tree!”

“Ding, the system releases the task, the road to the strong is opened, as a dragon, the world is shocked by the dragon, the road to the hire group, and the silver hire group is promoted, you can randomly get an extraordinary item from the Dragon Palace treasure!”

At this moment, the system’s voice suddenly sounded, causing Wang Xian to be taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, a smile appeared on his face.

“I just saw the instructor of the Demon Hunting Academy enter our Holy Sea Town!”

“The selection of the Demon Hunting Academy is about to begin. I don’t know which lucky person can enter the Demon Hunting Academy!”

“Tomorrow I will also go to participate and enter the Demon Hunting Academy, but I can get a lot of resources and contacts, maybe I can join some golden hire groups!”

“Oh, I don’t want to. I participated in an assessment when I was 30 years old. It was too difficult!”

At this moment, the whole hall suddenly became lively, and most people were talking about the Demon Hunting Academy.

“Devil Hunting Academy!”

Wang Xian murmured, thinking about the Demon Hunting Academy in his mind.

The Demon Hunting Academy has a Demon Hunting Academy in every dynasty and its main purpose is to cultivate a mercenary group.

Because there are too many demons and monsters in this world, and too many powerful people are needed to eradicate and solve some hidden dangers, so the hire group is very important in the entire Transcendent Continent.

Entering the Demon Hunting Academy, you can learn more martial arts, get more information, and cultivate elites in the mercenary group.

Those who can graduate from the Demon Hunting Group are all experienced powerhouses.

Similarly, it is very difficult to enter the Demon Hunting Academy. You cannot be more than forty years old and have to complete assessment tasks.

All freedom in the Hunting Academy is mainly based on actual combat. As long as you complete certain tasks, you can graduate smoothly.

For everyone who wants to become a strong person, the Demon Hunting Academy is the most ideal place.

Of course, it is not that simple to enter the Demon Hunting Academy. There are more than a dozen towns under Donghai City, and each town has millions of people, plus the people in Donghai City.

There are more than hundreds of thousands of people who want to join the Demon Hunting Academy every year!

“Head, we’d better be able to join the Demon Hunting Academy, to join in, for our hired group, the benefits are huge!”

Several people beside Gu Qingwen showed hot expressions in their eyes, and said to Wang Xian.


Wang Xian’s eyes flickered. This Demon Hunting Academy aims to cultivate strong recruiters, and it is very restrictive. As long as it completes a fixed task every semester, it will do.

In the Demon Hunting Academy, you can obtain some information and resources that are not available to the outside world.

“Your badges are set up. If you want to make a hired group uniform, you can go to the side to customize it, and after the hired group’s level is upgraded, you can exchange the badge for free!”

Soon, the waiter yelled at them and handed a badge with a bronze sword and shield crossed together.

Below are the five characters of Xianfeng Employment Corps.

Badges can be put on clothes directly, as a symbol of identity.

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