Chapter 887

On the Mermaid Island, rugged rocks and dense seaweeds are covered. In the cracks between the grass and the island, terrifying piranhas hide in them.

Piranhas are fierce beasts and have no wisdom.

In the Super Continent, there are four kinds of creatures.

Humans, dragons, fierce beasts, monster beasts!

The difference between a fierce beast and a monster beast lies in wisdom. The beast possesses powerful wisdom, while the fierce beast, based on its beast instinct, is the target of being hunted in the entire Transcendent Continent.

However, the beasts that have lost their wisdom are very strong in reproductive capacity, and they are also the most present in the Transcendent Continent.

“Swish swish!”


The sound of rattan sticks came, and a dragon claw caught directly on the head of a big-mouthed piranha, and the dragon claw submerged in the head and swallowed it directly.

“The twenty-first, two Dragon Crystals can break through to the extraordinary second-order!”

Wang Xian’s eyes gleamed, and he returned to the shape of a dragon again, scanning the surroundings.

Although it is very troublesome to change back and forth, he is 20 meters in size in the shape of a dragon, which is too eye-catching.

The dragon shape can only be released when attacking.

Wang Xian stood on a protruding rock and scanned the surroundings.

“Huh? There are formations there!”

When Wang Xian looked forward, he frowned. At this moment, he was already deep into the island. There was an energy in front of him blocking his vision.

“After all, the piercing eye was only obtained from a seabed creature, and its ability is limited. If it can really get a pupil technique, it would be great!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, took a look there, turned his head and searched in the other direction.

Around, the eight dragon people didn’t need them at all, Wang Xian simply let them act on his own, he acted alone.

After all, the potential of the dragon people is not as good as the members of the dragon palace. After this assessment, they will call some wicked monsters and golden swordfish over.

“Extraordinary second-order!”

After searching for more than ten minutes, Wang Xian’s eyes lit up, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

As long as he swallowed this piranha, he would be able to break through.

With a leap, Wang Xian, Qingmen Shulu’s direct control of the surrounding seaweed trapped it, turning it into a dragon and swallowing it directly.

Wang Xian’s current combat power can be comparable to the extraordinary fourth-order and extraordinary second-order creatures, easily beheaded.

“Ding, swallow the extraordinary second-order big mouth piranha, extract Dragon Qi 2 Dragon Crystal!”

“Ding, level up, upgrade to the first change of the Shenlong Transformation, the second-order transcendent!”

“Ding, level up, comprehend the eye of the supernatural dragon!”

“Upgraded, and got a magical power!”

Wang Xian’s eyes flashed, and his heart moved.

The Eye of Tianlong: Looking up to the nine heavens, down to the nine quiets.

“Give a glimpse of Jiutian, and explore Jiuyou, what a domineering introduction!”

Wang Xian’s gaze was like a torch, and his eyes began to change slowly.

Tianlong is one of the dragons of the Dragon Palace, and their most powerful method is investigation.

The eye of Tianlong, because of the penetrating eye of Wang Xian, realized it unexpectedly.


In an instant, Wang Xian’s eyes deepened, one eye was the starry sky and the other was the dark nether, looking very strange.

He looked to the left position, where someone arranged the formation.

As seen by Dragon Eye today, the formation slowly disappeared, revealing the scene inside.

The two young men are fighting with five big-mouthed piranhas, their formation blocks all sounds to prevent attracting the enemy.


Suddenly, at this moment, a piranha with a big mouth of the first rank flew out of the grass, attacking him with a grumpy face.

Wang Xian quickly turned around, and the surrounding seaweed made a terrifying change.


Suddenly, the big-mouthed piranha that attacked was full of panic in its eyes, lying directly on the ground, looking at Wang Xian in admiration.

“This is?”

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, and the surrounding seaweed stopped attacking.

“This is Longwei. It can suppress aquatic creatures with a lower level than him!”

There was a smile on Wang Xian’s face, Long Wei, a talent he had always ignored.

Able to suppress and control aquatic creatures of lower level.

“Next, it will be more convenient!”

Wang Xian moved in his heart and continued to walk inside.

“Ah, help!”

Suddenly, there was a scream not far away.

Wang Xian squinted his eyes, his eyes changed again, and the scene in front of him appeared in his sight.

Twenty big-mouthed piranhas are chasing an eight-man team.

The eight people in the squad were all pale at this time and called out for help.

“Fifteen transcendent first-tier, nine transcendent second-tier!”

Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Xian flew directly in their direction.

“Brother, help!”

The nine people who fled saw Wang Xian flying over and shouted hurriedly.

But when he saw Wang Xian alone, his face instantly became embarrassed.

What’s the use of being alone?


Wang Xian ignored the nine who fled, and passed them directly.

“Are you crazy? Even dare to rush over?”

A girl widened her eyes and said loudly in shock.

“Go, let’s run!”

Nine heads dare not look back, continue to run for their lives!

“Long Wei!”

Wang Xian flew over, and Long Wei directly covered it. For an instant, there were more than 20 big-mouthed piranhas chasing nine people, and 15 of them immediately lay on the ground.

The other nine Transcendent Tier 2 were also shivering, and their eyes were full of horror.


Wang Xian’s figure was shocked, and he commanded directly to those transcendent piranhas.



When the nine extraordinary Tier 2 piranhas couldn’t defend themselves, fifteen Tier 1 piranhas directly attacked them.

The huge mouth bites directly on them.

However, the huge gap in strength only caused some blood to flow out.

“Swish swish!”

However, at this time, Wang Xian’s attack had already arrived, and instantly trapped the nine piranhas.

Wang Xian did not swallow them this time, but directly put the corpses of nine extraordinary Tier 2 piranhas into the space ring.

Now if you want to upgrade to the third rank, you need one thousand dragon crystals.

Only by killing five hundred extraordinary Tier 2 piranhas can they be promoted.

Five hundred, not decimals, you can consider coming here to brush your grades when the assessment is over.

“Go on, with the strength that you can fight against the fifth-order extraordinary, you can basically walk sideways on the island!”

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face, and he flew directly into the air 100 meters away, scanning the surroundings with the eyes of Tianlong.

“Kill kill kill!”

With the assistance of Sky Dragon’s Eye, it is easier for Wang Xian to slay piranhas after his level has been increased.

Moreover, the first-order piranhas are directly controlled by him.

In just half a day, the number of big-mouthed piranhas behind Wang Xian reached more than 300, and there were more than 50 Transcendent Tier 2 corpses.

However, the mermaid king fairy of the third-order transcendental level has not encountered a single one.

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