901 The Light of Death (2)

“Haha, happy and happy!”

The burly middle-aged happily picked up the whole jar of wine and poured his head up into his mouth.

There are not too many people around the second floor of the restaurant. Some warriors looked at the burly middle-aged and quickly turned their heads.

This burly middle-aged man is not something they can provoke.

“Haha, great!”

The burly middle-aged wiped the wine from his mouth, reached out his hand and picked up the wine jar, and raised his head.

However, at this moment, a white light flashed.

“Cough cough cough!”

The burly middle-aged body stiffened slightly, and the wine from the raised jar quickly poured into his mouth.

However, what is frightening is that the drinks flowed out of the throat.

“Bump, snap!”

The middle-aged body fell directly to the ground, and the wine jar was also directly smashed.

“what happened?”

The guest and Xiao Er who were on the second floor were slightly startled, and quickly looked towards the burly middle-aged.

When I saw the burly middle-aged neck: the blood on the neck, a shocked expression appeared on his face.


A middle-aged man opened his eyes wide, his eyes filled with an incredible look.

“What’s the matter, what’s Li Xiong…how is he suddenly killed!”

“How could it be that he was drinking just now, the wound on his neck, this…”

“Look, look at that. Congratulations to the death note. It’s Dragon Spurs, Dragon Assassins Organization!”

“Oh my God, killing people during the day, and besides us, Li Xiong, an extraordinary Tier 4, was directly beheaded!”

Everyone in the second floor was shocked and couldn’t help letting out an exclamation.

They didn’t even see how the killer did it. They didn’t even see Li Xiong’s resistance and died directly!

This makes everyone feel deep fear.

This is an extraordinary fourth-order powerhouse.

At the same time, a young man walked towards the forge.

The Relic Forging Workshop is located in the center of Shenghai Town, and is one of the best forging workshops in the entire Transcendent Continent.

“Zhu Shao is here, welcome Zhu Shao!”

As soon as the youth walked to the door of the biological forging workshop, the waiter inside greeted him with a smile on his face.

“Well, have my weapons been forged?”

The young man raised his head slightly, Qi Yuxuan, and said with a smile on his face.

“Of course, Shao Zhu, it is already forged and waiting for you to get it. In the future, Shao Zhu will enter the East China Sea Academy with the weapons of our Relic Forge, and he will surely kill the Quartet!”

The waiter flattered, turned around with a smile on his face, and led the way.

The young man nodded proudly. As the most outstanding Tianjiao in Shenghai Town, when he enters the East Sea Academy, he will definitely be the most dazzling existence.

Everyone must surrender themselves, women, as much as they want.

Thinking of this, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

However, at this moment, he felt a chill in his neck, his eyes widened, and his whole body instantly lost all strength.

“Zhu Shao, please inside!”

At this time, the waiter turned his head, bowed his arms and made a gesture of asking.


However, the young man’s body was poured straight into the sacred forge, and the blood slowly flowed out!


A scream of horror came from the waiter.

At this moment, in the other two places, the light of death also shrouded.

Soon, in less than half a day, the entire Shenghai Town was completely boiling.

In the courtyard of the city guard, four corpses were placed on the ground.

A red piece of paper is placed next to each corpse. Now, after yesterday’s dogfish hire group, everyone knows what this piece of paper represents.

Congratulations on death!

Dragon Assassin Organization!

At this moment, hundreds of city guards were standing here beside them, and the woman in the front was still the same.

Beside that woman, stood a middle-aged.

The middle-aged man has waterfall-like long hair and a drifting robe, which looks full of special temperament.

“Report to your lord, it is the Dragon Assassin Organization, they… they are simply too terrifying. They were assassinated during the day and during the day!”

“There are many people around them, but no one can see the killer clearly. Through the formation, we have not found it, as if the opponent can avoid the detection of the formation… this…”

The city guard of Shenghai Town stared at the corpse on the ground with embarrassment, and said with some horror.

Killer assassinations happen almost every month in Shenghai Town.

But like today, in broad daylight, it was still in trouble, one Transcendent Tier 3, two Transcendent Tier 4, and One Transcendent Tier 5 were killed directly. This was the first time it happened.

Strange, terrifying, and unbelievable!

The faces of all the city guards were very embarrassed. Facing such a terrifying assassin, check? Check it out!

“grown ups!”

At this moment, the three old men hurriedly came from outside, holding a red piece of paper in their hands.

“My lord, this is something that an old friend of mine gave me. Last night, the Dragon Assassin Organization threw a throwing knife at his home. The contact information of the Dragon Assassin Organization is on it!”

“Through the jade plate, you can contact the Dragon Assassin Organization, you can post tasks and hire them!”

An old man in the center handed the red piece of paper to the middle-aged, and then handed it a jade plate.

“Contact the Dragon Assassin Organization?”

The middle-aged accepted it with no expression, and the woman on the side leaned forward curiously.

“Yes, through the communication jade plate, you can contact the Dragon Assassin Organization and hire them!”

“However, this dragon assassin organization has three missions that are not accepted, and the task of assassination of children is not accepted! The task of assassination of the good people is not accepted! The assassination of the task that exceeds the organization of the dragon assassins is not accepted!”

The old man replied.

“Huh? Three no answer, really…”

The middle-aged had a slight meal, with a smile on his face: “Really a principled killer organization!”

“There is such a killer organization, don’t the killers on the mainland kill people just by paying?”

The woman on the side was also full of curiosity: “The task of assassination of children is not accepted, and the task of assassination of kind people is not accepted. I feel that this assassin organization is a bit…a bit kind!”

“Some people still have a bottom line!”

The middle-aged said, with a trace of admiration in his eyes: “This assassin organization can instantly kill Transcendent Tier 5 in the daytime troubles. It’s definitely not easy!”

“My lord, what shall we do about this matter? Now the entire Shenghai Town is shaking, and all of them are talking about the Dragon Assassin Organization. This time the Dragon Assassination is simply too sensational and a big deal!”

The old man said calmly.

“Huh, if the trouble is big, it will be big. These are the tasks they released by themselves, and the people who die are not good people, so they die!”

The middle-aged snorted and said directly.

Not to mention the three non-killing rules of the Dragon Assassin Organization, it is the Dragon Assassin Organization, which is an organization that kills people for money, and he does not dare to offend it rashly.

Although his power is not afraid of this killer organization, he still has his family and subordinates.

Such a terrifying assassin organization, even if he is the highest officer and strongest in the entire Holy Sea Town, he dare not offend him!

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