Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1012: Lost Buddha

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There is still a principle for the Son of Buddhism, even if he comes together with the Tao, he has the same mind.

But they disdain to join forces, they want to use their own power to get back what should belong to their own lineage.

And when the voice of the Buddha fell, he also shot at this moment, and the mighty mantra sounded throughout the world.

Behind the Buddha, there appeared eighteen Buddhas chanting the Scriptures, the tongue blooming in lotus, and each voice represented an extreme avenue.

The magical power of Buddhism is completely different from the magical power of Daomen. Daomen dismantles all things in heaven and earth, and Buddhism is more partial to the degree.

In their doctrines, all things in the world have rules of existence, everything has traces, and there is also a way to spend it.

Daomen is biased toward analysis, while Buddhism is degree-oriented. With the power of the sutra, all things that cannot be elaborated are converted into things that the Buddha can understand and accept.

The power of the Buddha is soft and extreme domineering. He will not easily kill you or how, but it will allow you to give birth to the heart of surrender and conversion.

This is the most terrible!

Daomen is aimed at supernatural powers and Taoism, while Buddhism is aimed at divine consciousness and will. In fact, this strange way of combat has not been studied by anyone.


The golden Buddha statues resembled a resurrection, chanting obscure Buddhist scriptures.

But it feels more like corresponding to the idea of ​​the monk's heart, he can hit the weakness of the monk, unconsciously gave birth to the idea of ​​surrender.

"Six Word Proverbs!"

Lin Lang mouth blooming lotus flower, um, well, ah, pit, microphone, hum! The six simple and clear characters seem to be full of strange magic.

Regardless of the eighteen Buddhas chanting Buddhist scriptures opposite, Lin Lang confronted with six-character proverbs, and no will could affect his actions.

at the same time.

Lin Lang began to practice Buddhist emperor art, and the palm of the sun came down from the sky. The terrible power of emperor art completely bloomed, and even the closed space of the golden son himself started to shake.

All the overbearing Buddha Jin shattered the space blocked by the Golden Son directly, and the wind screamed, giving out extremely terrible power.

Now Lin Lang has raised his cultivation base to the highest level, and the power to exhibit Buddhist monks' arts is even more and more elevated, and the power of the bloom has even exceeded the limit of the fairy realm.

Almost ruined, the void cracked, cracking a deep space crack, swallowing everything between heaven and earth.

As a last resort, the golden son connected several sons, and at this time they also shot out and blocked the fluctuations of the two men's battles inside the palace with a majestic repair.


"Derived from Destiny!"

The Buddha took a step forward and performed a strange Buddhist technique in his hand. Although there is no too great fluctuation, there is a magic power enough to change the character and wisdom of man.

It is degree and control!

What the Buddhists pay attention to is the fate, and the fate with the Buddha is gentle to the extreme hegemony, which will affect your thinking logic between invisible.

This is the case with the Buddha's magical power. Lin Lang saw his three lives and three lives in a trance.

All kinds of encounters even gave him a mind to convert to Buddhism. However, at this moment, Lin Lang's Qingxin mantra flashed in his heart, and every passage of scripture was like a soft stream, calming his state of mind.

The overbearing power of the Buddhist gate was isolated by a soft power formed by a layer of pure mind curse.

There is no way to cholera his wits.

"Qingxin curse!"

The Buddha obviously did not expect that Lin Lang even possessed the supreme heart method of the Buddha, clearing the heart curse!

The Qingxin Mantra is a very famous Buddhist monk's mind, and its importance is not much worse than the six-character proverbs. It is only in the hands of a few people.

Even though it was the Buddha in front of him, he was already expensive as a child, and he could not come into contact with the true Qingxin mantra.

That's the mental method that only Buddhism can qualify to touch.

"Buddha mentality, six-character proverbs, as the sun is coming, how could he have so many secrets of Buddhism at the same time." Buddhism can't figure out that these resources are not available to most Buddhist monks.

But the battle continued, Lin Lang had already rushed over at this time, his magical power bloomed, and the Buddha was blasted away.

The Buddha stepped backwards and his head shook slightly. At this moment, a white-faced Buddha came out from behind him, no matter how he looked or cultivated.

This is his dharma body.

Buddhism has a three-phase Buddha body, and it is also a very clever magical power. The Buddha body has three dharma bodies, rebirths, and incarnations. In addition to the deity, with the deepening of the enlightenment, you can also cultivate three avatars that are no different from the deity, practice together, and fight side by side.

It is somewhat similar to Daomen's Yiqi Sanqing. Today's Buddha only cultivates to the realm of dharma.

But this is also quite rare, the three-phase Buddha body is not so good to practice, even many Buddhist emperors have failed to cultivate the first realm of the three-phase Buddha body.

The Buddha is originally the Son of Heaven, and with his perfect avatar, it can be said that there are few opponents at the level of the Son.


Lin Lang and two Buddhas fought fiercely. One Buddha was holding the Jingshi bowl, and the endless Taoism was scattered. The other was holding the devil's pestle.

"Only if you can bear it, monk, you should take a break." Lin Lang snorted coldly, he was only facing two Buddhas in the sky, the slightest tribal downwind.

In this scene, most of the sons present were somewhat taken care of. They asked themselves if they changed to Lin Lang's position, they were afraid that they would have lost this time.

This is strength!

"I haven't seen it in a few months, and his practice is becoming more and more unpredictable. I'm afraid that in today's world, almost no one can beat him except Di Luotian."

Zhong Tianjiao's face was dull, and everyone was also a son, at the same starting line, and they did not want to accept such a result.

Even at this time, many people developed strong hostility in their hearts, even though Lin Lang had no injustice with them.

But Emperor Lu struggled, if they did not eradicate Di Luotian, they would live in the shadow of the two forever.

"Now Emperor Luotian has been cut off from the foundation of the Nine Emperor, and the threat has been much smaller. If Lin Youye is not there, then it is the emperor road we are fighting for." Lu Gan's eyes flickered, and a sharp flash in his eyes.

As the battle between Lin Lang and the sky continued, the minds of everyone below became more active.

Lin Lang's growth momentum is too fast, and now they can't help but ignore it. Only by eradicating the strongest opponents can we have the opportunity to compete fairly.

And in the sky.

Lin Lang and the Buddha have no hard regrets. Lin Lang has a physical body that exceeds the limit of the realm of the fairy king. The Buddha also cultivated the immortal body.

Although colliding with Lin Lang is slightly disadvantaged in the physical collision, at least for a short time, the Buddha's own body can also cause Lin Lang's troubles with his two bodies.

After thousands of strokes, the Buddha's dharma body had been smashed by Lin Lang. He fell to the ground and even stepped back hundreds of steps. Each foot stepped on a large deep pit on the ground.

"Dao Youxiu is Qitian, the little monk is ashamed of himself." The Buddha stopped his hand and no longer attacked, so he sighed in his heart.

All aspects of Lin Lang are now approaching the limits of the fairy king realm, and they are not weaker than him in singles.

Moreover, Lin Lang is proficient in various Buddhist methods and has great restraint for the Buddha. He is destined to be unable to win this battle.

"What did the young monk say?"

Lin Lang landed on the ground, which also consumes itself.

Regardless of the previous Daozi or Buddhism, they are the best pride in the world. Although he has the advantage in both games, it is also not easy to kill the two.

"The little monk's way is not good, and he will come to teach Lin Shi's high tricks later." Buddha sighed, and he turned around and rushed directly out of the sky.


"The genius of Daye Xianzong is indeed well-deserved. I am afraid that from now on, the younger generation of the four holy places will be headed by Brother Lin."

There was a chuckle suddenly in the field. Speaking to that person, naturally is a wolf flood that has been fighting for a long time.

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't think that the generation of Daye Xianzong not only produced Qi Jiuyou, but also Lin Youye, who was blue and blue.

"Even Daozi is a defeated man. This is a rare time. I remember the last time I let Daomen suffer such a big loss. It was still when Wuxin Jiandi was young."

"Daye Xianzong is really a wonderful place with great talents!"


Numerous compliments rang out around him. As for whether it was true or false, I was afraid that only they would know it.

The vast majority of people still hold Lin Lang high, making him an indirect enemy of all the goddesses.

"is it."

Defeat the Daozi first, and then defeat the Buddha. At this time, Lin Lang's momentum is very strong. He stood quietly on the spot, but it seemed to have swept to the people in front of him like a mountain and tsunami.

There was a little awe in them. Of course, this emotion is fleeting, and everyone's eyes are slightly hostile.

Lin Lang's threat was too great. If no one made the first bird, then I was afraid that they would have already shot.

"Well, if it wasn't for the Fengxian battlefield, how could everyone get together so easily, why not take this opportunity to relive the old one."

Jin Shengzi smiled, and as he opened his mouth, the scene returned to calm, but open fights were still indispensable.

In front of them, even if they have moved in private, they can still be divided into four or five small groups. It is not easy for everyone to still have a smile on their faces.


Everyone led the discussion to other aspects.

The Blood Race Saint Child looked at the glamorous fairy on the dance floor, and shook his glass while laughing: "When the fairy was once sealed for centuries, when the fairy war is over, the disciples of the Fairy Pavilion will come out and walk again."

Fairy Pavilion is one of the few forces in the fairy world. Although it is not a holy land, its status is even more transcendent than the holy land.

They recruited a large number of female disciples, and after inspecting their family backgrounds and looks, they taught melody and etiquette.

After continuous screening, those who fail to meet the standard can only die in the Fairy Pavilion for life, and in this case, almost everyone who stands out from the Fairy Pavilion is talented and beautiful.

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