Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1117: Ghost town

And on the other side.

After Lin Lang left Juling City, he had already started to contact his demon avatar on the way.

at this time.

The situation of the Devil's Doppelganger is not so bad. Although the Seven-Road Ghost Emperor has already remembered the Devil's Doppelganger, there is no danger in a short time.

As the Devil's Doppelganger speculates, the Seven-Tribulation Ghost Emperor should have taken a fancy to his blood-cultivating body, and most of the time he will shoot when the Devil-Roman Doppelganger crosses the Immortal Emperor's Tribulation.

At that time, the Devil Doppelganger was the weakest, and also had the immortal emperor's mark, which allowed the seven-robber ghost emperor to return to its peak state in the shortest time.

Devil's Doppelganger does not go through robbery, and there will not be much danger in a short time. Moreover, the movement of Devil's Doppelganger is still somewhat free.

As long as he does not leave the area of ​​the ghost king city, the seven-robber ghost emperor should not interfere with it.


The immortal emperor robbery of the magic road can not be suppressed, it is estimated that the immortal emperor robbery will be ushered in within ten years.

Other than that.

Lin Lang has another important consideration, since Yao Xi has a way to deduce some of his celestial abilities.

Then he must also hurry up and solve all his troubles in the underworld before the Princess Raksha found the Ghost Gua Master.

at this time.

Lin Lang has also set off, heading towards the direction of the ghost town.


Underworld, like the fairyland, is composed of many races, among which there are ten other royal families, such as the Yanlu and Luosha.

Among these royal families, there are powerful people who have survived the disaster of the Yuanhui. There are hundreds of thousands of races in the underworld.

Other than that.

In the underworld, the proportion of the population is the largest, then there is no more than the ghost repair of the ghost family, which is also the base of the proportion of the underworld population.

It is like the human race in the fairy world.

of course.

There are also pure ghosts and scattered spirits among the ghosts. The pure ghost family originated in a Stygian river that runs through the underworld, and is said to be connected to the Nine Nether Hell.

The scattered spirit ghost clan is the immortal world, or the underworld life is dead and not stiff, and the wandering spirit is converted to the ghost cultivation method.

of course.

The reason why ghost cultivation is rare in Immortal Realm is related to the origin of Immortal and Ming Realm. Compared to the fairy world representing the light, the unique coldness of the underworld

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