Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1158: Leave the underworld

So far, Yao Xi's life experience has been revealed.

She is the baby girl who has drifted over the Styx for tens of millions of years. She is also the baby girl born by the first generation of Rakshasa and the third messenger of the underworld. Whether it is background or identity, she is far superior to everyone in the world.

This is the truth!

Yao Xi was in a daze, a little hard to accept this fact.

Although she had long guessed that she was not the daughter of the contemporary Rakshasa emperor, she still felt that the incident had brought her a great impact.

Not only is she unable to see her parents in later generations, but also because her father personally suppressed the reincarnation empress, and now it is still unclear. As a child, she is also very difficult to accept.

"I am at the end of time, and you are at the other end of the long river of time and space, how can you see it?"

Before she knew it, a tear struck Yao Xi's cheek.

At this moment, she was utterly confused, not knowing that the water of the Styx River had spread to their feet.

At the same time, the abyss connected to the eyes of **** suddenly burst out with a terrifying swallowing force, and a huge whirlpool formed on the water, arbitrarily tearing everything nearby.

The monks on the tops of the hills were anxious, as if the end had come, even if they were the invincible high-ranking immortal emperors of the two realms, they felt a deep sense of powerlessness at this time.

When the Styx floods the top of the mountain, their death period will come!


Lin Lang shook Yao Xi's arm, the latter's small hand still held Lin Lang tightly, and it was only then that Yao Xi suddenly woke up.

"Time to go, the bone ship has arrived nearby."

Yao Xi sighed. In any case, her life experience is not a problem she can solve now.

At least, being able to learn the names of parents and relatives is already a surprise.


The two white bone boats they controlled were also approaching. This was one of the few of them, and the opportunity to leave the Styx should not be missed.

Before the many immortal emperors could react, Lin Lang and the three had already communicated with each other, joined hands and jumped down the mountain, and their footsteps hovered half a foot on the surface of the Styx River.

They are also very particular about their movements. One person leads the flight and takes the other person, so they can save more energy.

When the former cannot resist the attraction of the Styx, another person will take over, so that you can go further.

Sometimes Lin Lang felt a little ridiculous, when did he actually develop such a sense of trust with this cunning and vicious underworld demon girl.

But for now, Yao Xi is indeed more reliable than anyone. As for Taoist Cangsong, because he signed a slave contract with Lin Lang, he would die if he dared to let go.

Under the restraint of such interests, it can be regarded as an unbreakable alliance.

The many immortal emperors in the distance saw the three decisively jump off, and at this time they couldn't help but stunned: "Are these three guys looking for death?"

"The three of them can't travel tens of kilometers together, and they will eventually fall into the Styx and die."

But soon.

They are also deeply aware that they have made a very serious mistake. In the distance, with a dull sound of the dock, a bone ship came across thousands of mountains and rivers.

Lin Lang and the three people greeted the white bone boat and descended on the deck at the same time. Soon, dozens of immortal emperors' calls for help were heard in the distance.

They want Lin Lang to take them away.

Lin Lang glanced at them and left without mercy. For them, the many immortal emperors on the mountain are too strong, and they can't contain them.

If the latter had malicious intentions, they would not be able to pose a half threat to these monks. Putting yourself in danger for the sake of a favor, fools would never do this kind of thing.


The three of Lin Lang took turns driving the bone boat, slowly moving along this submerged continent. During the period, they also encountered some immortal emperors of the underworld who were alone and trapped on various mountain peaks.

Part of it was the willingness to conclude a slave contract with Lin Lang, which gave him a chance to board the ship.

As for the immortal king with low strength, he ignored it.

"Sign the slave contract, take you away, three seconds to consider the time." Lin Lang said lightly.

For these trapped immortal emperors, time is especially precious, and a slight delay will inevitably be buried in Styx. They think about life or death more clearly than anyone.

There is not much time left for them to consider, and similarly, Lin Lang will not give them too much time to consider, even if it is an extra second, he might subdue a high-level immortal emperor in the next moment.

With so many underworld monks trapped, why stick to one or two people. As for taking advantage of people's danger, there is no such thing. Lin Lang was already a great kindness to rescue them.

After all, the continent of the Netherworld will be submerged by the Styx, and many immortal emperors will be swallowed by the river and turned into dust in the long river of reincarnation.

And Lin Lang and the others will be the last Noah's Ark.

that's it.

On the only bone boat traveling on the Styx, the lineup grew stronger and stronger. In the end, a dozen high-ranking immortal emperors gathered. Although they still maintained their autonomous consciousness and ability to act, they had become Lins in a sense. Lang's servant.

The service period is 10,000 years. If these people were to be used by Lin Lang for the rest of their lives, these arrogant immortal emperors would not agree to be so happy.

The only pity is that there are fewer and fewer underworld immortal emperors trapped along the way, and the bone boat is not yet full. Otherwise, when Lin Lang leaves Styx, a huge battle force will gather around him.

This is the capital for him to start a school in the future.

The white bone boat slowly drove away from the eyes of the sea of ​​silence, and everyone looked back at the vast expanse of the continent that was completely submerged by the Styx at this time.

In the center, you can even see a huge seabed vortex, constantly releasing the water of the Styx, even if they are far apart, the bone ship is still rolling around and shaking.

Perhaps there has never been a continent there, but some are just the eyes of annihilation that swallows everything. As for Dozo? Whether it exists or not is still unknown.

The old land in the distance, even the highest point of the mountain, was covered by the Styx, and the emperors were swallowed by the Styx. I am afraid that except for their group, most of the monks have been buried on the seabed.

Tens of millions of immortal kings and immortal monks were buried in the sea eye of nirvana. Which mighty man did this?

No need to think about it, only Pluto!

For this matter, no one can grasp the handle to blame Pluto, after all, they are obsessed with wealth from beginning to end. More importantly, no one dared to really push the blame on Pluto.

of course.

Lin Lang has another guess.

That is, Pluto deliberately filled up the mainland, even forged Tao Zang, just to kill many underworld monks, the biggest goal, I am afraid, is to strengthen the channel connecting the different worlds of Styx with fresh lives.

Styx is already not at peace.

I believe that Pluto, who has lived for tens of millions of years, has long realized this.

"His Majesty Little Demon, shouldn't we be the route to return to the underworld?" One of the immortal emperors who surrendered frowned and asked.

Although they don't have a geographic map of the Styx, they can at least roughly identify the direction of return. At this time, the bone boat is completely on the opposite heading.

"If you don't return to the underworld, let's go to the immortal world."

Lin Lang said lightly.

Everyone on the boat was stunned.

They are all immortal emperors of the underworld, wouldn't they go to the immortal world to find death? How would the emperors of the fairy world tolerate their existence?

Unless they never show up for a lifetime, of course, at least looking at Lin Lang's temperament, he is definitely not a secluded person willing to be peaceful.

What's his purpose if he puts a good underworld to stay? Why did Little Demon Lord leave the foundation of the first genius in the underworld, instead of going to the hostile fairy world?

The most important thing is Yaoxi, the dignified Princess Raksha, whose status is already at the top of the underworld, why should she go to the immortal world to commit danger?

The immortal emperors of the underworld did not understand if they wanted to break their heads.

"Then you should ask about the other identity of Little Demon Venerable." Yao Xi smiled.

"His Royal Highness Little Demon still has a way to go in the immortal world?" an underworld immortal emperor asked curiously.

"His name in the Immortal Realm is Lin Youye, you should understand now." Yao Xi smiled. Obviously, from the moment Lin Lang was captured, she had guessed about Lin Lang's two clones.

Lin Lang looked at him, but found that Yao Xi was looking at him meaningfully, and he immediately understood what Yao Xi meant. He turned his head, looked at the many immortal emperors with a smile, and squinted his eyes.

"Since you have such curiosity, I am afraid that no one else will know about today's affairs except the heavenly way." Lin Lang squinted and smiled.

All the immortal emperors immediately understood, stared at Yao Xi, and dug the hole together with the two of them, just waiting for them to make the heavenly oath.

"Well, regarding the identity of the Little Demon Venerable, if I spit out half a word to others, my soul will be extinct, and God's punishment will be everywhere."

Helplessly, many immortal emperors have also made vows to heaven. These heavenly vows didn't make much sense to them. After all, even the slave contract was signed, and unless they wanted to die together, they couldn't find death by themselves.

The Styx runs through this world, and the immortal world is also in it. As long as you reach the end of the Styx, you can go to the immortal world.

Moreover, for Lin Lang, who has a geographical map of the Styx, the route has already been planned, avoiding most of the dangerous places.

But that's the case, they have also encountered several strange incidents one after another. Fortunately, there was a lot of noise, but there was not too much loss of personnel.


It is also destined to be a long journey.

Even under the control of Lin Lang, the speed of the bone ship has been driven to the maximum, comparable to that of the immortal emperor flying at full speed, and there is still a long distance from the end of the Styx.

If the distance is converted into time, everyone has traveled on the Styx for thousands of years, and at this point, they have only approached the end of the Styx.

During this period, Lin Lang also verified his guess again. There is indeed a godhead in the sea of ​​consciousness. Thousands of years have passed by, but his life span has not been reduced by half.

This also means that even if Lin Lang no longer cultivates, he is fully capable of eternally in the world, but the premise is that his divine status will not be taken away by others.

Otherwise everything is empty talk.

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