Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1178: Clan to protect!

Even now, even if the ghost emperor Napo had to bite the bullet and fight, he used to be an immortal emperor of the Seven Tribulations, and he was still a relatively powerful ghost repairer. Even if he was suppressed by Lin Lang for many years, his cultivation level was not damaged too much .

The ghost emperor Napo fought fiercely with Huang Gan's old father. At this point, Lin Lang was no longer blocked by anyone, only the Old Immortal Emperor, Huang Gan, and Chen Miaoxuan of the Golden Saints.

"Lin Youye, uniting the underworld race to attack the golden star, you are a death sin for abandoning the race." The golden saint clan old immortal emperor said compellingly, and his consciousness was firmly locked on Lin Lang.

"Don't give me such a big hat. They are my slaves from the underworld. Why don't you fight for me?"

Lin Lang looked at it with no fear at all.

The old immortal emperor of the Golden Protoss snorted coldly, and then said, "You have two sins. Fornicating in the underworld is the capital crime of the Jiu Clan. It is also a capital crime to trespass into the Golden Star."

"Grabbing my wife and marrying the gods, this is the way of doing things in the fairy world. Is this your righteousness?"

"Really a joke!" Lin Lang snorted coldly, speaking sharply, pointing to the point.

The Old Immortal Emperor of the Golden Saint Clan also snorted heavily. Lin Youye’s people are going to kill, and righteousness will also be held in his arms. He coldly said: "When will the thirteen princesses of the golden holy race marry you as your wife? The consent of the saints."

"The golden saints are so powerful."

Lin Lang looked cold, and said coldly: "Chen Miaoxuan and I were married thousands of years ago. The whole monks of Emperor Linxing are witnesses, and they have also been approved by her biological parents. So the marriage contract will not be counted by you. ."

"If you don't count, it's not up to you."

The Old Immortal Emperor of the Golden Saint Clan also said lightly: "Regardless of your previous emotional entanglements, but now, she is no longer the **** the Emperor Lin Xing. She is the thirteen princess of the Golden Saint Clan. Whoever marries is also hers. Freedom, the saints have never done half-coercion."

"Thirteen princesses, no matter how determined your race is, you are willing to marry and be your wife?"

The golden saints began to seek Chen Miaoxuan's opinions, and they had already expected what Chen Miaoxuan would say next.

In other words, they have this self-confidence, and Chen Miaoxuan will eventually reject Lin Lang, bringing today's farce to a perfect end.

At this time, the eyes of Huang Gan, the Golden Saint Clan Old Immortal Emperor, and even Lin Lang all fell on Chen Miaoxuan. In fact, Lin Lang didn't return much hope in his heart. He knew that the girl in front of him was no longer the same Chen Miaoxuan, so how could she speak for him.


Chen Miaoxuan bit her lip tightly, but her brain was blank at this time, she didn't know what to say. It's not that she was so nervous that she didn't dare to speak, but that the tranced "dreams" of last night began to haunt her again.

Although she was looking at Lin Lang and the others, the scenes she skipped were scenes from the past on Emperor Linxing, from the first meeting of the two to the wedding night.

Looking at it, teardrops gradually fell from the corner of Chen Miaoxuan's eyes. She understood that these were true, and that the personality named Chen Miaoxuan had been integrated into her soul.

Now she couldn't say what her attitude towards Lin Lang was, and wanted to refuse, but another voice in her heart choked her neck, stopped by a hysterical roar.

At the far end of the square, a young girl looked at all this with a smile, stretched out her slender right hand with two fingers, and flicked it lightly.

"If that's the case, let's add a little more material." Xi He showed a meaningful smile, and a light ball between her index finger and **** flew out gently, and the next moment it disappeared behind Chen Miaoxuan's head.


At this moment, Chen Miaoxuan's spirits suddenly trembled, and her eyes suddenly became extremely sharp. She stared at the Old Immortal Emperor of the Golden Saint Clan for a long time, and said four words in an extremely cold tone.

"I do not want to!"

The words settled, all three were shocked. Including Lin Lang did not expect that Chen Miaoxuan would reject the Golden Saint Clan Lao Xiandi and Huang Gan at this time.

The Old Immortal Emperor of the Golden Sage also stunned for a moment. The next moment he frowned and said: "What are you talking about nonsense, haven't you forgotten how you promised me before?"

He didn't understand, even if Chen Miaoxuan recovered her memory at this time, her master character would still be the princess of the golden saint family, and it would never be possible to say such a thing.

Chen Miaoxuan stepped falsely, standing in mid-air, cold and arrogant like a fairy in the ice palace, she said lightly: "Cen Bo, you brought out the Emperor Linxing, and took me to the golden saints to restore my identity, I respect you and call you Cen Bo."

"But what you did when I returned to my ancestors, I believe you know it. After today, I will not stay in the Golden Saint Clan. I owe you the cultivation resources and will double in the future."

"From then on, I have nothing to do with the Golden Saints!"

Chen Miaoxuan's tone was decisive, and between her words, she also had a lot of resentment towards the old immortal emperor of the golden saint.

Only when she knew what she saw did she see it. In the old days, she was taken back to the Golden Saint Clan and her bloodline returned to her ancestors, but in order to enable her to fully activate her bloodline and reach the perfect rival, Cen Bo even directly erased all of Chen Miaoxuan's memories.

Returning to the ancestors will indeed swallow part of the memory, but the real initiator is the uncle Cen in front of him.

This is the truth!

If it hadn't been for Xihe to transfer her consciousness back to the time when she first entered the immortal world and experience it all over again, I am afraid she would never have the opportunity to come into contact with the truth in her life.

She owes the resources of the Golden Saints and the favor of the Golden Saints, but similarly, the Golden Saints can only use her. Don't wait for such a race!

Uncle Cen's face also suddenly became gloomy. He didn't know why this happened, but things were beyond his control.

At this time, he even had a little killing intent towards Chen Miaoxuan. Yes, as long as you use the chaos to kill Chen Miaoxuan, and then put the blame on Lin Youye, no one will know the truth.

Although a genius who fully activates the blood of the saints is very rare, in his heart, the reputation of the race is greater than anything else!

At this time, Lin Lang also noticed the change in Cen Bo's mood. At the moment when the latter started his hands, Lin Lang's feet also seemed to be equipped with a huge spring.

Before Cen Bo took the shot, intercept the latter.

Boom boom boom!

One move, two moves, three moves!

Lin Langli resisted Cen Bo's three moves without letting go. But he can only do this, the opponent is a genuine Seven Tribulations Immortal Emperor, no matter what, he cannot defeat the latter.

Unless his Demon Dao clone comes, and the two are united, there may be a battle. But this is impossible. The Clone of the Demon Path is now in the Destiny Temple of the Underworld, and it has already reached a very important time and cannot come.

In other words, the Demon Dao clone is Lin Lang's last trump card, even if he falls into the Golden Saint Clan today. A few years later, the avatar of Demon Dao will bring the demon power that crushes the heavens to come and take revenge for him!

Bang bang bang!

After hundreds of moves, Lin Lang was beaten out and fell heavily in front of Chen Miaoxuan. Uncle Cen came, and Lin Lang rushed forward again boldly.

Time and time again, Lin Lang fell down one after another, but he never gave in half a minute. In this scene, Chen Miaoxuan's eyes were full of tears, and she stepped forward to help Lin Lang.

At this time, Lin Lang leaned on the Spirit Snatching Sword, stood up again, and straightened his back, as strong as a **** of war. Although I am not as good as you, it is not that simple to knock me down.

"You can't take her away."

Cen Bo's tone was hoarse.

"This is the ancestor star of the Golden Saint Clan. The immortal emperor of the clan on the stars has already rushed over to help. Even if you have great abilities, you can never leave."


As soon as Uncle Cen's sleeves were unfolded, in the other direction of Yuntai, immortal emperors from the golden holy race came one after another. Looking around, the number of immortal emperors has reached hundreds of people, and there are many high-level immortal emperors with profound cultivation.

Farther away, the fighting spirit was boiling, and there was a dense golden armor in the eyes, and there were millions of people on and off.

The city is full of golden armor!

They really didn't expect Lin Lang to have so many strong support around him, and the manpower allocated was relatively small. But as Lin Lang revealed his trump card, the Golden Saints also began to arrange them, with only one purpose.

Be sure to kill Lin Lang and the monks he is subordinate to!

Here is the ancestor star of the Golden Saint Clan. There are countless strong people, immortal emperors come out in large numbers, and countless local legions.

"The last time I saw this kind of scene, it was on the ancestor star of the Protoss. I can't imagine that today, a thousand years later, I will face the same situation in the Golden Saint."

Lin Lang laughed at himself. In his previous life, he had fallen into the Protoss Ancestor Star and was besieged by the Protoss monks, and finally had to use the power of the Immortal Sect to overthrow the Protoss Ancestor Star.

But this time, he was not the ancestor star of the **** race, but the ancestor star of the golden holy race, but it was also the great clan of the immortal realm, and the threat was not reduced.

Really fateful reincarnation!

Just at this stalemate.

In the distant sky, suddenly there was a hearty laugh.

"Who said that there are only people from the Golden Sage on the Golden Star?" The voice fell, and a group of several people fell to Lin Lang's side.

"The Three Sacred Palaces of the Immortal Realm, come to help!"

These three are the three strong immortal emperors of the Three Holy Palace, Fuxi God of War, Shennong, and Sui Ren. Xuanyuan also flew out from the crowd in the square, standing firmly in front of Lin Lang.

A group of four people, although there were only four Elementary Immortal Emperors, they did their best and contributed to Lin Lang. As for whether they can leave safely, it is no longer important.

"Why do you bother?" Lin Lang smiled bitterly. Although there are four immortal emperors in the Sansheng Palace, they will not have much impact on the situation at this time. On the contrary, there is not much difference between them and sending them to death.

"Even if your strength today is stronger than ours, we can't give much help, but the people of Emperor Linxing must protect it." The God of War Fuxi smiled gently.

To protect!

Just two words, but the attitude is fully expressed. No matter what the ending today is, they must stand up, whether it is to repay Lin Lang's kindness in rescuing the Three Sacred Palace, or the friendship of the family.

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