Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1222: Two Worlds Styx

"Blood of all souls, sacrifice to reincarnation!"

An exquisite dagger appeared on the cuff of the Empress of Samsara. With a light stroke in her hand, countless crystal beads of blood were thrown down all around.

Drops of hot emperor blood, like magma, fell on the ground and corroded big holes with no bottom.

at the same time.

Jade bottles floated around the body of the Empress of Samsara, yingying suspended in the air. In the next moment, countless jade bottles burst as if swept by a gust of wind.

It rained blood in the sky!

That is the blood of all souls.

Part of it fell on the altar. In an instant, the blood of the twenty-six altars filled with blood, and various strange visions appeared faintly.

Zu Peng swallows the sky, the demon is here!

In the altar, phantoms of ancient alien beasts flashed out, as if they had really come to life, they tried to climb outside the altar.


This altar is like a dead prison, no matter how hard these alien beasts struggle, they can only turn into a totem imprinted on the altar.

The blood of all spirits is a treasure collected by the underworld for countless years. From the ancient Kunpeng to the demon emperor and demon descendant, basically there are all races that can be counted in the universe.

The space suddenly became extremely depressed, the blood of all spirits acting on the altar, the exquisite totem quickly turned into a densely packed spell, more like a piece of paper, firmly pasted on the two barriers.


The female emperor reincarnation opened her lips and teeth lightly, and countless runes seemed to be timed explosives. The power burst out in an instant, tearing the already shaky two barriers into a huge gap.

At this time, the Empress of Samsara quietly looked behind her, but she couldn't see Pluto, and she was a little disappointed in her heart. She originally thought that Pluto would show up after breaking through two barriers.


Jade Raksha did not make a move either.

"Really tolerable!"

Lin Lang sneered in his heart, although he was on guard, but he did not focus too much attention on Jade Raksha, lest the latter be on guard.

And this time.

The Empress of Samsara has begun to connect the two worlds of Styx, another piece of cosmic space, the sky is like a galaxy, and the stars of light shine into the center of the universe.

As far as the eye can see, a big river rushes forward, that is the Styx in another world!

"Connect Styx, in one fell swoop."

The Empress of Samsara did not dare to neglect, she concentrated all her mind on the two Styxes, trying to complete the docking in one breath.

It can be seen.

Even she seemed to be particularly struggling. The other Styx carried the cycle of several cosmic spaces and even more cosmic spaces, and the Styx at the center of the universe should not be underestimated.

She is equivalent to one person bearing the power that a few great emperors can do. How easy is it to say? Drops of sweat dripped from her forehead, and her face became extremely red.

At this time, she couldn't be distracted, and could only tie her security to Lin Lang. Seeing the two Styxes keep approaching and finally merge together.

Pluto did not show up, and Jade Raksha still did not make a move.

"Merge Styx!"

The Empress of Reincarnation exhausted all her strength, and the two Styxes that were still struggling like giant dragons finally came into contact.


The true spirits contained in the Styx finally docked together, and it can be seen that the true spirits in the center of the universe are flowing into another cosmic space.

The two worlds of Styx finally merged together.

At this moment, the fierce aspect of Jade Raksha was revealed, and a long fork was transformed into his hand, like a ghost, stab at the female emperor of Samsara.

The Empress of Samsara turned back, just realizing the danger but it was too late, she could only watch the steel fork approach the door.

"That's it."

At this time, there was a sneer from the side of the Empress of Samsara, a white palm pressed the long fork, and then a huge force threw the Jade Raksha away.

The long fork hovered in the air a few times, and Jade Luosha also took this opportunity to stabilize his figure, took the long fork in his hands, and looked at the two peacefully.

"Unexpectedly, you turned out to be the one who broke the big deal in the end." Without any expression on Jade Luosha's face, he said: "When did you find me?"

"From the first time I saw you, I began to doubt it." Lin Lang smiled slightly, but it was impossible to explain that he was a visitor from later generations who had read Shiji.

"Jade Raksha, you'd better explain to me what's going on." The Empress of Samsara's face sank, but there was no sadness or anger of being betrayed.

"Xin'er, do I still need to explain it to you?" Jade Raksha smiled, still showing his graceful appearance: "You use my ancestral power to improve your cultivation, and what I want is the power of reincarnation in your body. Take each of them. That's all it takes."

"What's more, Pluto is my loyal ally all the time."

The voice fell.

Pluto walked out of the shadow behind the Jade Raksha with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Junior sister, you should understand now, this world is filthy and unpredictable, and the underworld can't teach you. Brother, I will teach you."

With a few words, Lin Lang probably also understood the general context of the matter. What made him a little surprised was that the love between the Empress of Samsara and the Jade Raksha was not true.

What the Empress of Reincarnation wants is the ancestral power of Jade Raksha, what is ancestral power? It is the first creature born of a certain race, and it will contain the purest power.

But now it doesn't matter anymore. Since Pluto chooses to show up, he is ready for a big battle.

"But brother, you seem to have forgotten one thing." The Empress of Reincarnation said lightly: "If you plan to take action when I connect the two worlds of Styx, I can't help you, and my plan this time will probably be interrupted."

"But now the two worlds of Styx are connected, even you, I am afraid there is no way to destroy it."


Pluto smiled, and said, "How do you know, Junior Sister, I didn't do it deliberately. What if I wanted you to get through the Styx from the beginning?"

The Empress of Reincarnation frowned, but saw that the next moment Hades took a step forward. The Styx, which was already under her control, turned up at this moment, and the true spirits turned their heads from the bottom of the river, staring at the Empress of Reincarnation strangely. .

"My power is losing...How could this be?" The Empress of Samsara was filled with incredible belief. He had clearly controlled the power of the Styx, and the palace lord of the underground palace should teach more advanced methods!

As soon as Pluto showed up, he took the power of Styx from him. This is impossible!

"Junior sister, now you should know why I said that the palace lord of the underground palace is a mediocre person." Pluto laughed and said: "His reincarnation is not complete. What he established is the reincarnation of the common people, but what I established is the six reincarnations of the common people. ."

"I can counter him because of the flaws in his avenue. The reincarnation I created is the most perfect. In this regard, he will never match me!"

"But you can't take back this power for the time being." After a brief astonishment, the Empress of Samsara also woke up.

The two worlds of Styx communicate with each other, which can only mean that the reincarnation in the center of the universe cannot be controlled by the reincarnation empress, but she can mobilize the power of reincarnation in another cosmic space.

And Pluto just took back a part of himself.

She still has the power to fight!

"Why should I take it back?" Pluto walked in the air, his face full of comfort, and said leisurely: "My six powers will follow the Styx you connect to spread to other universes. This kind of good thing to increase cultivation, why do I To object."

The pupils of the Empress of Samsara shrink slightly.

She finally understood why Pluto would make a move at the last minute to connect her to the perfect Styx.

That's because Hades has greater ambitions, and wants to gradually devour the hard work of the Palace Lord of the Underworld through the Styx connected to her!

She was calculating Pluto, but she didn't know that Pluto had already counted the palace lord of the palace, just waiting for her to get into the trap.

But how can that be.

Pluto is controlled by Pluto because of the part of Samsara that the Samsara Empress does not control, and what Pluto cannot control is the power of Samsara that the Samsara Empress can mobilize from other universes.

For the same increase, Pluto did not find any benefits, even to a certain extent, the combat power of the Empress of Samsara was even better at this time.

Naturally, there is no nonsense to talk about next, the two sides are clearly aligned, and the reincarnation empress decisively takes action, intending to eradicate Pluto as soon as possible.

Jade Rakshasa wanted to participate in the war, but was stopped by Lin Lang.

"Your opponent is me." Lin Lang smiled slightly. At this time, the Empress of Samsara was able to lock the battle, and he was not in a hurry to reveal her hole cards.

The Jade Rakshasa who can fight against the great emperor in later generations is certainly very strong, but at this time he has not yet achieved success, only barely reaching the great emperor level combat power.

The battle between the Empress of Reincarnation and Pluto can really control the battle. Of course, if the two of Lin Lang decide the battle ahead of time, it may also affect the direction of the battle.

at this time.

The entire Styx has already turned into a terrifying battlefield, and the Pluto controls the Styx, like a long whip, smashing at the reincarnation empress.

The power of the Empress of Reincarnation tends to be soft, not so strong in appreciation, but soft and biting, quietly killing people, she is talking about people like her.

It can be seen that even if the Pluto's combat power is sufficiently domineering, it is still far inferior to the reincarnation empress who has received several cosmic blessings, being forced to retreat infinitely.

at this time.

The third group of forces that are enough to determine the direction of the battle has arrived, and that is the undead legion led by the reincarnation empress. The so-called undead legion is nothing more than a group of people from the local government with a long life.

Underworld monks have a longer lifespan in comparison, and each is a carefully selected genius, and the combat power of several of them is already close to the edge of the Great Emperor's realm.

For example, the black-robed man who escaped from the iceberg in later generations can escape a life from the next generation of Pluto, which shows his proud strength.

And this gap was particularly obvious in ancient times.

The monks belonging to this group of undead legions participated in the battle, and the battle situation on the side of Pluto took a sharp turn, but this was also within Pluto's expectation.

At this moment, countless figures flashed across the sky. These people were all monks of Emperor Linxing and had a good relationship with the Pluto.

after all.

Before the full rise of the Nine Emperors, Pluto was already a super power with great emperor-level strength. After so many years of painstaking efforts, Pluto has already enlisted a large number of local monks.

Many of them have been blessed by Pluto. The other part is purely personal, grateful for Pluto's help.

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