Daye Xianzong's group soon set off again and arrived near the former site of Ye Xuanzong.

With the recovery of Di Lin Xing, coupled with the background that Lin Lang left before leaving the lower realm, the Ye Xuan Sect has now become Di Lin Xing's 10,000-year sect.

At least before this group of smugglers arrived, Ye Xuanzong was already a giant. Even today, the influence far exceeds the other forces on the Emperor Linxing.

And today's Xuan Xuanzong, most of them are not people, and most of the people currently sitting in Xuan Xuanzong are rising stars who have risen within ten thousand years.

The former sect master, Wang Yinxiang, has retired and has become one of the foundations of this Wanzai Sect.

"Enemy attack!"

When the monks of Ye Xuanzong saw a huge flying boat descending, they immediately sounded the alarm gate on the top of the mountain, and countless masters acted and faced this flying boat like an enemy.

The master of Ye Xuanzong is a monk named Ye Gusu. This person is a land that Wang Yinxiang has collected in two thousand years. He has good qualifications and has now successfully promoted to the realm of the fairy king.

He also led the team, leading a group of Ye Xuanzong masters staring at the huge flying boat under the sect with full alertness.

"Such a big flying boat can hold at least hundreds of thousands of monks, and such a group of people will cross the border with troops, I am afraid that the visitors will be bad."

Ye Gusu's face was slightly dark, and said: "Let's take a look at the origin of this group of people. If there are not many people, there is still the power to fight."

Today's Ye Xuanzong is not what it used to be. There are one or two immortal king masters, and there are about 20 true immortal-level cultivators, and they are not small in the lower realm.

If there are not too many masters on this flying boat, Ye Xuanzong may not be able to fight. Under the gaze of many Ye Xuanzong masters, a young disciple quickly walked out of Feizhou.

"The fairy king!"

Ye Gusu's pupils shrank slightly, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart, but immediately afterwards, a dozen monks walked down from the flying boat, all of whom were disciples of the realm of the Great Yexianzong.

However, the flow of people continued at the slightest, one, ten, hundreds, or thousands. In the end, Ye Gusu was a little numb.

"Who is this group of people?" Ye Gusu's breathing became heavier and heavier, and the steady stream of strong men walked off the flying boat, which suffocated him.

"No! You see those two people are like our two Deputy Sect Masters, Ye Xuanzong."

"It is indeed very similar. The ancestral ancestral hall has enshrined many statues of the sages of the Yexuan sect, and the faces are very similar to the two in front of them."

"What is the similarity? That is clearly Deputy Sect Master Han and Deputy Sect Master Zhao! Not only them, but also the second generation of Sect Master, Sect Master Sun Yishan..."

"It's seniors, they are back!"

There was an exclamation in the crowd, and Ye Gusu's expression quickly turned from sadness to ecstasy. With the return of these Ascended Ye Xuanzong, doesn't it mean that the Great Ye Xianzong will no longer have to act exclusively?

"That's... Ye Xuanzong founder of the mountain!" Ye Gusu widened his eyes and looked at the figure standing on the deck. He couldn't think that the legendary power who founded the Great Yexianzong would return at this moment.


With the return of Lin Lang and others, coupled with the masters of Big Ye Xianzong, the defects of Ye Xuanzong became more and more obvious.

After all, the Big Ye Xianzong in the fairy world occupies an independent world as the sect. Although the Ye Xuanzong in front of him has been expanded, it still looks so small. On average, everyone can only be assigned to an ordinary aura of the cave.

For a moment, the big Ye Xianzong disciples in Ye Xuan's clan complained. In addition, when the head of the lower realm Ye Xuanzong heard that the Ye Xuanzong would be merged into the Great Yexianzong, there were also many voices of opposition.

But these are not important.

The most urgent thing is to find a place for these Da Ye Xianzong disciples. And expansion is undoubtedly the best choice.

Although there are many smugglers in the Lower Realm, there are very few real local powerhouses, and it is a good choice to send these Big Leaf Immortal Sect disciples out to open up their territory.

of course.

A group of senior officials of Daye Xianzong also strictly ordered their disciples not to use the name of Daye Xianzong to dominate and bully men and women.

In the first month.

Daye Immortal Sect occupies several million li of the surrounding territory, of which more than half of the cave heaven and blessed land are in the bag. After half a year, Fengyutang was destroyed.

Although this great power was established by immigrants from the Immortal Realm, it did not have too many powerful monks in general. At best, a few immortal emperors were far from the opponent of Big Leaf Immortal Sect.

Not to mention that Big Leaf Immortal Sect has hundreds of immortal emperors, even if Lin Lang's name is alone, it is enough to overwhelm the major forces.

Including the Protoss who had always been arrogant in the past, at this time they chose to avoid the edge and try to avoid conflicts with Daye Immortal Sect.

Now in the Lower Realm, Daye Immortal Sect is the teacher of the tiger and wolf, and has the strength to compete in the world. Of course, Lin Lang didn't have the idea of ​​unifying Emperor Linxing.

Such an ancient star has too many legends and myths. At the very least, there are the resurgents of the nine emperors in the famous mountains. It is in a troubled time, and Lin Lang does not want to make many enemies.

A year later, Daye Immortal Sect stopped expanding, and more than half of the land in the East Asia area of ​​Dilinxing was covered with the footprints of Daye Immortal Sect disciples.

In this process, the two disciples have been allocated enough benefits, and the contradictions have gradually resolved in the mutual running-in. Of course, the biggest drawback is also manifested at this time.

There are many masters in Big Leaf Immortal Sect, it is hard not to be proud of being born in the lower realm, and there have been several vicious incidents of bullying men and women.

The Big Leaf Immortal Sect is only higher in average quality than other races, but each of the disciples and elders has different ideas, good and bad, and it is difficult to restrain everyone at the same time.

Most of the disciples who caused trouble were punished by the sect. Even so, the re-integrated Daye Immortal Sect also clashed with the forces on the Emperor Linxing.


This day.

A disciple came to report, with a wedding invitation in his hand. The disciple briefly described that it turned out to be Mo Bingzhu's wedding and sent an invitation card to Lin Lang.

Mo Bingzhu himself has a deep connection with Lin Lang. As the "housekeeper" of Ye Xuanzong, he has taken care of Lin Lang's domestic needs for a long time.

Including that before Lin Lang's rise, the Jiuyue Company, which the two founded together, was also handed over to the latter by Lin Lang, the shopkeeper. It is said that it was also a Fortune 500 company.

Even though Mo Bingzhu is now embarking on a career as an immortal, he no longer cares about those common company matters, but as an old friend, he still wants Lin Lang's blessing.


Now that Lin Lang is in a high position, it is not certain whether he will care about her little person.

Lin Lang didn't procrastinate. In fact, he broke contact with these old friends since he left the common world. After a flash, he hadn't seen it for seven thousand years.

"Answer a letter for me, I will be there at that time." Lin Lang smiled slightly. He also intends to take this opportunity to chat with his friends in the past. When everything is settled, he should also prepare for the upcoming event. Fairy fate.

I believe that as this news spreads, his friends in the past will basically hear the news.

On the day of Mo Bingzhu's wedding, the sky was covered by auspicious clouds and Cailuan was flying. When Lin Lang descended, all the guests were shocked. After all, as the head of the Big Leaf Immortal Sect, Lin Lang personally attended the gift, which is the supreme honor for anyone.

As the bride, Mo Bingzhu personally greeted him, and even prepared a wonderful seat for Lin Lang. It's just that the glamorous female president back then is now in middle age.

Even though the body is plump and charming, she is no longer the pretty girl of the past. Even if Lin Lang once bestowed Mo Bingzhu's Moon Sect's cultivation techniques, even if she had good aptitude...

"Sect Master Lin, please!"


Lin Lang hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Today is a big day for you two newcomers. How can I be the first to take the first place with my parents."

"Where is Mo Lao?"

Lin Lang smiled, but hadn't seen this kind old man for many years.

Hearing this, Mo Bingzhu's face also dimmed, and said: "Grandfather, his old man has passed away. If the Sect Master is interested, you can go to the tomb of Ye Xuanzong to see the tablet of his old man when he is not busy in the future."

Lin Lang was taken aback.

Only then did he realize that it has been 10,000 years since he left! For him, ten thousand years is just a fraction of his years to come.

But for ordinary people, it is enough for them to pass on for generations.

Lin Lang was somewhat silent.

Other guests on the side interrupted quickly and said with a smile: "Since Sect Master Lin is here for the two newcomers, why not come on stage and send the best wishes to the two newcomers."

"Sect Master Lin, come on stage and say a few words!"

Then many people started booing.

Lin Lang was not embarrassed. He quickly stepped onto the stage and said his blessings to the two of them. As for the wedding banquet, Lin Lang also met many old friends.

It's just that most of these people are already old, even if there is a trace of old feelings in their hearts, they dare not show it in front of Lin Lang, they are very cautious.

If they were just the former Sect Master Ye Xuan, they might still be able to chat with their old friendships, but they were sitting in front of them by the master of the Great Ye Xianzong.

One is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

The identities of the two parties are no longer at the same level, and even the best relationship will give rise to strangeness. Just like Mo Bingzhu, even if he had a good relationship with Lin Lang back then, but nowadays a wedding invitation has to test Lin Lang's attitude.

This is the biggest change.

Perhaps this kind of change will gradually become more prominent over time. But the greater possibility is that as Lin Lang's cultivation deepens, his friends and partners will slowly leave his life.

Not everyone, like Lin Lang, has a godhead, and has nearly endless lifespan.

Of these friends around him, many of them have reached the end of the immortal king realm. Even with his help to break through to the realm of Emperor Immortal, it would only be tens of thousands of years.

Even though they were talented, Han Zilong and others could only accompany him for nine Yuanhui at most.

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