Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1245: Zhan Chidi

There is only one possibility to make a half-step Eleven Calamity existence so gaffe.

God Slaughter Emperor Zun has already broken through the calamity of the Eleventh Replenishment Society, leaving the monks of the same generation far behind, including the other eight great emperors, which is already unforgettable.

If Hongmeng hadn't been born by chance, I'm afraid no one would have known that Emperor Slaughter God had unknowingly promoted to this unprecedented realm before this universe.

of course.

Perhaps Lin Lang will be clearer. After all, the last time the two met, Emperor Slaughter God had already confided that he had repeatedly confronted the first generation envoy of the underworld, that is, the big disciple of the underworld.

That existence is the existence that has survived the catastrophe of the eleventh Yuanhui. The original words of Emperor Slaughter God at that time were: "Except for the palace lord of the underground palace, no one can be his opponent in this world."

And this one naturally also includes the first messengers of the Hades.


The fierce battle on the Lord Slaughter God will not be mentioned for the time being. On the other side, the Zulong Zufeng swept all the enemies and has forced the Heavenly Emperor Zhou to the second echelon.

Taking advantage of this gap, Zu Feng separated a ray of divine consciousness, trying to secretly intercept the opportunity of innate humility. However, when the Red Emperor noticed it, a flame burst out, burning Zufeng's divine sense completely.

At this time, the Chi Emperor turned into an undead flamingo, leaning forward and rushing towards the Grand Purple Ding. The emperor Yunluo's head was slammed by the unquenchable violent thunder, and the undead flamingo flew away, while the other palm of his hand was towards the Magnificent Ziding.


A palm on the other side of the Ziding firmly grasped the edge of the Ziding, and the accompanying road roared continuously, and the power of reincarnation surged out, making Emperor Yunluo tottering at this moment.

next moment.

A flash of sword light flashed across Emperor Yunluo's body. He also reacted quickly. He released the purple cauldron in his hand and flashed aside, otherwise the sword would be enough to hurt him.

"God begging, you are still the same. Compared to your title of emperor, you should be called a ruthless killer." Emperor Yunluo snorted coldly.

Sword Emperor Tianqi with a black robe and three swords on his back smiled indifferently, and said: "From beginning to end, I am just a swordsman. The title of Nine Emperors does not mean anything to me."

the other side.

Di Luotian also stepped forward from not far away. He clasped his fists slightly and said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, after tens of millions of years, everyone is still the same."

Tianqi Sword Emperor glanced at him and said, "But you are different. You have become younger, and you don't need to face the pressure of eternal catastrophe in a short time."

"From this point of view, I envy you."

Which of the great emperors is not the arrogant generation, has achieved the extreme in their respective fields, allowing them to sincerely admire a person, showing that the other party is indeed extraordinary.

Just like Emperor Luo Tian back then, he dared to gamble on the one-in-a-million chance that he would rather give up the emperor's cultivation base and try to enter reincarnation.

And the facts proved that his choice was correct!

With the qualifications of the emperor, he re-trained for the first life, and through the understanding of the thoughts of this life, he merged the memories of the two lifes into one, and successively created many powerful techniques and supernatural powers.

If talking about the potential in the future, Di Luotian is definitely greater than anyone, and perhaps the most hopeful existence to successfully overcome the catastrophe of the Eleventh Yuanhui.

"It's just that your current cultivation time is short, and you have lost the Taoist tree. How can you compete with me?" Emperor Yunluo also smiled coldly and said: "Compared with this, you should compete in the second echelon."

What he said is true.

Di Luotian rebirth is equivalent to abandoning the Tao tree of the previous life. Although Tao fruit still exists, it is no longer invincible. This situation is somewhat similar to the Heart Eater Demon Lord, the difference is that Di Luotian has a better foundation and a more complete body.

At this moment, there was no other person near the Ziding Ding. The three of them were facing each other as horns. But following the battlefield not far away, Yan Sheng's fingers popped up a fierce ancestral fire to attack Emperor Yunluo, directly disrupting the rhythm of the battlefield.

Yan Sheng didn't want to see the three people confronting each other. If they negotiated with each other and shared the innate aura together, what happened to them in the end?

It was this ancestral fire that made the Di Luotian in front of him and Tianqi Sword Sovereign join forces to attack Emperor Yunluo.

the other side.

Tiandi Zhou was very suffocated by Zulong Zufeng's suppression. At this time, his steps moved and brought these two great abilities to the center of the battlefield. Zufeng attacked Di Luotian and attracted a strong counterattack.

Demon Master Kunpeng also took advantage of this opportunity to touch the vicinity of Hongmeng Ziqi, and was about to probe his hand, but was besieged by several powerful men, vomiting blood repeatedly.

A chaotic war has started again!

As soon as Lin Lang arrived on the battlefield, he found this suffocating scene before him. A group of true emperors confronted each other, and the powerful wave of supernatural power swept the heavens, sinking the stars.

That's right.

At this time, the star field where the Emperor Lin star was located had been destroyed in a large area, and the stars outside had been shattered into dust under the weight of the great emperors.

This means that Emperor Linxing has the shelter of four great emperors, otherwise this ancient star will be overthrown.

Lin Lang killed close, even if he was reluctant, he was involved in this battle. His opponent was the Chi Emperor who flew from a distance. As the only enlightened phoenix in the world, Chi Emperor was really powerful.

In the frontal battle, even if Lin Lang no longer kept his hands, he could barely make a tie with the Red Emperor. This is the real emperor, but it is not comparable to that of the Golden Ancestors.

Zhanxian and pseudoxian seem to be similar, but in fact, they know the gap between them when they really fight. Even if this gap is already small to the extreme, it is particularly important in the process of life and death.

The Red Emperor turned into an immortal bird, breathing flames, a pair of feathered wings flashing in the air, scorching flames covering the world. Lin Lang didn't have any fear on his face either, and he started Zihuo. At this time, Zihuo was like a greedy wolf hungry for a long time, devouring the undead fire.

Undead Fire is also one of the few high-level flames in the world, and it has a great effect on Zihuo. It's just that the horror of the undead sacred fire, even if Zi Huo has been swallowed for a long time, it can't bear it.

Zihuo is one of the sources of fire, but not the only one. The Immortal Fire is also one of the sub-fires, and more importantly, the Immortal Fire has evolved its mind.

This is the Chidi today!

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