Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1253: catastrophe?

Zu Huang went straight to Lin Lang, but he seemed to realize something suddenly, stopped, looked at Lin Lang with satisfaction, and said twice: "Yes, not bad!"

"It's a good idea to enter the Dao with a catastrophe, and to destroy a catastrophe with a catastrophe. It seems that you are the one I am waiting for."

He looked at Zu Qi, who was close at hand, and couldn't help sighing: "Since the predecessor can only talk to me in the long river of time and space, he must be dead."

"But because of the catastrophe?"

Cultivating to the realm of Lin Lang, the Great Destruction Tribulation is no longer a secret. He knew very well that countless brilliant civilizations had been born before their era, and they had experienced countless cosmic epochs.

And the great destruction is the cause of each cosmic era. But what he was puzzled was that Zu Hao was clearly a figure of immortality and had successfully survived an unknown number of devastation.

Why did it fall again?

Who killed him? Is it a great ruin? If Zu Hang still existed in the world, it would be impossible to talk to Lin Lang by crossing the long river of time and space.

"If I want to, I can come to your world at any time." Zu Hao said lightly, the two of them were half a foot apart, but they never broke this limit.

It's not uncommon for him to have this kind of ability. Even Xihe can carry Lin Lang back in time. What can't Zu Huang as an immortal do?

"Behind me is the Great Destruction Tribulation. If it comes to your universe, it will trigger the Great Destruction Tribulation in advance, and no one can survive."

Lin Lang thoughtfully.

"Is there a way to avoid the catastrophe?"

Zu Hao looked at Lin Lang with a complex expression. He raised his head and pointed at the sky, then shook his head and returned to the high platform.

"I am robbed by my body, and I will find the way to the end. Cultivating the way of immortality, walking against the sky. After all the sails, fighting against the sky, what is the meaning of being a person of long life?"

"Funny! Funny!"

In the empty hall, Zu Qi was full of self-deprecating voices, and the vision in front of Lin Lang's eyes gradually faded away, and then disappeared.

When his consciousness returned, the two gods in his mind had completely merged. It was not the power of the godhead that brought him back to the different space, but the weirdness of Hongmeng Purple Qi and Innate Chaos Qi.

Chaos and Hongmeng enlightenment, that is the way to become an immortal by Zu Qi, so once later generations gather the two energies in one, it will touch the immortal Dao represented by Zu Qi.

This principle is equivalent to Lin Lang's Tribulation Dao cultivation. Part of the calamity of the person who crossed the robbery will be passed on to him.

"Since the two Yuanshi auras can touch the mark of Zu Hao, doesn't it mean that I am not the only one who can talk to the immortal?"

In order to verify the guess, Lin Lang found Dao Ancestor and got the same answer.

The only difference is that Lin Lang talked with Zu Hao to obtain some secrets, while others only watched Zu Hao's figure from a distance and got a few words from the latter.

But even so, Zu Hao's advice to every latecomer has also benefited them a lot, and their strength has been greatly improved.

Speaking of this, Taoist ancestor was even more excited, dancing with excitement: "I can't imagine that I can see the master again in my lifetime..."


Lin Lang smiled and said, "It seems that Senior Dao Ancestor also has many secrets that he hasn't told."

Dao Ancestor also withdrew from the excitement. He looked at Lin Lang and said: "Big brother didn't tell you our origin?"

"That's it. The origins of the four people I waited for are not unspeakable secrets. It doesn't hurt to tell you a little..."


Dao Zu talked about the chance of the four of their brothers. As Lin Lang expected, Hongmeng Sanren, Daozu and others were indeed not creatures in this world.

They come from the sky above the head, which is the space where the fairy palace is located. There was a small world in its own right, and the scope was not particularly large, which was equivalent to the sum of the entire territory of the current Emperor Linxing.

There is a sect there, and the ancestor who opened the mountain is Zu Hao, but the latter has not stayed in the fairy palace since he opened the sect.

There are no disciples and masters in the sect. There are only disciples, elders and other positions. All monks who are qualified to enter the sect will worship a statue of Zu Huang engraved with countless cultivation methods, and Zu Qi is the master.

in other words.

Hongmeng Sanren and the other four are not the true biography of Zu Huang, and they can also be called self-styled wild roads. But the people in the sect believe that there is no other person in the world that is more qualified to teach the Tao of Immortality than Zu Hao.

They have lived in the world for a long time, but the fairy palace is a self-proclaimed space. There is no catastrophe in the world, and many immortal cultivators can exist forever.

The Hongmeng Sanren and the other four are also among the best, the Hongmeng Sanren as the big brother, and the remaining hundreds of thousands of disciples.

Because of the inability to inspire Heavenly Tribulation, even if they have cultivated for a long time, their strength is only to dominate the realm.

"The fairy palace can protect survival, but for the people inside, it's not a cage to restrain themselves." Lin Lang sighed.

In the eyes of all sentient beings, the fairy palace may be a paradise on earth, without suffering from the tribulation. But for a truly powerful person, it is nothing at all.

Later generations only need to dispatch a great emperor, and it is not difficult to destroy all the creatures in the fairy palace. If it weren't for the future generations to be unable to find the trace of the fairy palace, I'm afraid someone would have rushed in and made himself a king.

"Yeah. We only understood this truth later. At that time, why didn't we sit in the well and watch the sky."

There were only a dozen Yuanhui in this fairy palace world, and as a catastrophe came, all the creatures in the fairy palace were killed and wounded.

The demons found the position of the fairy palace, came out from the nest, and attacked the fairy palace. Lin Lang was very aware of the power of the Demon Race in the last cosmic era, with hundreds of Demon Race Great Emperors. Wouldn't it be easy to destroy a group of monks with the highest combat power and only dominator?


The duration of this invasion war was far longer than Lin Lang imagined. There are not only weak younger monks in the fairy palace, but also super strong men who are far from them.

They came from the last Yuanhui, the creatures that Zu Qi had once protected. Especially one of them, the Sect Master of Xianzong, and the only personally-passed disciple of Zu Hao, Beiluo, is outrageously powerful.

He killed eight great emperors of the Demon Race by himself, and finally fought with the first demon general under the seat of Yuanshi Demon Emperor. The two of them went away and never appeared again.

Such a battle, even if the immortal palace creatures go forward and succeed, and there are experts from the previous universe to help out, facing the powerful demons that are in the sky, in the final analysis, it is nothing more than a meaningless defeat.

The fall of the fairy palace, all of them belong to the hands of the demons.

Hongmeng and the other four, as the survivors of promotion, also represent the only hope of the immortal palace creatures to find opportunities in the lower realm.

This is the origin of the four human detachments. This is why the Hongmeng Sanren once said that Lin Lang was the last group of humans.

Lin Lang is not the last of all human beings, but the only human being with the blood of the upper realm.

"The demons fight for the sky, and the fairy palace is destroyed."

Lin Lang's mind was very heavy, and his understanding of the demons was limited to historical records and some speculated information.

It is impossible to imagine how strong the real Demon Race is. Take Beiluo as an example, it should have been an existence that has survived the catastrophe of the Eleventh Yuanhui, but the First Demon General can compete with it.

How strong should the Yuanshi Devil Emperor be?

Even if it is not a fairy, I am afraid it is a near fairy!

This is just a fairy palace. Who knows how many demons still exist in the current universe?

But they must exist.

For example, the chain bridge suppressed by the Supreme Immortal Venerable is actually connected to the Demon Race space, but no one knows whether it is the base camp of the Demon Race!

The demons in the universe are too low-key. Even in the ancient times, when the Nine Emperors were still there, they were probably just a little trouble.

Tens of millions of years later, God knows how terrifying power this unacceptable race has accumulated!

And once the demons in the lower realm of the Immortal Palace, a battle that spreads across the entire universe will break out completely. When this catastrophe comes, with the current strength of the tens of thousands of people, the odds of winning are slim.

On this day, Lin Lang could fully expect that it was not far away. The opening of the fairy palace may be the beginning of the catastrophe...


The Hongmeng chance is over.

This extraordinary opportunity, which had been brewing for tens of millions of years, was finally divided up by the heroes of the world. After this battle, nearly five of the fallen Great Emperor-class fighters were completely removed from history.

Some people get the chance, some end sadly.

In the old days, the nine emperors are now only eight.

There is no news about the Chi Emperor. It is said that some people in the West heard the wailing of the undead bird, but when they arrived on the battlefield, there was nothing more than a dying star field and a scorched world.

Life or death is unknown.

Along with the rise together, there is also the name of Lin Youye, who severely inflicted the Red Emperor with his own strength and was able to shake the throne of the Great Emperor, so he became famous in the first battle.

Respected by the monks in the world as Jietianjun.

In this era when all emperors came together, the appearance of Lin Lang was definitely a booster for future monks. The emperor is not necessarily invincible, and it is equally possible to be killed in front of some peerless strong.

For this era where geniuses coexist, every genius has seen unlimited possibilities. In the future, it is not certain who will reach the top of the world!

And with the closing of Hongmeng's chance, the powerful group of Nine Emperors quickly retired. They survived for too long, and walking in the world for a long time might attract the attention of Heaven.

Their eyes are on the fairy palace, and they hide and wait for the fairy palace to open. That is the ultimate goal of all of them. But what they don't know is that the opening of the fairy palace may not be a chance, but a catastrophe for all beings in the universe.

Lin Lang didn't want to see these great emperors either, for the sake of an illusory opportunity to become a fairy, he gave away the lives of the heavenly beings in vain.

Therefore, it was also from the hands of Daye Immortal Sect that began to spread speculations about the opening of the fairy palace to all walks of the universe.

The opening of the fairy palace, is it a change or a catastrophe?

This topic quickly attracted the attention of the majority of monks. According to rumors, the immortal palace was not inhabited by immortals, but demon heads who slaughtered sentient beings. Opening the immortal palace would not be able to obtain any chance, but would release demons and change. Into the disaster of common people.

Even three human detachments came forward to respond.

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